The source material is from Trap Danmark in the 1960s. Changes after that time are usually not included. If the readers want up-dates, they must take this via information from the local parish or from the net. Each church/parish has a website with e-mail address and phone-number.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Råsted church / Råsted kirke, Ulfborg herred, Ringkøbing amt.
Råsted Church, ab 12 km southwest of Holstebro
Råsted sogn, Ulfborg herred, Ringkøbing amt.
Råsted church has a Romanesque choir and nave, a tower to the west and a porch to the south, both from the late Middle Ages. The Romanesque building is in granite ashlars ; the original windows are kept at the north side, 2 in the nave and 1 in the choir, all are bricked-up like the north door; the south door is extended. The inside has beamed ceilings, the choir arch with kragsten is very high; The tower and porch are late medieval additons in re-used ashlars and monk bricks. The tower room functions as a tool room; it has an octagonal rib vault and a pointed arch to the nave. The church was restored in 1955.
The communion table is in granite ashlars. The altar piece is in Renaissance-style with pillars and achantus ornamentation. The painting in the middle field and the decoration is from the 1800s. The heavy ore candelabres are given in 1603 by Conr. Husman with his name and coat of arms. A Romanesque granite font in West Jutland-type. A smooth brass baptismal bowl with lid. A pewter baptismal jar from ab. 1850. Pulpit with a sounding board in Renaissance-style, in the arcade fields are painted symbols from the beginning of the 1800s. A parish clerk chair from ab. 1600 with gable from the 1700s and a priest- or Lord of the Manor- chair from the 1700s, both with decorations in Rococo-style. From the other pews are some from 1646, the rest a simple copy from 1846. In the church hangs a small ship rigged as a bark, furthermore an iron bound church coffin .
An example: a new window between two
bricked-up Romanesque windows. What a pity!
Stenumgård was once a main farm, from which one third in 1512 by Niels Lauridsen Skadeland in Odsgård was conveyed to Niels Clementsen of Blæsbjerg. In 1531 and 1545 is mentioned Jacob Vognsen of S., in 1569 and 1585 it belonged to his son Jens V. (+ ab. 1600), in 1601 and 1609 his son Mikkel V. (+ ab. 1620), whose daughters Margrete and Anne Vogsndatter (both later in Karisegård), in 1635 sold it to fru Ide Lange of Nr. Vosborg. with her daughter Susanne Juel (+ 1685) S. came to amtmand Erik Qvitzow of Udstrup, who in 1652 sold it to fru Elsebe Juel of Brusgård, widow after Ove Juul (+ 1644) . From her it came to Christen Linde in 1670. Later owners Friedenreich, Wad, Vejrup, Kirk, Hammer, Filipsen. Owner in 1960: Chr. Torp.
Elsebe Juel , widow after Ove Juul. It is correct that the names have different spelling.
Elsebe Juel's last name is her birth name. Elsebe Juel and Ove Juul belonged to two families.
Back entrance at the church yard.
Øgelstrup was a main farm, which belonged to the family Juel ( star in coat of arms). It was said that it belonged to Palle Juel, who lived ab. 1350, and who together with his siblings owned much estate in Råsted and Idum parish. His great-grandson Palle Juel lived at Udstrup, whereafter Ø. belonged under this farm still in 1661. in 1666 it belonged to bailiff Thomas Andersen Wendtzel, who had bought if from rådmand Morten Mikkelsen's widow Kirsten in Copenhagen. In 1683 was it under Stenumgård. In 1917 outparcelled. Owner of main parcel in 1960: Harry Simonsen.
In 1465 is Niels Juel mentioned in Råsted.
Dorte Juel ,who in the 1300s was married to Christiern Arnestsen Skram, was said to be of Gammel Råsted.In 1485 Predbjørn Clausen Podebusk achieved Gammel Råsted. In 1688 it belonged to Christen Linde of Volstrup.
At Arnsbjerg mark at Lilleå (river) is a sacred well.
Råsted Church in the landscape.
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s.:
Råsted ( 1330-48 Roosteth); Blæsbjerg * 1514 Blesbierg); Hvolby (* 1457 Holby); Hvoldal (1610 Huoeldael); Knudsig (* 1512 Knudsiig); Øgelstrup (1522 Ygelstrup); V. Femhøj (1610 Fembhuiff); Arnsbjerg (1610 Andsbierg); Gårsdal ( 1492 Garpdall, 1610 Gaardzdael, Garpsdal, 1664 Garsdall) .
In the parish were earlier mentioned the settlements Grandsborg (1610 Grandzborgh), Hummersborg (1664 Hummersborrig), Helsig (1664 Helszig) and Hedehuse (1688 Heedehuse).
Listed prehistorics: 39 hills and two long dolmens. Northeast of Blæsbjerg is a rather large, pretty hill; or else the hills are mostly small. Southwest of the church is a group Femhøje upon a hillside.
Demolished of destroyed: 16 hills.
Source: Trap Danmark, Ringkøbing amt, 1965.
photo Råsted kirke 2003: grethe bachmann
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