Arnborg Church, ab. 12 km south of Herning
Arnborg sogn, Hammerum herred, Ringkøbing amt.
The old settlement at Arnborg is closely connected to the rivers Skjern Å, Holtum Å and Rind Å with their fertile meadows. Over the years have been dug considerable quantitites lignite in the parish. The church in Arnborg lies close to a steep bank down to Rind Å. It has a Romanesque choir and nave and a porch from the reformation-period to the south. The Romanesque building is in granite ashlars, and it has kept both straight edged doors, bricked-up in the north wall, while the south door is in use. In the north side of the choir is one and in the north side of the nave are two round arch windows kept. Inside are flat beamed ceilings, the round choir arch has profiled kragsten. The porch is built in monk bricks, it has been re-walled like the west gable of the nave with small bricks and the year 1830.

The altar piece is a good carving in Renaissance from 1608, made by Ingvor Snedker. The large field is flanked by two pillars and a couple of wings with exuberant fruit bundles and figures. In the large field a painting between biblical texts. The earlier altar piece from 1862, a painting, hangs in the church. The chalice is from the last half of the 1600s, the candelabres are in late Gothic style. A confessional tablet is in Herning Museum. A Romanesque granite font with a smooth basin upon a foot shaped as a claw-capital. Two smooth baptismal bowls, probably from the 1700s. A small pulpit in late Renaissance; upon the contemporary sounding board is the year 1653. The Renaissance pews from ab. 1625 have been thouroughly repaired. A heavy iron mounted door wing, probably from the 1600s. Bell from the 1700s; it hangs in a gallow upon the east gable.

Green is probably the farm Grene to which Nicolaus Lille wrote himself in 1320. A nobility signet from the 1300s with the name Nicolaus Lithl was found in 1903 at Green mark (field) . In 1688 G. belonged under Arnborg kirke.
In excavation of the floor in Arnborg church was in 1957 found 13 coins, of which 10 Danish from Valdemar II till Chr. IX.

Rind Å
Names in the middle ages and 1600s:
Arnborg (1330-48 Arnburgh); Gl. Arnborg (* 1466 Arnborg, 1498 Gamel Arnborig); Hjøllund (* 1480 Øster Høllend, 1485 Hiølling); Skibbild (1688 Schiuild); Green (* 1320 Greue, Grene); Fasterholtgård (1610 Fasterholtt); Tovdal (1587 Thvodal, 1597 Tuodall); Birkebæk (1688 Birkebeck).
Listed prehistorics: 7 hills, all small.
Demolished or destroyed: 28 hills.
Source: Trap Danmark, Ringkøbing amt, 1965

photo Arnborg kirke 2003/2007: grethe bachmann
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