Vinkel church, ab. 7 km southeast of Viborg
Vinkel sogn, Middelsom herred, Viborg amt.

South door with three pillars and two lions

North door with griffin and lion in tympanon
Vinkel church, built ab. 1160, is situated in the village Vinkel, which was first mentioned in 1263. The Romanesque church is built in pretty carved granite boulders with a magnificent play of colours. Some Romanesque windows are preserved. The portal in the south wall has three pillars on each side and a finely carved lintel with two relief lions. The late medieval tower which is rather big for a village church, was restored in 1744. A porch in front of the south door was demolished in 1867-68, after which the tower room was converted into front hall.

In the tower room is a walled in Romanesque toomb stone and an aspersorium from the Catholic period. Inside the church the Romanesque chorus arch is preserved, and in the eastern corners of the nave are niches for Catholic side altars and a walled in leprosy-window. Upon the bricked communion table is a Renaissance altar piece from the beginning of the 1600s, and upon the northern wall of the nave is a big Gothic crucifix. The Romanesque baptismal font in granite is the oldest piece in the church. The pulpit is Baroque from 1649. In 1944-49 during a restoration of the church the pulpit and the crucifix were repainted with the original colours.

Church ship
Names in the Middle Ages:
Vinkel ( 1263 Winklæ); Vigstrup (1542 Vistrvp); Odsgårde (1325 Od, 1406 Odzgardh); Nabe (1524 Nobb); Horsdal (*1577 Horszedall); Randrup (*1401 Randerup, 1498 Randrvp); Store Kærrestrup (1345 Keræstorp);
Randrup Manor

Randrup was in the 1300s owned by hr. Anders Ovesen Hvide, who still in 1401 lived at the farm, his son Stig Andersen Hvide and son-in-law hr. Svend Udsen pawned it to hr. Kjeld Mogensen. Later the farm probaby belonged to Christen Stygge, whose son Christen Stygge owned it in 1524 and 1553. Ab. 1600 it belonged to 4 siblings from the family Harbou: Jens Mogensen (1592), Karen (1594, later married to Erik Kaas (Sparre-K.) who in 1606 is written to R.) , Anne, married to Knud Daa, who is written to R. 1594-1610 and Edel, married to Christoffer Lykke.In 1606 it is mentioned that the farm burnt down some time ago. In the 1630s five grandchildren of Hans Stygge inherited R. Hans and Iver Dyre sold in 1636 the farm to Albert Rostrup, but his brother Gunde Rostrup bought it the same year from all five heirs. In 1649 he sold it to Anders Bille (+ 1657), who broke down 4 farms and put their land under R. His daughter Mette Bille + 1657) brought R. to her husband hr. Niels Krabbe (of Østergård)(+ 1663), whose daughter Elisabeth Krabbe had it by exchange in 1667. She married etatsråd Herluf Trolle, who is written to it in 1672. Later owners: Clausen, Lüttichau, Schou, Bille, Lund, Faber. Owner in 1961 fru I.M. Dose.

Randrup Mølle
Odsgård belonged in 1325 and later to Jens Nielsen Galskyt. After his death in 1345 the western part of O. and Østergård in Kærrestrup was inherited by the son-in-law Jens Brandsen, who in 1346 had estate in Tygestryup (Tykestorp) by law after a feud with Ove Krage. After king Valdemar's order Jens Brandsen became the owner of R in 1347. Jens Brandsen sold his properties to hr.Jens Nielsen Løvenbalk of Aunsbjerg, who in 1406 sold O. to queen Margrete. In 1463 the owner was hr. Christen Vendelbo. In 1494 and 1512 is mentioned Niels Lauridsen Skadeland in O. and in 1537 his son's son by the same name. In 1551 lived here vicar Just Lauridsen (+ 1575), and in 1573 his son, the priest and poet Hieronymus Justesen Ranch (+ 1607)who had letter for life on O., which the Crown though exchanged in 1578 to kansler Niels Kaas. (Sparre-K.) In 1590 Iver Grøn issued a letter from O. , and in 1644 the priest Anders Skadeland lived here. In 1646 Knud Ulfeldt conveyed O. with mill and wood, 9 farms, some bol and some houses to hr. Anders Bille, whereafter the farm followed Randrup for some time. In 1690 herredsfoged Adam Brun lived here, 1705-16 løjtnant Hans Bøhm, 1719 Holger Clausen, later of Randrup and ab. 1730 by P. Høeg.
Hr. Jens Gunnesen's widow Margrete willed in 1263 9 mark gold in Vinkel to St. Clara kloster in Roskilde. Hr. Langsom Baardsen of V. is mentioned in 1277; Niels Jensen (Rotfeld) of V. is mentioned 1346 and 1347.
Listed prehistorics: 9 hills, of which one at Randrup mark is a double hill.
Demolished or destroyed: 51 hills, which were mainly on the hilly northside of the land, a considerable group Sønderhøje, 10, of which are still 4, were placed southwest of Vinkel; in the southeastern part of the parish are no hills. - An arrow shaft , origins from Maglemosetid was found in a bog at Vinkel. (Maglemosetid 9.000-6.400 B.C.)
Source: Trap Danmark, Viborg amt. 1962.

photo Vinkel kirke/Randrup November 2006: grethe bachmann
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