Vindblæs Church
Vindblæs Church has a Romanesque choir and nave, built in granite ashlars, except raw boulder in the eastern gable of the nave. The building is very re-walled, and in the Middle Ages the western gable of the nave was re-walled in yellow and red monkbricks . The same material mixed with ashlars were used for the late Gothic tower and stair house, which ends through a flat-curved door upon the loft of the nave. The small low-lofted tower room, connected to the nave by a door, is now a tool-room. Te east window of the choir is original and the straight-edged south door of the nave which is still in use. A Romanesque window cover stone with a lion is placed in the western wall of the tower, upon the church yard is a monolit window cover stone, a granite base (Kapitæl) and a prehistoric grindstone. The upper section of porch and tower are white-washed, the rest of the church is blank wall.
There is no old communion table under the new pine-panel. The altar piece is a painting from 1895. A sandstone baptismal font from 1884. The old granite font is mentioned in former sources as very simple. Pulpit from 1626, straight-edged with arcades and paintings in the fields, restored in 1937. A new gallery with re-painted paintings from ab. 1720. A church bell from 1640.

Himmerland, Vestas windmills
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Vindblæs (* 1231 Windblæsæ, 1401 Windblæsth); Bjørumslet (1482 Byornumslethæ); Øster Strett ( 1611 Østerstrett); Årupgård ( * 1466 Aarderup, Arupgard).
Årupgård and Årup with a farm in "Waszdmarck" in Vindblæs gave Jep Kat latest in 1453 to Skt. Hans kloster in Viborg, but in 1473 could the væbner Nis Mikkelsen convey the same estate to Viborg bishopric; he re-bought the estate in 1478 in exchange with Viskum by and lived still in Årup in 1484. Since (1536) the estate came to the crown, which in 1579 exchanged it to rigsråd Henrik Gyldenstierne of Ågård (+ 1592): Various owners.
Valdemar II Sejr owned land in Vindblæs worth 2 mark guld (ab. 8 tdr. hartkorn) according to Valdemar jordebog. Tingstedet ( The Thing) was possibly held in the parish in the Middle Ages.
In Vindblæs lived the wellknown "kloge kone" (wise woman/healer) Maren Kristine Christensdatter Haaning (+ 1853), whose daughter Maren Jensdatter Haaning (+ 1895) and since her daughter Karen Marie Rasmussen, named Haaning (+ 1914) and still a family member continued the occupation.
Listed prehistorics: A 100 m long dolmen at Årupgård; its 3 chambers are removed. 17 hills, of which Tinghøj northwest of the church and Vejrhøj at Engelstrup are rather large. Besides is a listed area with prehistoric fields east of the parish and a Roman Iron Age stone grave, where were found 3 clay pots.
Demolished or destroyed: 2 long dolmens and one round dolmen, all at Årupgård, and 19 hills.
Source: Trap Danmark, Aalborg amt, 1961.

photo Vindblæs kirke 2. May 2009: grethe bachmann
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