Støvring Church, ab. 10 km northeast of Randers
Støvring sogn, Støvring herred, Randers amt.
The high-placed church in Støvring has a wide view over Randers fjord. The church yard is surrounded by raw boulder dikes and has furthermore a large gravehill. The church is an ashlar building with choir and nave and a porch to the north. The choir and nave are from the Romanesque period in granite ashlars on a profiled plinth. The north door with a pillar on each side and an empty thympanum-field is still in use. The south door is bricked-up, at its eastern frame is an ashlar with a chessboard pattern. Upon the choir gable is an original window, on the north side traces of two other old windows, one in the choir, one in the nave. In a restoration ab. 1900 the gable and the south wall were re-walled, the nave got a new beamed ceiling and the bell (from 1762) was lifted up above the western gable a small spire. Inside was in the late Middle Ages built vaults in the choir, where the choir arch is preserved. A tower at the west gable, probably from the late Middle Ages, has been broken down long ago, probably in the 1700s. A half-timbered porch was in 1865 replaced by the present, built in small red bricks. In 1924 were late Gothic frescoes brought to light upon the choir arch(restored in1930).

The altar piece by Jens Hiernø in Horsens from ab. 1790 has pieces in Regence -style and was remade in 1857 and 1940 with side wings and a painting. Upon the altar candelabres is the year 1621 and the coat of arms and names of Mogens Kaas and fru Sidsel Friis, similar on the sandstone baptismal font.(with year 1631). The pulpit with a sounding board is according to inscription put up 1720, but seems to have older pieces, namely four evangelist figures from the 1600s. In the nave are four chandeliers given 1912.

Støvringgård was in 1319 and 1328 owned by ridder Palle Jensen (Juel), whose daughter probably was married to hr. Niels Bugge of Hald (+ 1359), his son-in-law hr. Christen Vendelbo (+ ab. 1400) owned S. and his daughter Else is written to it 1440 and 1442. She was married 1) to Axel Jepsen (Thott), 2) to Lyder Holck, who in 1429 and 1432 is written to S.; the farm was inherited by the son Jep Axelsen (Thott) and after his death ab. 1455 came S. first to the son-in-law Jørgen Krumpen, who is written to it 1464 (and probably also 1466: Christen Krumpen), then (1469 and 1470) Erik Pedersen (Glob) and from 1472 is Axel Jepsen Thott( + ab. 1488) written to it. His widow Margrethe Andersdatter Bjørn owned S. still in 1499, but in 1505 and 1509 is her brother Jep Andersen Mus (Bjørn ) written to it, then (1522) the brother rigsråd Jakob Andersen Bjørn (+ ab. 1525), his son Anders Jakobsen (+ ab. 1540), Jakob Bjørn's widow Margrethe Poulsdatter (Fikkesen?), who still lived in 1551 and the daughter Dorte Bjørn (+ ab. 1564), widow after Oluf Glob of Vellumgård. A son of her cousin, Erik Kaas (Sparre-K.)( + 1578) inherited S., which then came to his sons Niels Kaas of Birkelse (+ 1629) and rigsråd Mogens Kaas of Restrup (+ 1656), and later shared among last mentioned's 7 children, whose creditors later got the farm. Later owners: bishop Hans Svane's heirs and Thomas Fuiren, Marschalk, Harboe, In a will of 1735 was by Christine Fuiren established a jomfrukloster of Støvring for one prioress and 12 jomfruer (frøkener), all daughters of men from the first 5 ranks. The rules have been modernized. Administration: Århus Stift. the main building is listed in class A. It was built in the time of the brothers Niels and Mogens Kaas.

Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Støvring (* 1319 Stifringh); Åstrup (1608 Aastrup); Støvringgård (1324 Stiuringh, 1470 Støffringard).
Listed prehistorics: a stone cist south of Mellerup and 5 hills, of which one at the church yard. Store Olgershøj northwest of Støvringgård is rather large.
Demolished or destroyed: 4 hills.
Source: Trap Danmark, Randers amt, 1963.

photo Støvring kirke 2009, Støvringgård 2003: grethe bachmann
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