Lyngby Church, 10 km southwest of Grenå
Lyngby sogn, Djurs Sønder herred, Randers amt.

The white-washed church in Lyngby on Djursland is a longhouse with a three-sided end of the choir, a tower to the west and two additions to the north: a sacristy (now burial chapel) and a porch. The core is a Romanesque limestone church of which only the side walls of the nave and the western gable is preserved. The original walls have under the roof an arcade gallery with dwarf-pillars. Both doors are preserved, the bricked-up south door is placed in a portal projection, the north door with smooth frames is still in use. On the north side of the nave is a Romanesque window. In the Gothic period was the old choir broken down, and the church was extended to the east in the broadth of the nave, and a three-sided choir-end was added. At the same time were built five bays cross vaults in the longhouse. In the late Middle Ages was added the heavy tower. In the over vaulted room of the tower was built a circular stair tower. The two additions are also late Gothic: the small cross vaulted sacristy and the large porch (with a fireplace in the north wall), originally built in two storeys and partly built in re-used limestone ashlars.
figures from the altar piece

In the vaults of the church were in 1903 found late Gothic frescoes from ab. 1500 (partly washed over again) and the coat of arms of bishop Jens Iversen Lange. Upon the communion table with a front panel with landscape-paintings from ab. 1720 stands a large altar piece in Bruskbaroque, given in 1664 by Math. R. Reinfranch of Fævejle. Two Baroque altar candelabres. Altar rails from 1702 with the coat of arms of Krag-Høg. A Romanesque granite font with rope-windings upon the basin and animal figures on the foot. A pulpit in Renaissance from the beginning of the 1600s with Corinthic double pillars as a frame around arcade fields and a contemporary sounding board. The simple pews were according to inscription given in 1616 by parish-priest Niels Sørensen, upmost in the church contemporary Lord of the Manor pews.
Gravestones, memorials and epitaphs in porch, tower room, nave; i.e.Romanesque gravestone with figures.

The church dike in raw granite boulder is still very large, but before 1853-54, when it was broken down to half height, it was about 1,7 m thick and ab. 3,8 m high; the legend says that an aristocratic lady built the church, and her sister promised to build a wall which was more expensive than the church; the wall cost 1 skilling more than the church.

Fævejle. The væbner Jense Laursen and væbner Henrik Blik conveyed in 1429 to hr. Otte Nielsen (Rosenkrantz) of Hevringholm a desolate site in Fævejle, which their wives had inherited from Andreas Eysen whose gravestone is still in the church. In 1469 and 1487 the priest Jep Tordsen lived in F. In 1580 it was from the chapter in Århus exchanged to the Crown, which in 1581 exchanged it to Iver Juel of Lykkesholm; hr. Palle Rosenkrantz of Krenkerup got it with his wife Helvig Rantzau (+ 1618), but in 1621 it was owned by Gert Bryske's wife Kirsten Sandberg(+ 1647) whose maternal aunt Sophie Rostrup in 1632 gave it to her daughter Abel Bryske (+ unmarried after 1646). In 1648 rigsråd Frederik Reedtz (+1659) bought it; in 1661 it belonged to his son amtmand Jørgen Reedtz and son-in-law Erik Hardenberg Gyldenstierne. Later owners: Reinfranck, Høeg Banner, Høyer, Mønsted, : Owner in 1945. Ivar Brorson Mønsted. The main building was built in 1875 by N.J.A. Mønsted.
Lykkesholm belonged in 1552 to Erik Juel, in 1566 to his widow Anne Friis (of Haraldskær), 1581 and 1595 his son Iver Juel (+ after 1607, childless) and then to Børge Trolle of Trolholm (+ 1610). In 1643 it was owned by Erik Høg (Banner) of Bjørnholm + 1673, whose son Iver Juul Høg (Banner) in 1681 placed it under the barony Høgholm. Later owners: Mønsted, Westergaard, Achton. Owner from 1942 T. Blach. The main building i s listed in class B. Built in 1804 by O.C. Mønsted.
Obdrupgård was in 1441 a farm under Bjørnholm and belonged later to this. In Obdrupgård's garden is a circular castle bank 20 m diameter, ab. 6 m high, surrounded by moat. Upon the bank have been found monk bricks.
Bjørn Tordsen sold
Allelev to hr. Anders Pedersen Stygge (Galen), but re-bought the estate in 1332. The væbner Ove Sab in A. is mentioned 1429 and 1441. Allelevgård belonged in 1469 to hr. Erik Ottesen (Rosenkrantz), who in 1499 transferred it to his late son Holger's children.
In the parish are mentioned farms:
Tromborg (1664 Tromborre, 1688 Tromborre Huus) and
Gråbækgård from a settlement Gråbæk (ab. 1300 Grobæk mark). Both Tromborg, Gråbækgård and the house
Amholt (1664 Ambholt) were under Lykkesholm. In Allelev was
Lasborghuset (1688 Laszborre Huuset). Furthermore is in the Middle Ages mentioned
Plovsmølle (ab. 1300 Plozmølleæ).
Pismølle (1610 Pesmølle) is now demolished.
Upon a field at Trustrupgård was in 1929 found a stone jar with 1409 coins, mostly from Erik Klipping's and Erik Menved's time.
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Lyngby (* 1333 Løngbye, 1429 Lyungby); Trustrup (o.1300 Thruæthstorp, Thrutstorp), Fladstrup (* 1477 Flastrvp, 1479 Flastrup); Allelev (* 1332 Alwærløfæ); Saldrup (1458 Saldrop); Obdrup (o.1300 Vbæthorp); Lykkesholm (1664 Løckis Hollen); Fævejle (1429 Fæuedæl); Obdrupgård (1467 Wldrop gard, 1496 Obdrup gort).
Listed prehistorics: the long dolmen
Stenhøj with two chambers without cover stone and 3 hills in the outskirts of Adellykke skov. Furthermore 6 hills of which
Egehøj north of Allelev and
Louisehøj at Fævejle are rather large.
Demolished or destroyed: 2 long dolmens, 2 dolmen chambers and 80 hills, of which ab. 20 were under Trustrup and a similiar number under Lykkesholm. - At Møllehøj were found two goldbrakteats, one large, and 4 goldrings.
Source: Trap Danmark, Randers amt, 1963
photo Lyngby kirke/Fævejle March 2009: grethe bachmann