Løgismose, 12 km northwest of Fåborg. |
Løgismose was in the beginning of the 1300s owned by the three "brothers" Jens Ingildsen Revel, Peder Rytze and Vogn Nielsen. The last mentioned seems to have connnection to the
Sønderjylland family Jul. Løgismose was shared among them , when it is mentioned the first time, and through the centuries it was maybe more than any other main farm divided and only collected now and then for a shorter time. In 1333 Peder Rytze bought from Jens Revel the share in L., which he had inherited from Vogn Nielsen, Jens Revel's own share was inherited by his daughter Sophie Revel (+ earliest 1404), who by marriage brought it to Jep Abildgaard ( + earliest 1438), who in 1387 pawned it to
væbner Jens Pedersen (Panter) of "Høgerup" ( + 1417).
Other owners of L. in the late 1300s were members of the families Krummedige, Sested (Sehestedt) and Jul of Sønderjylland. Erik Krummedige owned a part, and in 1392 his sister fru Elsebe Krummedige's husband Henrik Split gave him this share besides the share which was hers. Also Erik Krummedige's brother (father?) Segebod Krummedige ( + latest 1397) owned a share, which was inherited by the daughter Mette Segebodsdatter Krummedige, who 1. time was married to one from the family Jul, the second time to Hartvig Ottosen Sested. Her share was inherited by the sons of 1. marriage Iver (+ earliest 1421), Troels ( + earliest 1401) and Thomas Jul (+ between 1438-47) and her sons-in-law, mayor in Flensborg Sivert Krok, mayor in Flensborg Henrik Vrese (Friis) and citizen in Ribe Thetmar von Gatmer, called Blow (Blue). Parts of L. went to her sons of 2. marriage, Poppe and Reimer Hartvigsen Sested and the daughter Gisele Hartvigsdatter Sested. The last mentioned was married to Jep Wilsen (Ferke) who bought the ownerships from his brothers-in-law Poppe and Reimer.
In 1396 and 1405 is also mentioned high court judge in Funen hr. Niels Pedersen (Panter?) and in 1396 hr. Jens Andersen (Panter?) together with Jens Pedersen (Panter) of L. The last mentioned bought in 1401 the shares of Iver Jul and his siblings and brothers-in-law, and in 1408 he got from Jep Wilsen his shares as a pawn. At his death in1417 he probably owned all of L. His widow of 2. marriage, Grethe Henriksdattter Brockdorff (+ between 1441-50), and the son Peder Jensen (Panter) got by the exchange a third of L., while two thirds went to the son's son Laurids Lauridsen (Panter), ( + as child), whose mother Mette Pedersdatter (Present)( + latest 1457) inherited him and in 1432 by new marriage brought her part in L. to Eiler Hardenberg and later by her 3. marriage to
rigsråd hr. Engelbrecht Bydelsbak (+ 1490) of Torbenfeld (+ ab. 1493). Latest from 1470 her son-in-law,
væbner and later
rigsråd Claus Bryske (+ earliest 1506) , m. to Grete Engelbrechtsdatter Bydelsbak (+ 1490), was written to L. , but not until 1475 came the exchange after Mette Pedersdatter (Present) and her 2 late children Johan and Kirsten. At this point L. with Nellemose and all estate went to her son of 3. marriage hr. Albrecth Engelbrechtsen Bydelsbak (+ latest 1493).
Supposedly went a share of L. to fru Mette Bertelsdatter Tinhuus (+ earliest 1500), widow after hr. Joachim Hardenberg ( + between 1469-75), Mette Pedersdatter's son of 2. marriage, on behalf of her children. This is not quite sure. Something indicates that hr. Albrecht Engelbrechtsen got all of L. In 1479-88 is Claus Bryske written to L. again, but after hr. Albrecht's death L. went to his daughter Mette Albrechtsdatter Bydelsbak (+ 1513), who by marriage brought it to the later
rigshofmester hr. Mogens Gøye of Krenkerup (+ 1544). After him L. was inherited by the daughters Mette Gøye, m. to hr. Johan Oxe of Nielstrup (+ 1534), Eline Gøye, 1. time m. to hr. Mourids Olufsen Krognos (+ 1550), 2. time to Vincents Juel (+ 1579), and Pernille Gøye (+ 1552), in 1539 2. time m. to
rigsråd Børge Trolle of Lillø (+ 1571). Johan Oxe's part was inherited by his sons, hr. Peder Oxe of Gisselfeld (+ 1575) and Eskild Oxe (+ 1563), but also by the daughters Inger (+ 1591) and Sidsel Oxe (+ 1593), of whom the last mentioned in 1590 bought her sister's share. Peder Oxe gave in 1567 his share as a morning gift to his wife-to- be, fru Mette Olufsdatter Rosenkrantz of Vallø
(+ 1588). It seems that Sidsel Oxe was the main owner in the beginning of the 1590s, and her share was inherited by her sister Pernille's son Johan Rud of Møgelkjær (+ 1609) and her daughter's children Otto Banner ( + 1625) and Mette Banner (+ 1614), 1. time m. to Erik Bille of Rønnovsholm (+ 1600), 2. time to Jørgen Kaas.
Owners in the 1600s: Family Bille, Bryske, Urne, Skinkel, Rosenkrantz. In the 1700s: Family Trampe. In the 1800s several various owners. In 1955 was L. owned by S.P. and E. Korshøj.
Løgismose has developed from import of French quality wines direct from the wine farmers into a food-house of international class. Løgismose is the part of a family community( the family Grønlykke), managing Falsled Kro, restaurant Kong Hans Kælder, Løgismose Vinimport and Løgismose Mejeri (dairy) - known for its cheese and oysters.
beach at Løgismose |
Hårby Church, Båg herred, Odense amt.
ab. 5 km north of Løgismose
The church's Romanesque part, choir and nave, are built in raw granite boulder with corner ashlars upon a double plinth.From late Gothic period are the extension of the choir, the cross vaults of the choir and the nave, a chapel on the north side of the nave and a western tower; the chapel is extended to the north by a porch, probably in 1856. The heavy tower has a vaulted bottom room, a pointed arch to the nave and a stairhouse to the south .
The altarpiece (structure) is neo Gothic with a contemporary painting. At the sides four apostle-figures in plaster. Chalice and desk from 1661 with the coat of arms of Anders Bille and Sophie Rosenkrantz. A wafer-box (Sophia Hedevig Trampe). Altar candelabres, probably contemporary to the altar. A modern stone font with a bowl from 1570, initials O B D R and coat of arms for Oxe ? and Rud. The pulpit with relief-carved year 1618. Newer pews, chandeliers, organ and gallery to the west. A strong ironbound money block with special lock from the 1600s. New church ship "Hellig Olav". Bells 1) 1819, cast by I. C. Gamst. Kbhvn. 2) 1875, by B Løw and son, Kbhvn.
In the tower room a grave chapel for the family Trampe, with a pretty cast iron grating. Inside the chapel three large black marble sarcophagus with white marble decoration. In a walled burial cellar below the choir, which belonged to Anders Bille and his descendants, who gave it to Odense Jomfrukloster, is now only the burial of Anders Bille in a new coffin from 1943. The other coffins were buried in the church yard, and several coffin plates and decorations were placed on the wall in the porch, next to others. Also gravestones in the porch from the 1600s (Urne, Bille etc).
beach at Løgismose |
In the parish was a main farm
Højsgård (1425 Høgs Gaard), which in the late 1500s belonged to fru Mette Urne (+ 1612), m. to captain Alexander Durham (+ 1600). In 1609 and 1627 it belonged to her sister's daughter jomfru Pernille Lykke of Klingstrup (+ 1634). In 1635 it was owned by
rigsadmiral Claus Daa of Ravnstrup, who wished to exchange it to the Crown in return for jus patronus of Fraugde church. The exchange seems not to have happened, since he in 1639 sold H. to Anders Bille (+ 1657), who in 1649 wrote himself of H. and Løgismose, to which he transferred it. Still in the middle of the 1800s were ruins on the land of Ballegården. A mill belonged to the farm, it was in 1521 named Høgisgaardts mølle.
Listed prehistorics: At Strandby a dolmen chamber with a cover stone and a rather large butsomewhat outdigged hill
Demolished: At Strandby two dolmens and the hills
Humlehøj and
Skråhøj, where were found bronze objects; at Sarup 5 hills.
Small settlements from late Stone Age are known from Maden and Sarup. From Sarup origins a late Bronze Age treasure-find with 6 bracelets, 8 buttons, knife etc. At Hårby was found a
brandgrav (burnt grave) from early Roman Iron Age.
Names from the Middle Ages:
Hårby (1386 Harby); Akkerup (1425 Askendorp, 1504 Accroppe); Sarup (1404 Sarup); Strandby (1425 Strandby); Nældemose (1475 Noldemose, 1492 Nedlæmose); Løgismose (1333 Løuitz mosse, 1390 Louesmose); Filstrup (1521 Fielstrup gard); Ellegård (1500s Ellegaardt).
Source: Trap Danmark, Odense amt, 1956.
photo 1999: grethe bachmann.