Friday, September 11, 2009

Almind church / Almind kirke, Lysgård herred, Viborg amt.

Almind Church, 5 km southest of Viborg
Almind sogn, Lysgård herred, Viborg amt

The church in Almind has a Romanesque apse, choir and nave and a late Gothic tower to the west The porch to the south was broken down. The original section is built in exquisite well-carved granite ashlars, except under the nave's western third, which might be an extension. The original eastern window of the apse and the northern of the choir have various shaped monolit cover stones. In the north window of the nave is an original wooden window frame with carved round curved light-opening. The two doors of the nave have quart-round pillars carved in the frame stones, corner knots with the plinth, capitals and smooth tympanums etc. In several ashlars are deepened figures and one with a projecting human head. Upon apse and choir arch are profiled kragbånd. Apse has an original quart-cupola vault, the nave has two late Gothic octagonal vaults, the choir has a plaster loft. The tower is built in raw granite boulders and monk bricks; it has on the west wall the initials HES CMF and the year 1779. The flatlofted inside of the tower now functions as a porch.

Communion table in pine, probably from 1929 like the altarpiece, which has a fresco-painted cross in the middle. A peculiar modern altar cloth with flower embroideries. Altar jar ab. 1850 in Copenhagen porcelain. Late Gothic altar candelabres. Romanesque granite lamp ab. 34x 23 cm with two oil hollows , bricked-up in the wall of the choir. A Romanesque granite font with a smooth, grey basin upon a red square, profiled foot. A large smooth baptismal bowl in brass with engraved Renaissance shield with the initials I O V M D. Ancient baptismal pewter jar. Pulpit in rural Renaissance , ab. 1600, in four sections with arcades, Tuscany corner pillars with acanthus decoration. A simple gable from a pretty Renaissance pew is preserved in the west-gallery. A Romanesque church bell without inscription from the second half of the 1100s.

landscape at Almind

Names in the Middle Ages: Almind Kirkeby (* 1451 Almind, 1499 Alminningh kyrcke); Vranum ( 1498 Vrannum); Tostrup (* 1455 Thorup, * 1486, 1499 Tostrup) ; Tolstrupgårde (* 1488 Tolstrup) ; Snabegård (* 1477 Snabe, 1499 Snabbæ) Mostgård (1552 Mostegaard).

In Kapeldalen at the estate matr. nr. 5a in Almind is a from 1939 listed Skt. Margrethe-kapel, which was ab. 19 m long and 9,5 m broad with walls in raw granite boulder and monk bricks. The chapel was situated in the pretty valley down to Hald sø (at the old main road) and is mentioned 1499; in 1623 it was a ruin. At the site is a sacred well, Skt. Margrethes Kilde.

Mostgård and Mostgård Mølle belonged to Skt. Hans kloster in Viborg, but was sold to hr. Mogens Gøye of Aunsbjerg (+ 1544).

Snabegård belonged in 1477 to Erik Eriksen(Løvenbalk) of Aunsbjerg; in 1512 Niels Clementsen got Erik Eriksen's son Gert Eriksen (Løvenbalk's) part of Aunsbjerg and Snabegård, but in 1548 conveyed Gertrud and Pernille Eriksdatter (Løvenbalk) S. to Niels Skeel of Vinderslevgård, whith which it came to the Crown.

Listed prehistorics: 37 hills, of which 13 form a pretty group, which originally were 25 hills south of Tostrup; one of these hills is very large and just south of the group lies the also very large Kongshøj. Other large hills are Rebmandshøj between Almind and Tostrup, Tinghøj east of and a hill south of Almind, a hill at Snabegård and Staghøj in the large group at Vranum. At Grundvad Mejeri are 5 hills of which 3 are in Vium parish.
Demolished or destroyed: 136 hills, of which several were in groups along Hærvejen, which runs through the parish from Non Mølle till Grundvad, like the large groups at Birgittelyst and Vranum. One of the hills at Vranum contained a grave from early Bronze Age with a neck collar, belt plate, 5 tutuli (jewelry plates) 4 bracelets etc, another contained two urns, of which one is a face urn. - At Non Mølle is a settlement from Gudenåkulturen.

Source: Trap Danmark, Viborg amt, 1962.

photo Almind 2006: grethe bachmann

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