Tvede Church , ab. 12 km northeast of Randers
Tvede sogn, Nørhald herred, Randers amt.
The highplaced church in Tvede has a Romanesque choir and nave with a tower to the west from the Renaissance-period, an addition to the north and a porch to the south from the late 1700s. The Romanesque building is in granite ashlars, on the north side of the choir is a bricked-up round arched window with a monolite cover stone. Three original doors are preserved, the south door with pillars and profiled frame stones and a smooth thympanum with a profiled edge is in use, the north door, partly hidden by an addition, is similar to the south door, while the priest-door at the south side of the choir has a thympanum with a flatly carved bow. In the late Gothic period was built a cross vault in the choir, and the choir arch was extended. The nave has a flat beamed ceiling. The tower was finished in ab. 1584, it is built in re-used ashlars and large red bricks. The bottom room opens to the nave in a round arch; it has a high placed vault with profiled kragsten. The addition on the north side of the nave is from the late 1700s; it was once a burial chapel and an entrance to a gallery, but is now furnished as a heat unit. The porch with a vaulted wooden ceiling is probably from the same period. The building was repaired 1958-59. Upon the choir vault are frescoe-painted ornaments, imaginative animals and sneering masks from ab. 1500s.

The altar piece is a fine carving in Renaissance from 1594, given by Chr. Munk and Anne Skram. It was decorated in 1721 by Gothardt Braem and has a modern painting. A magnificent golden chalice, late Gothic from ab. 1500. Wafer box 1759, shaped as a small chest with coat of arms for Bokelmann. Baluster shaped ore-candelabres from 1585 with same coat of arms as the altar piece. A Romanesque granite font with a smooth basin, a brass bowl from 1600s. A pulpit from same year and with same coat of arms as the altar piece. Lord and lady-chairs and pews from ab. 1590, also with the coat of arms of Chr. Munk and Anne Skram. Chandelier 1754 given by etatsråd Hans Folsach. A Romanesque oil lamp in granite with twelve holes is in the porch. . Much panel work in Renaissance and Baroque is placed in the tower room together with sections of the gallery, which was placed upon the north wall of the nave with entrance from the addition. Bell from 1601 by Borchart Gelfgiesser with the coat of arms of Chr. Munk and wife like the door wing between nave and porch from 1586. A three-master church ship from the beginning of the 1800s and another ship, Barken "F" from ab. 1850. Epitaphs, gravestones and several coffin plates.

at Randers fjord.
Gjessinggård belonged in 1473 to vasal at Kalø Oluf Friis, who according to his coat of arms belonged to the family Lange. At his death ab. 1500 it came to his halfsister Birgitte Ottesdatter (Bøjstrup) and belonged 1505 and 1521 to her son Otte Munk (Vinranke-M.), in 1549 and later to his son Niels Munk, who still lived in 1568, but from 1566 his son Christen Munk (+ 1612) is written to the farm. His sister Kirstine Munk, (+ 1620), widow after Henrik Krag of Trinderup, sold in 1618 G. to rigsråd Iver Juul of Villestrup (+ 1627), who in 1621 bought Hungstrup, which buildings were broken down, while the land was cultivated under G. Later owners Malthe Juul, Braem; G. was inherited in the Folsach-family. Owner in 1963: Hans M.v. Folsach. The three-winged one-storey main building is listed in class A. It was built in 1746-47. In the cellar are rests of foundations from an earlier building.
Tvedegård was in 1396 owned by Anders Palnesen (Vinranke -Munk), in 1435 and 1456 by Niels Andersen, in 1464 and 14568 by Johan Pors, who in 1466 from Mariager kloster got a livsbrev (to have for life)on a farm in Tvede; in 1473 and 1484 T. was owned by Filip Ottesen (Bøjstrup), in 1503 by his son Otte Unger (Bøjstrup), who died 1540 the last male of his family. In 1629 it was an ordinary farm under Gjessinggård.
Bjerregård was in 1600 exchanged by the Crown to Christen Munk of Gjessinggård, in 1629 it was divided into two farms.
Hungstrup belonged 1509-49 to Lars Munk, then his sons Niels Munk (probably + 1566) and Jesper Munk (+ 1565). 1570 it belonged to Lars Jespersen Munk (+ 1601), in 1608 to Eske Brok of Estrup, who in 1609 sold it to Anders Friis (of Haraldskær), who in 1621 sold it to Iver Juul of Gjessinggård, who abandoned the farm.
In the parish were the settlements Hungstrup (* 1506 Hungstrup) at Hungstrup skov, and Indrup (* 1494 Indrup) at Indrup mose. Disappeared are also Tvede Mølle (1608 Thued mølle), while Hjørnekær Mølle (1664 Hiørn Kier Mølle) and Gademølle were demolished in the present.
Names in the Middle ages and 1600s:Tvede (* 1466 Thwed, 1470 Twethe); Skalmstrup (* 1450 Skalmstrup, 1486 Skalmistrvp); Bjerregårde (1579 Bieregaard); Tvede Gårde (* 1396 Thwedæ, 1435 Thwede, 1664 Tuedgaard); Gjessinggård (1473 Gæsing, Gæsing gord); Gademølle(1664 Gaade Mølle).
Listed prehistorics: Two long dolmens, Stenhøj and Dåst, both at Skalmstrup and more or less disturbed. 20 hills of which 12 form a group in Hungstrup skov; most are well-preserved. Furthermore two hollow-stones of which one at Skalmstrup is named Nørstenen.
Demolished or destroyed: 11 hills. - At Tvede Å's (river)outflow are two considerable kitchen middens, and a lesser one at Skalmstrup.
Source: Trap Danmark, Randers amt, 1963.

photo Tvede kirke 2004: grethe bachmann
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