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Hjermind church, ab. 12 km east of Viborg. |
Hjermind parish, Middelsom herred, Viborg amt.
The white washed church i Hjermind has a Romanesque choir and nave and a later added western tower. The original walls are mostly in ashlars made of al (= hard plan) above a bevelled plinth, but in the present time a great part was face walled with bricks, the ashlar walls are best kept on the north side, where are also three Romanesque windows, one in the choir, two in the nave. The original doors are still seen, but both are bricked-up. The late medieval tower in bricks was probably higher once, the north-south gables have 1700s coverage; the bottom tower room which functions as a front hall, has an original door in the western wall, flat curved in its point arched frame (medieval western entrances are rare in that part of Jutland) . Upon the southern side-wall of the nave is read under the wall anchers and the eaves M C F H and the year 1245, but the second digit must be 7 instead of 2.
The inside of the church has a beamed ceiling , and the Romanesque choir arch has been kept. The altarpiece is a large carving with side wings, in two storeys and with a carved last supper- image in the large field after a model at Aalborg Vor Frue kirke (Our Lady' church); in the top field the resurrection, under the columns are symbolic figures possibly taken from the classical pantheon; above the corniche are the names of the givers: Kristen Serensen in Kielinhøl and his wife. A simple pulpit with a sounding board from the beginning of the 1600s, much re-newed in 1924. A Romanesque granite font. Ttwo gravestones with portrait figures,one for parish priest Niels Jensen (+ 1619) with two wives, another for herredsfoged (district-bailiff) Anders Andersen (+ 1623) and wife. A portrait painting, depicting the wellknown rationalistic parish priest and planter Hans Bjerregaard (+ 1860). The church had a restoration in 1961, and a frescoe was found in the choir arch.
Tavlgård was by Nis Pederen of T. deeded in 1423 to Tyrgi Wolssøn; in 1443 and 1447 it was owned by Oluf Torisen, in 1484 -99 is mentioned Thomas Olsen in T.
The væbner Oluf Dommer (= Sommer?) of Hjermind is mentioned in 1478.
Tulstrupgård was owned by kammerråd Peter Gottlieb Koch, earlier of Ulstrup (+ 1853), "he was probably one of the best farmers in Denmark".
In the parish was probably a church Starkær (1447 Starker), which priest Jeppe Monssen is mentioned in a thing's witness 1447. The place is localized to Kappelet west of Hjermind kirke. In the parish are also earlier mentioned the farms: Lundting (1480 Lundting gaard), which belonged to Tvilum kloster, and Østergård (1345 Østergarth), which is not identical with the present Østergård.
Listed prehistorics: 10 hills of which the rather large Loddenhøj east of Hjermind.
Demolished or destroyed: a stone cist and 38 hills, of which a big part were in a stripe, which from Bjerringbro to the north east went along the western side of Hjermind skov. At Tavlgårde was a group of 10 hills stretching into Lee parish.
In the garden of the vicarage stands a runestone, which was found at Hjermind mark (field) at the backside it has a volatile carved figure of a ship. The inscription is: "Tholv rejste denne sten efter sin broder Rade , en meget velbyrdig dreng". ("Tholv raised this stone after his brother Rade, a very noble boy ".( = young man) . Not far from the place, where the runestone was found, was found another runestone in 1643, which was sent to Copenhagen and placed at Rundetårn, from where it disappeared at the fire of Copenhagen in 1728. The inscription was: "Tove rejste denne sten efter sin søn Toste ...dreng". ( "Tove raised this stone after her son Toste ... boy.")
Names from the Middle Ages and 1600s: Hjermind (1423 Hiærmæn); Tavlgårde (1423 Thaffwæl, 1447 Taflæ); Solgård (1664 Suolgaard).
Source: Trap Danmark, Viborg amt, 1962.
photo: borrowed from Google earth, 2013, gb
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