Chessboard upon the outside wall.

The walled communion table has upon the front a copy of the Romanesque golden altar, known by the name "Ølstalteret", made in beaten and gilt copper, later inserted in a Renaissance altarpiece and now at the National Museum. A later altarpiece had a biblical painting from 1896. Altar candelabres from 1586 with coat of arms, given by Niels Jensen (Viffert) of Torstedlund; a limestone font, a Gotland work with animal figures and masks upon an octagonal basin. A south German baptismal bowl from ab. 1575. Pulpit from the late 1800s, same type as in Værum church. A medieval bell without inscription.
Brusgård belonged in 1393 and 1398 to Christiern Jensen, from 1408 hr. Niels Munk (Bjælke-M.) of Sostrup (+ ab. 1460), his son Anders Munk (+ 1504), his son Niels Munk (+ before 1515) and then the sister Maren Munk, m. to Mikkel Krabbe (of Østergård) of Tandrup. After their death B. was probably shared between the children. Lucas Krabbe is written to it 1580, while Anne Krabbe (+ 1564) brought her part to Jon Madsen (Viffert) of Torstedlund (+ 1560). Their son Niels Jonsen (Viffert) died unmarried 1595, and B. came with Torstedlund to the cousin Niels Krabbe (+ 1626), who in 1618 conveyed B. to statholder Jens Juel of Kjeldgård (+ 1634). It was in 1638 owned by his daughter Elsebe Juel, m. to Ove Juul ( + 1644), whose son-in-law Rudolf v. Offenberg in 1675 is written to B., but in 1678 has Marie Worm, widow after kommissær Peder Lassen, pawn in the farm, and in 1679 conveyed Elsebe Juel B. to her. Marie Worm married in 1680 general Matthias Numsen of Saltø, enobled in 1688, and they sold 1695 B.with taxes and estate to colonel Holger Rosenkrantz (+ 1704); it came to his widow Anne Brahe (+ 1722) and son Niels Rosenkrantz (+ 1746), who in 1744 sold B. to grev Conrad Ditlev Reventlow (+ 1750), who placed B. under the entailed estate Frisenvold.
Later owners: Hans Jordhøj and skovrider Ulrik Thomsen Jæger; baron Jens Krag-Juel-Vind of Juellinge; S. Søndergaard; C.E.Bay, Rasmus Faurschou; J.P. Hansen; Alfred Hansen; statshusmandsbrug + hovedparcel Kaj Brødsgaard: owner from 1930 V. Sørensen.
Eriksborg is a parcel from Brusgård. from the 1800s.
Havgård is a small parcel from Brusgård from the 1800s, was named Birkeholm.
Hr. Stig Andersen (Hvide) conveyed in 1342 among other property his estate in Ølst to his brother Uffe Andersen (Hvide). Jomfruklosteret in Randers sold in 1355 estate in Ølst to Hans Pedersen, and his widow Bodil bought in 1361 all the estate of Essenbæk kloster in the parish.
At Brusgård was the village Ugelvore (1354 Vgæluuor) disappeared in the 1400s. In this village was Vestergård (ab. 1400 Westhergaardt). In the parish were some houses Agerhuse (1637 Aggerhus), still mentioned in the late 1700s, and the farms Hedegård (1607 Hiey gaardt) at Brusgård , abandoned in the 1600s., and Komgård ( 1679 Kombgaar).
A little downside Teglgård at Askildrup hede (heath) was in the Middle Ages a church where were found several granite ashlars. The name Askildrup kirke is not known, it is possibly a church named Hinge kirke .
No listed prehistorics in the parish, but there were three hills.
In a ditch-digging at Ølst were in 1852 found 105 coins from king Erik Klippings time, put down ab. 1284.
By digging a field at Teglgård - where according to legend was a church (see above) - were in 1846 found 868 coins from king Erik Menved - king Christoffer II's time, put down ab. 1328.
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Ølst (1342 Ølstæth); Askildrup (1398 Aschilstrup, 1453 Askildrvp); Robdrup (1468 Ruptrvp); Trustrup (1398 Truustrup); Ginnerup (1460 Ginderup); Mikkelstrup (1425 Michelstrup, -trop); Brusgård (1393 Bruusgaard); Teglgård (1618 Theiggelgaardt).
Source. Trap Danmark, 1963
photo 24 September 2011: grethe bachmann
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