Støvringgård, 11 km northeast of Randers
In the beginning of the 1300s a farm/manor was placed upon a small motte on a bank by Randers fjord. Støvringgård was in 1319 owned by ridder (knight) Palle Jensen Juul who had a Lily in his coat of arms (Lilje-Juul) - his daughter was married to Niels Bugge of Hald. Niels Bugge's son-in-law Christiern Vendelbo (+ ab. 1400) owned Støvringgård and his daughter Else Christiernsdatter was the owner in 1442 and 1446. She was married to Axel Jepsen Thott and the second time to Lyder Holck, who in 1429 and 1432 was the owner of the manor. Støvringgård was inherited by the son Jep Axelsen Thott and after his death in ab. 1455 it came first to the son-in-law Jørgen Krumpen, who owned it in 1464, and then to Erik Pedersen Glob. From 1472 to Axel Jepsen Thott (+ ab. 1488) - his widow Margrethe Andersdatter Bjørn had the manor in 1499, but in 1505 and 1509 her brother Jep Andersen Mus (Bjørn) was the owner, and then it came to Jakob Andersen Bjørn )(+ ab. 1525) , his son Anders Jakobsen Bjørn (+ ab. 15i40), Jakob Bjørns widow Margrethe Poulsdatter , who still lived 1551 and the daughter Dorthe Bjørn (+ ab 1564), widowed by Oluf Glob of Vellumgård. A son of her cousin, Erik Kaas (Sparre-Kaas) (+1578) inherited Støvringgård, and after him his sons Niels Kaas of Birkelse (+1620) and rigsråd Mogens Kaas of Restrup (+1656)- then it was split among his 7 children who had to give up the estate during the economic hard period after the Danish-Swedish wars.
The main building is listed in class A and was built during the ownership of the brothers Niels and Mogens Kaas. The four winged plan stands on a narrow circular castle islet surrounded by water-filled moats. According to the wall on the west wing the building is from 1622. Upon the south wing was in 1630 added a tower like a cross house of same height as the other wings. After Mogens Kaas' children had given up Støvringgård it came during the next ab. 100 years to various owners -and according to will and royal fundats (instrument of foundation) it was in 1735 converted into a jomfrukloster (home for unmarried ladies of rank) for up to 12 women. The royal fundats was later like in Vemmetofte at Zealand adapted to modern times. After ab. 200 years having been a closed an peaceful enclave for aristocratic ladies the main building is now conveyed into modern apartments for everyone.
There is public access to the castle bak and the park during the summer period.
Link: Støvringgård
A place in Sønderskov (forest) is named "Spaniolernes Ridebane" (The Spaniards' Riding Ground), from the time when the Spanish auxiliaries were quartered in the area. (1808)
In the outskirts of Sønderskov is "Kirkegården" (church yard). It was originally meant to be a burial site for Støvringgård kloster. In the fields east of the road to Støvringgård is a strange group of trees, "Hellebøge", old beeches now in decay - and a little longer to the east a group of oaks, named "de dovne ege" (the lazy oaks) because the peasants were said to take rather long rests below these trees.
Source: Trap Danmark Randers amt 1963; Politikkens bog om Danmarks slotte og herregårde; Jytte Ortmann: Slotte og herregårde i Danmark.
photo Støvringgård 2002: grethe bachmann
Støvring Church.
The highly situated church has got a wide view over Randers fjord. The church yard is surrounded by granite boulder dikes and has a large ancient burial mound. The Romanesque choir and nave are granite ashlars. A tower by the west gable from the late Middle Ages are demolished a long time ago - and a half-timbered porch was in 1865 replaced by the present porch in small red bricks. At the south door's eastern side is an ashlar with a chessboard pattern. The altar piece is from ab. 1790 and somewhat changed , the altar candlesticks are from 1621 with the coat of arms and names of Mogens Kaas and fru Sidsel Friis, also at the sandstone font. The pulpit with a sounding board is according to an inscription from 1720 but has older parts.
Names in the Middle Ages:
Støvring (* 1319 Stifringh); Åstrup (1608 Aastrup); Støvringgård ( 1324 Stiuiringh, 1470 Støffringard);
Listed prehistorics: A stone cist south of Mellerup and 5 hills of which one is situated at the church yard. Store Olgershøj northwest of Støvringgård is rather large.
Demolished or destroyed: 4 hills.
kilde: Trap Danmark, Randers amt, 1963.
photo Støvringgård 2002: grethe bachmann
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