Høbjerg kirke, stig bachmann nielsen, naturplan.dk |

Høbjerg church has a Romanesque choir and nave, a late Gothic tower to the west, a porch from the 1700s to the south and a burial chapel from 1723 to the east. The original building is in granite ashlars upon a bevelled plinth. The two straight-edged doors are kept, the bricked-up north door has a roof-shaped lintel. The south and north wall of the choir have each an original window with a monolit-lintel, and in the north door is bricked-up a bipartite lintel from a third window. The tower is in raw granite boulder and monk bricks with a round tower arch and cross vault. It was heavily re-walled in 1747 (acc. to carved year and IFR AML for Janus Friedenreich and Anne Margrethe Linde), and several peepholes and the strongly swung pyramid spire are from the same year. A secondary west door was destroyed by the furnishing of a burial chapel, there is a free staircase to the north. The burial chapel at the gable of the choir is built in re-used ashlars and tiled. It opens to the choir in two round arched portals with iron grated doors. The portals are towards the choir framed by stucco decorations and a similar decoration is found on the vaults of the chapel and upon the east wall, where it is shaped as two similar epitaphs, flanked by large animal figures. Outside in the gable is a walled kartouche surrounding two sandstone reliefs with names and coat of arms of JFR and AML and the year 1723. This married couple has probably also extended the triumph arch, let insert the present windows and built the porch. The roofworks above choir and nave are medieval and in oak, above the burial chapel from 1723.

foto: stig bachmann nielsen, naturplan.dk |

The white-washed altartable is bricked up on the eastern wall of the choir. The altarpiece is a newer painting. The earlier fine altarpiece, which origins probably from Skanderborg slot, is now in the National Museum. It was equipped with limestone tablets with carved inscriptions by Peder Trellund, schoolmaster in Ribe. (1586). A late Gothic chalice with newer cup. An oblate box with carved P C A B 1673 (Peder Charisius and wife Anne de Binde). A wine jar from ab. 1850, Royal Copenhagen porcelaine. Alter candelabres ab. 1625. A Romanesque font in granite with lions, a replica of the Sjørslev-group. A big smooth baptismal dish in brass with a crowned mirror monogramme I F A M L 1720 and a pewter dish with the same monogramme and the year 1737; a contemporary baptismal jar in pewter. A small bronze crucifix upon a metal-dressed wooden cross from the 1700s in the choir-arch. The pulpit is from ab. 1600 in four bays with straight-edged fields and Tuscany corner pillars, secondary Evangelist paintings and inscription. Pews from 1942, to the east in the nave a couple of Renaissance gables; psalm-number tablets upon hinges from 1800s. an iron-bound oak coffin from 1600s.

Chandeliers: 1)
"Ianus Friedenreich til Palstrup og frue Anne Margrethe Linde givet til Høybjerg kirke 1734." 2-3) from ab. 1930. A church ship, canon sloop, "Prøven",
"Erindring af (rådmand) I.P. Hald 1823 (Århus)". Church bell cast 1733 by C. Konig, Viborg, given by the same as the chandelier. Under the choir is a closed burial with Charisius and wife. The coffin plates and weapon- fittings hang on the north wall of the nave. The entrance to the Friedenreich-chapel is closed by iron-grated doors with brassband and cast coat of arms: In the chapel are 10 coffins (2 for children) The chapel is for the familiy Friedenreich, de Mylius, Linde.
The manor
Palstrup belonged in the Middle Ages to Tvilum kloster and in 1483-86 to Las Braad. In 1547 it belonged to Frants Dyre (+ 1569), whose widow Kirsten Mogensdatter (Mur-Kaas) in 1571 sold it to Ove Juul (+ 1604), who was married to Frants Dyre's sister's daughter Johanne Kaas (Sparre-Kaas); it was inherited by the son Frans Juul and the son-in-law Holger Bille, who owned it in 1613. In 1630 Johan Rantzau exchanged it to his father-in-law Christoffer Gersdorff (+ 1634), whose son, later
rigshofmester Joachim Gersdorff owned it in 1638, but in 1641 it belonged to
rigsråd hr. Oluf Parsberg (+ 1661).It went to his sons-in-law Ebbe Gyldenstierne of Sødal and Otto Pogwisch of Tyrrestrup, the last mentioned sold it in 1662 to grev Corfitz Ulfeldt, who in 1663 laid it out to the Crown, which exchanged it with estate to Mogens Friis of Vadskærgård. He conveyed it in 1665 to above mentioned Otto Pogwisch who in 1672 sold it with much estate to
kancelliråd, amtmand Peter Charisius (+ 1683). After a High Court ruling of 1696 and 1697 his son-in-law baron Constantin Marselis of Marselisborg conveyed on behalf of the heirs P. in 1697 with estate to pharmacist Daniel Friedenreich (+ 1706).
Later owners: family Friedenreich until 1780; Irminger until 1786; Jens de Poulson until 1792; Gundorph until 1799; H. Hollesen, Behrens, von Wichede, Kelter, van Deurs, A. Brun, C.J. Otto, Plenge, Ræder, Schjerup, sold to a konsortium in 1918. 1918 sold to Chr. I Kampmann , owners in 1962: family Kampmann
The present main building is listed in class B. It is placed upon a large double castle bank laid out by Oluf Parsberg. His building from 1631 has disappeared. Two sandstone lions with coat of arms and year 1656 stand on the bridge which leads across the inner moat. The main building from ab. 1730 is the only left of the plan which Janus Friedenreich created in 1722-36.
Kærsgård was in 1398 pawned to Tvilum kloster and is said to have been in the management of Alling kloster in 1436 for 80 years. In 1510 it was by Gert Eriksen (Løvenbalk) of Aunsbjerg conveyed to
rigsråd Niels Clementsen, whose son Rasmus Clementsen's heirs sold it to hr. Mogens Gøye. In 1567 it belonged to his daughter's daughter Mette Oxe, later it was under Palstrup. In 1801 it belonged to Rasmus Bay (+ 1820). He conveyed it in 1812 to Just Sjørslev (+ 1814) .
Later owners: N.Bucwaldt, Else Schou of Randrup, again Buchwaldt until 1831, Høyer (+ 1876), forvalter Christensen, J.H.Lyse, 1891 de Linde, Jens Madsen and in 1929 P Rosbjerg.
Niels Pedersen Galskyt wrote himself in 1418 of Tange.
South of Tange was possibly a castle bank in some moor area of the Gudenå-river, this is now hidden by the Tangesø (the lake).
The Elektricitetsværk Gudenåcentralen is situated in Høbjerg parish.
Listed prehistorics: a medium size hill in Vodskov.
Destroyed or demolished: 18 hills
Names from the Middle Ages: Høbjerg/Højbjerg (1410 Høberg, 1509 Høberigh); Tange (1407 Tunge, 1490 Tonge, ab. 1525 Tange, Tanghe); Træholt (1484 Tredeholt); Palstrup (1474 Palstrup); Ravnholt (1511 Raffuennholt); Kærsgaard (1398 Kiersgaard):
Source: Trap Danmark, 1962.
photo2012: grethe bachmann, stig bachmann nielsen, naturplan.dk