Monday, January 20, 2014

Jerlev church/ Jerlev kirke, Jerlev herred, Vejle amt.

Jerlev church (Google earth)
Jerlev church has a nave and choir from the Romanesque period, a late Gothic tower to the west and a newer porch to the south. The Romanesque church is in travertine upon a profiled granite plinth, while the walls are extensively repaired with large and small bricks. The choir gable is bricked with monk bricks. Upon the north side of the nave are rests of a facade decoration with lesens. The round arched north door and a couple of original windows are bricked-up, while the south door is extended. In the choir was in the late Middle Ages built an octagonal rib vault; the nave has a flat ceiling. The low tower in monk bricks from a relocated socket is to the south and west bricked with small bricks (in the gable is the year 1851). The tower room with a broad round arch towards the nave has large flatcurved niches and a vault like the choir's. The porch is in small bricks. In the choir arch was in 1932 found a frescoe decoration  from the end of the Middle Ages (restored in 1946).

The altarpiece is from 1944 with painting by Ole Søndergaard. The earlier altarpiece from 1678 with a painting from 1842 is deposited in Vejle Museum. The altar candelabres were given by Nis Ibsen in Jerlev (+ 1601) and wife (+ 1608). A Romanesque granite font with a smooth basin. A strange choir arch crucifix from ab. 1250  ( the Christ figure stands upon the globe); it is kept in the National Museum (source 1964). A pulpit in Renaissance from 1626 with paintings from the 1700s and decoration from 1932. A tablet informs that the pulpit was given and paid by Morten Bundesen in Jerlev and wife in return for his parents' and his and his wife's burial place in the church. The pews were re-newed in 1932. A small iron-bound money block. A bell from 1400s with Latin minuskel inscription ("this bell is cast in Jerlev"); it was re-cast in 1914.

landscape, Mejsling, (Google earth)
Jerlevgård was in 1837 bought by Jonas Casimir Ingwersen of Viufgård. He sold it the next year and in ab. 1840 it belonged to Risom, in 1842 to Andr. Kock, who in 1860 sold it to H.Lütjens from Altona, who in 1867 sold it to Jesper P. Berg. Other owners: Søren Eskildsen; H.K. Tingleff.; Boye, S.M.Salling, Raun and Albertsen, A.P.Eriksen of Agersbøl, V. Holste, J. Smith, T. Thellefsen, who sold it in 1948 to Johannes Larsen.

Hr Svend Bonde and hr Jens Basse deeded 1289 their estate in Jerlev Skov to the bishop in Ribe.

At Tvedgård near the parish border to Nr. Vilstrup in Skibet parish was a village Holbøl (1400 Hoolbyl).

There are no listed prehistorics in the parish, but there were 18 hills, 4 of these lay in a row south of Jerlev, 7 were more spread west of the village and 4 north of the village.

In a moor at Mejsling were found 130 amber pearls.

Names from the Middle Ages and 1600s: Jerlev (1248 Jarløf); Mejsling (1454 Meslingh); Tvedgård (1610 Tueed).

Source: Trap Danmark, Vejle amt, 1964.   
photo: Google earth.

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