Friday, January 17, 2014

Harte church/ Harte kirke, Brusk herred, Vejle amt.

Harte church, wikipedia.

Harte church is highplaced west of Harte village. It has a Romanesque choir and nave in granite ashlars upon a double plinth, the western tower is from the late Middle Ages, and the porch to the south is late medieval in its origin. The choir has had an apse, which curved ashlars are seen in the present eastern gable. The south door with columns and cross-marked tympanum  is still in use. From the original Romanesque windows are three at the north side, one in the choir, two in the nave, all bricked up. The choir got a cross vault in the late Middle Ages (the nave has still a beamed ceiling), and a tower was built in front of the western gable.The tower is said to earlier be higher. The vaulted bottom room opens in a flatcurved arcade towards the nave. The walls of the tower were originally in monk bricks, but it has several times been re-walled with small bricks.In the weather vane are the years 1758, 1777 and 1875, referring to such wall-repairs. The porch, originally late medieval, is built in monk bricks and re-used granite ashlars, in the re-walled gable is the year 1899.

Harte church, Google earth.
The choir arch is extended inside, the communion table is wood with a fully covered front panel. The altarpiese is a Renaissance-carving, three-piece by Corinthic columns with decoration belts and sidewings, both in the main field and the top piece; in the top piece is carved the year 1618 and the coat of arms of the family Juel and Abildgaard. The altarpiece was probably given by Eggert Abildgaard of Skodborg (+ 1622). In the main piece is a newer painting by Hans Agersnap 1905. Upon the communion table stand two driven brass candelabres from 1676 with the initials G.G. and  a  Grubbe- coat of arms. A Romanesque granite font with arcade motifs upon the bassin. A small Gothic crucifix above the choir arch. The pulpit with Baroque corner columns is according to a painted inscription upon the contemporary sounding board put up in 1674 and decorated in 1679, paid by the church. The pews are newer from the late 1800s. In the porch is inserted two big worn gravestones from ab. 1700. An impressive portrait stone for Poul Abildgaard of Vranderupgård (+ 1563) has disappeared. A burial chapel, which was furnished in 1753 in the tower room for gehejmeråd van der Lieth of Vranderupgård, (+ 1777) and his famliy, was abandoned 1844 during a restoration of the church. In the tower hangs a late medieval bell without inscription, but with a coin-imprint from the 1400s.

landscape, Harte, Google earth
Brødsgård belonged in 1478 and 1494 to the væbner Lage Snub, in1508 and 1509 to his son Knud Snub, in 1579 it was exchanged to the Crown by Anne Skram.

In 1496 is mentioned Stallerup gårdsted (farm-place) and voldsted (castle-bank) , which lay in the lake and belonged to Anne Timmesdatter (Rosenkrantz), in 1514 she sold Stallerupgård to hr. Niels Eriksen (Rosenkrantz) of Bjørnholm, whose son hr Oluf Rosenkrantz in  1529 sold it to Mogens Gøye, in 1578 it belonged to Mette Oxe, but in 1610 it was under Koldinghus (castle).

No prehistorics.

Along Kolding å (river) and Stallerup are known several settlements from Gudenåkulturen,  and there are in the parish several Iron age-settlements and - burial sites.

 Names from the Middle Ages and 1600s:  Harte (1231 Harthwet, 1325 Hartæ); Påby (1524 Paaby); Ejstrup (1452 Eystrop); Stubdrup (1455 Stwbdrvp); Rådvad (1524 radevadh); Stallerupgårde (1473 Staldorppe); Brødsgård (1468 Brødisgard); Lynggård (1664 Liunggaard).

Source: Trap Danmark, Vejle amt 1964. 

photo: wikipedia and Google earth.

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