Monday, April 22, 2013

Elling church and Lerbæk, Ellinggård, Kragskov, Bannerslund, Hjørring amt.

Elling church,  ab. 4 km north of Frederikshavn(Google earth).

Elling parish, Horns herred, Hjørring amt. 

The whitewashed tiled church has a tower to the west, a nave with a porch to the north, a chapel to the south and a choir with a flat altar wall. The oldest sections are nave and choir, which origin from the beginning of the 1200s, and which belong to the Vendsyssel group of late Romanesque brick-churches. Only the northside of the choir and the nave are kept, while the east gable of the choir and the south walls are bricked in the 1800s. The north wall of the choir is decorated with lisener ( vaguely protruding pilastres) and half columns, which run out in a round arch frieze; the north wall of the nave has instead of round arches a strange sawtooth frieze. The south chapel of uncertain age is probably from the Middle Ages. From the late Middle Ages is the large stepped tower, which walls are built in monk bricks. The outer walls are mostly bricked with small stones, the year 1862 upon the east gable refers to this. The porch is possibly from the same time, but at least from the middle of the 1800s. The church has inside a beamed ceiling, the nave has two waults, of which the eastern is a star vault; the overvaulted south chapel opens in a pointed arch to the nave, like the tower toom, which is now flatlofted, but has the beginning of vaults.

The altarpiece is a late Renaissance carved work in canopy type, upon the postament are two pillars, which carry the heaven with a carved year 1635;  a newer *altar painting from ab. 1900, copy after C. Bloch. Behind the brought-forward altarpiece was in the 1700s furnished a pulpit. A Romanesque granite font. The pulpit at the north door has a painted inscription, acc. to which it was given in 1766 by Frederik Wiirnfeld of Lerbæk, in the fields are painted portraits of the Evangelists. In the tower room are kept six back-panels from pews from ab. 1600 with decoration in Vendsyssel flat cut. Some pews from 1582, which were here once, have now disapperared. In the choir an epitaph for Maria Catharina Ferslev, née Wiirnfeld (+ 1762).
* the present altar painting is from 1969, painted by Oscar Nicolaisen. 

The author Hulda Lütken is buried at Elling church yard.

Lerbæk, wikipedia
Lerbæk was in the second half of the 1400s a farm or a tenant farm, it belonged in 1466 to rigsråd Mourids Nielsen (Gyldenstierne) of Ågård (+ 1503 or -04 ) and went probably by inheritance via his daughter Anne Mouridsdatter Gyldenstierne (+ 1545),  m. 1) to Oluf Stigsen (Krognos) (+ ab. 1506)  to their son hr. Mourids Olufsen Krognos of Krapperup etc. (+ 1550), and then to his son Oluf Mouridsen Krognos, who had endowed it to Jens Pedersen, whose widow Anne Munksdatter thereafter had the farm for a period. In 1573 Oluf Mouridsen Krognos died as the last male of his family, and L. went to his cousin Mourids Podebusk of Kørup, after his death in 1593 his daughter Gisele Mouridsdatter Podebusk (+ 1619) inherited the farm  and brought it to her husband Otto Christoffer Rosenkrantz of Boller, who died in debt 1621. The next owner was Sten Rodsteen, who 4 times had to pawn the main farm (1625 to Henrik v.d Wisch, 1627 to Mogens Kaas, 1631 to "fyrstinde Eleonora",  1647 to Gregers Høg), but he kept it until his death in 1664. From his 4 sons Lave Rodsteen (+ 1673) wrote himself in 1663 of the farm, but it was his brother Jens Rodsteen of Hovedstrup (Hads herred) (+ 1706), who had the farm after the exchange in 1666, but he sold the farm in 1688 with taxes and peasant estate to Otte Arenfeldt of Knivholt (+ 1720). His blind son Sten Hohendorff Arenfeldt inherited the farm and kept it until his death 1739.

Later owners: Niels Sørensen Wiirnfeld; Jacob Severin Wiirnfeld; Ide Marie Gesmell; Jørgen Braegaard; Chr. Fr. Møller; Mads R. Bang; Nationalbanken; Daniel Poppe; Carl Fr. Martens; Magnus v. Buchwaldt; Anne Sophie Angelique grevinde Scheel; Fr. Henrik Buchwald; Fr. Jacobsen; Johs. Kjærgaard; Herman Løvenskiold; Esben Kjær; M.P. Holm; Steen Giebelhausen; Købmands- og Håndværkerbanken; Chr. Nielsen; E. Bøggild Nielsen  Source wikipedia: 1953 – 1984 E.Bøggild Nielsen; 1984 – 1994 Poul Navne Petersen; 1994 – Lerbæk Hovedgård A/S

Ellinggård was at the middle of the 1400s owned by members of the family Gyldenstierne at Ågård, but was managed or leased by alternate småadelsmænd (lower nobles), who wrote themselves of the farm, like Jes Bagge 1440, væbner Jens Nielsen 1451 and Morten Nielsen (Vognsen of Stenshede 1455 -70), the last mentioned's daughter Ingerd Mortensdatter (Vognsen of Stenshede), who was m. to Niels Pedersen (Skovgaard) of Egebjerg (+ earliest 1472) probably transferred her interests in E. to her son Just Nielsen (Skovgaard) 1511-31, and one of his daughters married the in 1524 enobled Jens Munk (one rose Munk)
( + earliest 1543), who in 1540 wrote himself of E. like his son Christen Munk (one rose Munk) . The last mentioned's daughter Dorte Christensdatter Munk (one rose Munk) is mentioned in 1584 of E.,  likewise her husband Thomes Svendsen (Orning)(+ earliest 1571) in 1556-69 and their son Jens Thomsen Orning (+ earliest 1634) in 1587.

Jerup hede, photo: gb

The farm was no longer in the ownership of the Gyldenstierne-family, but was owned by Jakob Mouridsen Sparre (of Skåne) of Svanholm (+ 1573), who might have got it with his 1. wife fru Clara Andersdatter Bille (+ 1560), a daughter's daughter of  fru Anna Mouridsdatter Gyldenstierne of Ågård (+ 1545), and who in 1568 sold E. to rigsråd Bjørn Kaas (Sparre-K) of Stårupgård, Kærsgård (Horns herred) etc. ( + 1581). His daughter  fru Kirsten Kaas (Sparre-K.) was m. to Ove Urup of Ovesholm (+ 1622), who owned the farm in 1618. The widow kept E. after his death and still owned it 1638-39. The last mentioned year had hr. Christopher Ulfeldt of Svenstorp (Skåne) (+ 1653) -   m. to her daughter Maren Urup of Ugerup and Ovesholm (+ earliest 1651) -  E. as a guardian. Their son Knud Ulfeldt Christophersen must have inherited the farm after his mother and sold it in 1652 to Eilert Evert Banner (+ 1700), who in 1672 established the farm Bannerlund; he sold in 1692 E. to his son-in-law Wulf Unger of Hestrup etc.,  after whose death ab. 1695 his widow Vibeke Banner in 1695 sold the estate to fru Kirsten Beck of Vrå (+ 1719), who likewise in 1695 bought Bannerslund from Eilert Evert Banner.
Later owners: Jørgen Bille; Schack Vietinghof greve Holck; Burchard Georg greve Holck; Niels Mollerup; Peder Thøgersen Mollerup; Asdal Morten Madsen; Poul Uttermøhlen; F. Chr. Udbye; Peder Stoere, Nikolaus Vilhelm Kähler; August Warburg;  Carl Chr. Alsing; Hans Chr. Nyholm; Lars Christopher Nyholm; Viggo Tutein og hustru Marie Tutein, née Segelcke; P. Lunden; Aage Bendtzen; Ejner Sørensen.
Source wikipedia: 1946 Ejner Sørensen; 1983 Christian Nielsen; 2002 Lars Kringelholt Nielsen; 2012 Casper Poulsen m. to Anette Poulsen.

cattle near gb
Kragskov was in 1567 owned by Jens Markorsen (Rodsteen) of Lengsholm (+ earliest 1581), but was hardly a main farm. In 1662 it was again a tenant farm under Ellinggård. In 1668 Eilert Evert Banner of Ellinggård had confirmed that the farm K.which he had made into a small ladegård ( farm building) which his wife could reside after his death, could be without taxes. In 1675 the freedom of taxes was transferred to Bannerslund by royal pernmission and K. was again a tenant farm under Ellinggård

At the farm Strandbylund (1467 Strandbylwndh) which in 1672 together with the farm Korsholt (1662 Kors Holt) was remade into the main farm Bannerslund,  lived Jens Bjørnsen Kaas, an illegitimate son of rigsråd Bjørn Kaas of Ellinggård etc (+ 1581)( Pont. Atllas V. 1769 266 mentions a memorial for Jens Bjørnsen in Strandbylund in Elling kirke.).

Bannerslund was established in 1672 by Eilert Evert Banner of Ellinggård (+ 1700 at B.) from 2 tenant farms Korsholt and Strandbylund. B. had tax freedom of 1675; in return the priest should have a full compensation and the tax freedom was given to Kragskov. Banner sold the estate in 1695 to fru Kirsten Beck of Vrå (+ 1719), who in 1695 bought Ellinggård.
Later owners: Peder Thøgersen Mollerup; Laurids Bartholin Schmidt; Mads R. Bang; Jørgen Gleerup Rheders; J.F. Fogh; P. Mehrens; Chr. Pedersen; C. Klitgaard Lassen. Source wikipedia: (1929-1965) C. Klitgård Lassen, (1965-) Frederikshavn kommune.

There are no prehistorics from Stone- or Bronze Age in the parish, but there were found some Iron Age graves, esp. skeleton graves from early Roman period, like at Bannerslund, Jerup and Strandby; there was also found traces after Iron Age settlement at the area of the Krageskovhedelejren ( state prison)

Names from the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Elling (1451 Ellinge, 1466 Ællingh, Ellingh); Strandby (1466 Strandby); Jerup (1552 Irup, Jrop, 1662 Jerup); Nielstrup (1552 Nielstrup); Napstjert (1662 Napstieret); Kragskovhede (1638 Kragskou, 1662 Krog Schow, 1688 Krageschou); Heden (1662 Heeden); Bratten (1662 Bratten); Østerholmen (1688 Holmen); Vesterholmen (1662 Holmen); Vindbæk (1467 Vynbeg (h), Winbæk, Winbek); Skeltved (1467 Skyælthued, Skeltwedd); Råsig (1662 Rusig); Sortkær (1467 Sortheker (sbek), 1552 Sortekier); Mosegårde (1662 Muosen); Nørtved (1467 Nørthued); Håbergård (1662 Hober); Folden (1662 Falden); Tolshave (1434 Thoshaffue, Thorhaffue, 1662 Tols Have); Klitten (1688 Klinten); Lerbæk (1466 Lyerbeck); Ellinggård (1441 Ælinggaardh); Bannerslund (1675 Bannerslund); Stabæk (1552 Stadebeck); Skræppenhøj (1688 Schrepen hue); Lien (1466 Lyeern, 1662 Lien); Lomanshave (1552 Loumandshaffue); Frøkær (1552 Frøkier); Skarnvad (1511 Skarnwad); Engen (1688 Engen); Nr. Broen (1662 Broen); Vindvad (1662 Vindwad).

Source: Trap Danmark, Hjørring amt, 1960.

photo:borrowed from Google Earth 2013 and wikipedia: gb
photo Jerup and Kragskov June 2010: grethe bachmann


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