Tulstrup Church, ca. 15 km south of Århus
Tulstrup sogn, Ning herred, Århus amt.
Tulstrup sogn is a high-placed hilly land, stretching from Kattegat across Malling and Odder to Uldrup bakker at Horsens fjord. The pretty white-washed church with red tiled roofs is placed in the northern part of Tulstrup village. It has a Romanesque choir and nave and a late Gothic western extension in monk bricks. The tower was built shortly after the extension; its east wall rests upon columns in the western extension. The top of the tower is heavily re-walled, possibly in 1791, when it got its still existing pyramid roof. The porch to the south is mainly late Gothic in monk bricks, but is marked by a rebuild in 1871 with small bricks. The Romanesque building is rather late, it is in raw granite boulder with carved corner ashlars. The south door is in use, all original windows have disappeared. At the tower lie three monolit cover stones.
The whole church has a flat beamed ceiling. The altarpiece is partly made in 1790 and partly a Renaissance altarpiece. Two Apostle-figures from a late Gothic altar piece is placed above the present. A fine Romanesque granite font with double lions of classical type and evangelist symbols. Simple pulpit in late Renaissance ab. 1630-40 with a contemporary sounding board. In the choir is a portrait stone for Jost Ulfeldt of Østergård (+1563) and fru Anne Kaas (Sparre-Kaas).

Jens Ebbesen gave 1447 Øm Kloster his rights in Østergård (1447: Østergaard) ; in 1543 it belonged to Jost Andersen (Ulfeldt) of Moesgård (+1563), in 1579 to his widow Anne Kaas (Sparre-K.), later to his daughters Kirsten (+ 1632) and Hedvig Ulfeldt (+1638) and their sister's son Johan Brockenhuus of Lerbæk (+ 1648), who before 1643 sold the farm. It was said to have belonged to Niels Friis (of Vadskærgård) and Favrskov (+ 1651) and his son Mogens Friis, but in 1662 it belonged to Birgitte Krabbe (of Østergård),who in 1678 conveyed it with 5 farms and bol to baron Vilhelm Gyldenkrone of Vilhelmsborg; his sons Vilhelm and Jørgen Gyldenkrone sold in 1701 all their inheritance in Ø. to their brother baron Christian Gyldenkrone of Vilhelmsborg. Later owners: Charisius, Kaas, Gyldenkrone,Koch, Schultz, Dahl; 1911 Eleonora Bang (+ 1922), her sister's son Thorkild Dahl.
In the same place as the present main building was in 1665 a ruin of a half-timbered building. It is not known when it was demolished. The present building is from 1835. Østergård has a fine collection of early Netherland and Danish paintings.
Pederstrup was in 1465 owned by væbner Mikkel Bjørnsen, who had the coat of arms of the family Falster. Later it belonged to væbner Christiern Christiernsen, whose widow Birgitte Knudsdatter is mentioned 1504-11; in 1518 Hans Knudsen sold it to Hans Rostrup (+ 1545), whose daughter Ellen, a widow after Ove Skram, still owned it in 1605. Gunde Lange sold it in 1624 to Laurids Ebbesen (Udsen) of Lyngballegård, who in 1625 conveyed it to Otte Kruse, but P. followed Lyngballegård when L. in 1646 came to the Crown. It was placed under Århusgård and went with this to Gabriel Marselis in 1661, later it was divided in several farms.
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Tulstrup (* 1447 Tullstrup sogen); Pederstrup (1465 Pæderstrop); Hinnedrup (1546 Hindervp); Østergård (* 1447 Østergaard).
There are no listed prehistorics in the parish, but there were once 3 hills.
Source: Trap Danmark, Århus amt, 1963.

photo Tulstrup kirke 2004: grethe bachmann
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