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Torslev church, ab. 20 km west of Aalborg, Google earth. |
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Torslev church, wikipedia |
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Torslev church, wikipedia. |
Fru Ingeborg Seefeld let in 1698 the tower room separate from the nave with a wrought iron door and furnish into a family burial; her own sandstone epitaph is set up upon the wall and a marble epitaph for Anders Kierulf of Sødal upon the north wall. Upon the north wall of the nave are two oval limestone tablets, one for the Dean Anders Olsen, (+ 1685), set up 1697 by Dean Jørgen Hansen, another for Maren Nielsdatter (+ 1694), and her two husbands, Rasmus Ottesøn (+ 1646) and Pors Lavissøn (+ 1705). A Romanesque gravestone with the name Thormod and an image of the life-tree is inserted high in the south wall of the nave. Two large gravestones, upright in the choir ( portrait stones) for Erik Banner of Kokkedal (+ 1483) and his son, rigsmarsk Erik Banner (+ 1554) with his two wives, Mette Rosenkrantz (+ 1533) and Margrethe Gyldenstierne (+ 1554). Upon the church yard several old gravestones along the northern dike.
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Kokkedal, wikipedia. |
Later owners: Lars Johan Jelstrup, Christen Hviid, Jacob Ludvig v. Fischer-Benzon, 1818 entailed estate Kokkedal - Morten Leth Hastrup, Adolf Hein, Hans Chr. Øckenholt, Peter Schrøder, Rudolf Bruun, Jørgen Chr. Julius Vilh Bruun, S.P.Sørensen - konsortium - owner from 1917-1923 prince Erik, V.A. Boyer, N. Th C. Isager, Elisabeth Isager, 1952 the State : foundation of a boys' home.
After 1960: 1948-1976) Socialministeriet; (1976-1988) Nordjyllands Amt, (1988-) Ann Vibeke Lokdam / Gorm Lokdam
Kokkedal Slot today: (from wikipedia and Magasin Søndag May 2013).
High upon a hill lies Kokkedal slot with a beautiful view across the Limfjord. It is whitewashed, with a red tiled roof and a tower with a copper spire -and surrounded by moats. The buildings were very dilapidated when the married couple Ann Vibeke and Gorm Lokdam bought the estate in 1988, but today Kokkedal is included in their chain of castle hotels. At Kokkedal are 20 individually furnished suites with fourposter beds and 8 holiday houses in the park. The menu in the restaurant is inspired by the authentic slotskøkken and the local commodities of the season. The beefsteaks come from Kokkedal's own Angus cattle and the hunting system delivers the game
In the Frejstrupmarken southwest of Kokkedal was Frejstrupgård situated (1491 Frystrup, 1638 Frestrup). According to legendary notes in Sophie Brah'es family book F. belonged to a Niels Torstensen (Rotfeld), who possibly is identical with another Niels Torstensen, who was historically attested in 1324 in another connection. During the peasant revolt in 1441 F. was burnt down and the owner Niels Ovesen was killed, the land was later laid under Kokkedal. The informations in HofmanFund IV 1759. 374 about F.'s owners are unhistorical.
The site of Frejstrupgård is seen as a low bank southwest of Kokkedal in the Frejstrupdalen (a valley). Upon the bank, which never seems to have been surrounded by moats, have been found bricks.
Alsbjerggård was already in the 1300s a noble farm to which Niels Jensen (Seeefeld)( ? ) 1371-1401 wrote himself. His daughter Karen Nielsdatter (Seefeld), widow after Vogn Jepsen (Vognsen of Stenshede)( + latest 1450 )owned the farm in 1450. In 1456-1463 Laurids Dan (Dansøn) wrote hiself of A. Svend Saxstrup owned A in 1470 (or a part of A.), but in the end of the 1400s Karen Lauridsdatter Dan and her husband Jep Jensen (Skovgaard) must have owned a part of the farm, which from them came to their son Jørgen Jepsen Skovgaard of Skovgaard (Brusk herred )(+ 1557).
Later owners: Hans Skovgaard, Johan Skovgaard, Henrik Lykke, Frands Lykke, Karen Galde. In 1585 ( or in 1539) Alsbjerggård was divided into 4 farms.
In the middle of Alsbjerg village is a disturbed site of the old Alsbjerggård, an irregular place surrounded by lowerings. Some monk bricks were found on the site. Some graves are mentioned in the late 1800s.
According to an unprovable tradition was a nunnery at Torslev church in the Middle Ages, Styvels kloster, where the nuns in ab. 1520 were moved to Ø kloster. Late local legends mention also a monastery with an underground connection to Ø kloster. - The name Styvel ("Styvelet" was later used about a hospital for poor people,which was established in 1740 by Diderik Chr. Braës. It is certain that southeast of the church hill and south of the church were several old brick buildings.
Torslev Holme (Overholm and Nederholm) was from the old days a common meadow for the old farms in Torslev, Årup and Flegum and the farm Haven, but with specific parts for each farm. After 1 August the grazing rights belonged to the farms in Vesterby in common. After the building of the dam Attrup-Øland the old community stopped. (1927)
Listed prehistorics: At Alsbjerg the passage grave Hvisselhøj which is unique. It has 3 chambers, one behind the other and all connected by door openings. An entrance leads to the outernest and longest chamber. In the passage grave were found several flint axes, flint daggers, clay pots and amber pearls. Furthermore is listed a longhill and 36 hills, mainly in the western section of the parish, several are rather large, like Uglehøj at Alsbjerg and at Årupgård are two large, one lesser hill and a longhill, the only left from a group of 12.
Demolished or destroyed: 42 hills, almost all upon the hillside in the middle part of the parish. In one were found a woman's grave from early Bronze Age with pieces of cloth and a belt plate.
In Arup kær was found a depot from *Dolktid with 2 flint daggers and 12 scythes.
*Dolktid = 2.300-1.700 B.C.
Names from the Middle Ages: Torslev (1307 Torslef, 1447 Torsleff, Thorsleff); Attrup (1462 Attrup); Alsbjerg (1371 Alsbergh); Flegum (1584 Fligum, 1585 Flegom); Årup (1418 Aarthorp, Ordrup); Kokkedal (1407 Kockedal) Haven (1560 Havgen).
Source: Trap Danmark, Hjørring amt, 1960.
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