Gøttrup Church


Romanesque granite font with leaf ornaments and pyramid foot.

Upon the northern choir arch is a strange reclining human figure from the 1100s.

Chess board

On each side of the porch door is a walled in tombstone, respectively from 1625 and 1629. They were used as doorsteps at Gøttrup Nørregård but were brought back to the church in 1922 and walled in.
Gøttrup Church has a Romanesque apse, choir and nave and a late Gothic western tower and a porch to the south. The Romanesque building is in granite ashlars. The south door is unchanged with a cover stone while only the bottom sections of the walled-in north door is visible. From original windows is one preserved in the apse with cover stone and frame stone and one in the north wall of the choir as an outside niche. Several window stones are walled-in in the north side of the tower and a cover stone is placed on the south side.
The apse has inside a half cupola and an apse arch with profiled frame stones. The circular choir arch has very various profiled frame stones, which to the north side has a primitive relief of a human figure with outstretched arms. The late Gothic tower from ab. 1500 has the same broadth as the nave and is built in re-used ashlars and yellow monk bricks. The cross vaulted bottom room with a pointed arch has a round arched window to the south. A new wooden staircase leads to a door in the north side of the middle floor. The porch from ab. 1500 has no original details. The choir and nave has beamed ceilings and the roof works are in old oak wood. The whole building was restored in 1924-25 and in 1958-59. A chapel was built at the same time.
The altar piece is in Renaissance from 1585 (triptychon ) and the middle field is a painting from ab. 1700. A Romanesque granite font with leaf ornaments upon the basin and a pyramid-foot with achades. A baptismal basin from 1695. A simple pulpit from 1579 with naive animal-reliefs and a contemporary sounding board. Pews from 1600-25, later restored and changed. At the organ from 1908 are sections from a gallery, probably from 1612. A church bell from ab. 1500 by Albert Poulsen. Epitaph of major Parmo Speitzer, + 1735, and wife. Grave stone: 1) Anders Nielsen + 1625 2) Chr. Chrestensen, + 1629.
Names in the Middle Ages and the 1600s:
Gøttrup ( 1447 Gyøttrop).
Kolborg Huse (1552 Koldborrig); Bjergegaarde (1458 Bieræ, 1610 Synnderbierre, 1688 Bierregaard); Sløjhuse (*1508 Sløenn, 1664 Sløien); Stjerslev (1664 Stiersleff); Vestermøllegaard (1610 Westermølle); Korsbæk (1664 Korsbech); Tinglavgaard (1664 Tienlaugaard); Storestrand (1552 Strannd,1664 Stoerstrand); Havgaard (1664 Haffgaard); Nr.Bjergegaard (1552 Nørbierg); V. Drøstrup ( *1508 Vester Drøstrup); Vestenbækgaard (1688 Huuse wed Bechen.)
Kristoffer Frederik Petersen lived in Gøttrup and owned some strøgods ("scattered" estate) - 1795.
In the parish was a farm/manor Brostrup (1610 Broustrup)
The parish with its low-placed land had no special prehistoric settlements, there are no listed memorials, but there were 4 hills, now demolished.
In Gøttrup Rimme was found a depot with 12 flint-planks, and north of G. was noted a settlement from Roman Iron Age.
From the churchyard is a wide view over the landscape and to Kettrup Church.
Source: Trap Danmark, Thisted amt, 1961
photo 16 June 2006: grethe bachmann
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