

Randrup Mølle

Randrup Vandmølle (Watermill)
Randrup is an estate which through periods has played an important and decisive role in the Viborg area and in Vinkel parish since all the estate of the parish belonged to Randrup. The first known owner was hr. Anders Ovesen Hvide, who was the owner until the midst of the 1380s, but still lived at the place in 1401. His son Stig Andersen Hvide shared the ownership with Svend Udsen who was married to his sister Christine Andersdatter Hvide. It is known that those two gentlemen in the year 1400 pawned the manor to hr. Kjeld Mogensen.
In 1421 Randrup belonged to hr.Peder Pors and in 1460 by Christen Stygge den Ældre (the Elder) , while Christen Stygge den Yngre (young) is mentioned as the owner in 1524 and 1553. About 1600 it belonged to 4 siblings from the family Harbou, of whom Karen was married to Erik Kaas (Sparre-Kaas) who in 1606 was the owner together with a couple of Harbou-siblings, among others Anne, who was married to Knud Daa, who was the owner of Randrup in 1594-1610 and Edel, married to Christoffer Lykke. In 1606 is mentioned that the manor had burnt down some time ago.
In the 1630s five grandchildren of Hans Stygge had inherited Randrup. Hans and Iver Dyre sold in 1636 the manor to Albert Rostrup, but his brother Gunde Rostrup bought it the same year from all five heirs. During the next hundred years Randrup was owned by the families Bille, Krabbe and Trolle and after that various owners up to the present.
Source: Danske slotte og herregårde, Midtjylland, bd. 13; Trap Danmark Viborg amt.
photo 2006:grethe bachmann
Vinkel Church

The south door with six pillars and fabulous monsters.

The north door with griffin and lion.

Medieval crucifix

Detail from the Baroque pulpit
The large Romanesque church is in granite ashlars, with apse, choir and nave and a later added Late Gothic tower. The big tower in re-used ashlars in the bottom and monk bricks above is from the late Middle Ages, but was rebuilt in 1744. A porch in front of the south door was demolished in 1867-68, and the tower room was furnished as a front hall.
The inside of the church has beamed ceilings while the apse has a half dome vault. The choir arch is preserved with heavy Romanesque kragsten (oblong relief stones). In both eastern corners of the nave are niches from Catholic side altars. Upon the walled communion table is a Renaissance altarpiece from the beginning of the 1600s, and on the north side of the nave is a big medieval choir arch crucifix. The Romanesque baptismal font is granite. The pulpit is Baroque from 1649. At the restoration in 1944-48 the old colours on the pulpit and the crucifix were re-made.

Some Romanesque windows are preserved - also the two portals, the north door with single pillars and a thympanum relief with griffin and lion -and the south door with a large six pillar front of Viborg-type with fabulous monsters.animals.
Source: Trap Danmark Viborg amt.
photo 2006: grethe bachmann
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