Fabjerg Church, ab. 6 km southwest of Lemvig
Fabjerg sogn, Skodborg herred, Ringkøbing amt.
The church is situated in a desolate place a few km south of the village in Fabjerg and with the large Klosterhede plantation a few km to the south. The choir and nave are Romanesque with a late Gothic tower and porch. The Romanesque section is in granite ashlars on a double plinth - in many ashlars are stone mason fields. The straight edged north door is in use, while the similar south door is bricked-up. A Romanesque window is bricked-up in the east wall of the choir, furthermore one at its north side and two in the north side of the nave, east and west of the porch. A cross vault was in the late Gothic period built in the choir, and the choir arch was extended. The nave has a beamed ceiling, and the bottom room of the tower has a cross vault built in the walls, opening to the nave in a circular tower arch. The tower has a winding staircase in the north east corner and the steep gables have blændingsdekorationer in West Jutland type (flat decoration niches which breaks a smooth wall) . The late Gothic porch is built in monk bricks and it has large circular curved niches and a smooth gable.
The altar piece is a variant of Lutheranian triptychon with both loose and firm wings and a top field. It was given by Peder Skriver in 1595. In a repair in 1917-18 original biblical paintings were brought to light. An earlier altar painting from ab. 1850 hangs in the church. Candelabres in Baroque-style, but probably rather new. A Romanesque granite font with a smooth, four-leaf clover-shaped basin upon a circular foot with corner knots. Pulpit in Renaissance, ab. 1625. A simple crucifix from 1700s. A panel with a painting possibly origins from a communion table. A heavy, probably late Gothic iron bound coffin. Bell from 1504 by Peter Hanssen in Flensborg with Latin and Danish minuskel inscriptions. In the south east wall of the porch is a trapeze-shaped stone, probably a Romanesque or early Gothic gravestone. In the dike to the north is a driving gate and a wicket. A coin finding from ab. 1525 hangs in the church.
Kviesgård has got its name from the nobility family Qvie. In 1388 is mentioned Niels Qvie. In 1439 Poul Qvie pawned the farm to his sister's son Peder Arstsen (Fasti) of Ørs. In 1455 is mentioned Jep Qvie. After his death Christen Pedersen (Aal), who owned K. in 1487 , conveyed the farm to Niels Clementsen, possibly on behalf of the Crown, since he later had it as a vasaly from king Hans. By his son Rasmus Clementsen's heirs it was sold to Mogens Gøye. Birgitte Akselsdatter Brahe of Bækmark gave in 1647 K. to her sister's daughter jomfru Karen Ejlersdatter Quitzow, but in 1660 it was a peasant farm under Bækmark and in 1789 under Kabbel.
Engelund was a main farm, to which Didrik Høicken's widow Margrethe Iversdatter Friis wrote herself from 1589 till her death in 1613. Later it was owned by Jacob Grubbe of Kabbel and was 1638 occupied by peasants.
Fabjergmølle (later Vestermølle) was in 1429 by Peder Krabbe Juel of Kokholm conveyed to St. Hans Kloster in Viborg. Later it belonged to the Crown, which in 1721 conveyed it to Jens Damgaard in Hjerm.
There were two sacred wells in the parish: Baggeskilde at Hyldegård and a well in the south side of a valley at Vestergårde; both are mentioned in 1638.
When digging a garden in Fabjerg was in 1871 found a clay pot, which contained 70 daler, most German and Netherland coins, the earliest from 1651.

Opposite the church a field with "open-air-pigs"
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Fabjerg (1330-48 Fabyergh); fabjergbol 1552 Fabbiergboll, Fabiergboel); Vestergårde (1638 Westergaard); Bloksgård (1539 Blochsgaardtz jordtt); Kviesgård (* 1439 Queesgaard); Nørgård (1556 Noregaardt, 1595 Nørgaard); Korslund (1614 Korszlund); Havreballe (1595 Hauffuerballe); Børring Toft (1614 Tofft); Kærgård (1610 Kiergaard); Ørvejle (1683 Ørwellehuus); Hvirveltoft (1610 Huergeltud); Svendsgård (Svendszensgaardt); Buggesbol ( 1683 Bugens Boel); Prebensgård (1614 Prebenszgrd); Kærmark (1683 Kiærmarchshuuse); Søgård ( * 1499 Siøgaard); Kær (Lisumkær, * 1479 Lesum kier, * 1508 Kier); Fruerbol (1614 Fruboelle); Balletoft (1610 Balgethofft); Agergård (* 1502 Aggergaardt); Pindsbol (1664 Pindsboehl); Rottesgård (1683 Rottersgaard, 1688 Rattesgaard); Fabjergdal (1506 Fabergdall); Rattrup (1482 Raptrop); Brunshede 1683 Heede Huused, 1688 Heden); Sønderby skovridergård (* 1420 Synderby, Synderbye); Vestermølle, earlier Fabjergmølle )(* 1420 Fabierg mølle); Østermølle, earlier Nibsmølle (* 1505 Nyps Møllested).
Disappeared farms in the parish: Broksgård (1664 Broxgaard); Ringgård (1552 Ringgaard); Naversbol (1688 Nafuersboell); Østerbol (1688 Østerboell); Kogsbol (1614 Kogsboell); Vesterdal (1595 Westendall); Avnsborg ( 1664 Auindzborrig); Mannerup and Lundsby (* 1530 Lundsbye); Disappeared houses: Brunshussted (* 1444 Brunshusted); and Ålehuset (1688 Aalehuuset).
Listed prehistorics: 67 hills and two longhills. Most of these hills are in a hill-row along the oldtidsvejen (prehistoric road) passing Savmandsgård and Fabjerg kirke where they form pretty rows; 3 of these are rather large: one at Ny Bloksgård, another at the church and one at Savmandsgård. Outside the hill rows are some hills in Kronhede plantation.
Demolished or destroyed: 49 hills and a longhill mostly in the hill-row.
Source: Trap Danmark, Ringkøbing amt, 1965.

photo Fabjerg kirke 2003: grethe bachmann
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