Tved Church, 25 km vest for Ebeltoft.
Tved sogn, Mols herred, Randers amt.
The church in Tved is situated northeast of the village close to the waters of Knebel vig. It is a Romanesque building with apse, choir and nave with two additions: a porch to the south and a burial chapel to the west. The Romanesque building is in raw granite boulder with ashlar details. The quarto vault of the apse and its eastern window with a monolite cover stone, two windows of the choir, the straight-edged bricked-up north door and parts of the oak roof-works of the apse and the choir are preserved. The choir got one and the nave three cross vaults in the late Gothic period. The western gable of the nave was broken through with a large round arch arcade to a western extension in monk bricks and raw boulder, the thick walls indicating that this might be the bottom section of a tower, which was never finished. Chr. Gersdorff of Isgård (+ 1757) furnished the addition as a burial chapel and equipped it with a hip roof. The porch is possibly from the Renaissance -period. Restoration in 1941.

Frescoe paintings were brought to light and restored together with earlier frescoes in 1942, partly from the first half of the 1500s and the late 1400s. In the choir vault and east vault of the nave is the coat of arms of bishop Jens Iversen Lange. Inventory was restored in 1941-42, where the altar piece was replaced by a medieval crucifix from ab. 1450. The old Renaissance altar piece is placed in the Gersdorff-burial chapel.Chalice and desc given by Anders Sandberg of Kvelstrup and wife Ingeborg Krabbe. The altar candelabres are contemporary to the old altar piece. A Romanesque granite font. Baptismal bowl with the coat of arms of Habsburg and inscription. Baptismal pewter jug from the 1800s. Pulpit in Renaissance ab. 1600. The four upper pews are from ab. 1575. Confessional 1655 with richly carved arcades and relief inscription and 17 coffins in the Gersdorff-chapel.

Tved Churchyard and the vicarage
Isgård belonged to the Århus bishop (Jens Pedersen in 1407 and Otte Hunger (Bøistrup) in 1448 and 1450 and probably still 1458 his vasals), and it came with the reformation to the Crown, which endowed it( to 1538 Joachim Lykke, 1539 his son Iver Lykke, 1541 Peder Ebbesen Galt). In 1544 it was bought by Anders Sandberg of Kvelstrup (+ 1567) after him his son Tyge Sandberg (+ 1587), his widow Ellen Rostrup (still 1617) and the daughter Kirsten Sandberg, m. to Gert Bryske of Katholm. Before 1624 the farm was bought by Christoffer Gersdorff (+ ab. 1635), whose son Peder Gersdorff owned it in 1638: after his death the brother rigshofmester hr. Jochum Gersdorff (+ 1661) bought out his co-heirs; his daughter Dorthe Gersdorff married gehejmeråd, stiftamtmand Otte Krabbe (of Østergård), who in 1677 exchanged I. The new owner was rentemester Christian Gersdorff (+ 1725), whose son Jochum Gersdorff (+ 1745) also owned Rolsøgård and Kvelstrup. Later owners: Marcussen, Leemeyer, Krøger, Krieger, Bech. In 1952: Proprietær C.G.Mark.
The castle bank from the medieval Isgård is placed closely east of the present farm. There are rests of a square cellar room. Two sandstone figures from the Renaissance period are at the farm.
Kvelstrup belonged in 1441 to hr. Henrik Sandberg, whose widow Birgitte in 1470 handed over K. to her son Ulrik Sandberg (+ 1474). In 1486 it belonged to rigsråd hr. Anders Christiernsen, whose descendants took the name Sandberg. In exchange after his son landsdommer Christen Andersen (Sandberg) in 1540 K. came with 14 farms and bol and 2 mills to his son Anders Christiernsen (Sandberg)(+ 1567), whose son hr. Ulrik Sandberg of Løjstrup (+ 1636) and son's son generalmajor Anders Sandberg (+ 1677) the last male of his family. The last mentioned's widow Ingeborg Krabbe had K. in 1688 taxfree for lifetime by royal confirmation if the farm came to the Crown after her death. The crown conveyed it to the Gersdorff-family. Several owners. From 1938 Erling Lauritzen.
In the garden is the voldstedet of the earlier Kvelstrup, which was halftimbered. Here was earlier a small borgø (castle island) named "Slottet" (the Castle), where were found monk bricks.
A sacred well was in the plantation of the vicarage.

Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s.:
Tved (*1335 Thweth); Torup (*1360 Togethorp); Tillerup (1. half of the 1300s Tytwlthorp, Tilderp, Tildørp); Eg (*1207 Ech, 1664 Jeg); Bjødstrup (*1203 Biornstorp); Landborup (1664 Land Boerup); Blåkær (1610 Blaakier); Dejret (1. half of the 1300s Dighehøueth, Digherhouet, Dierhøuæth, Digherhøueth) ; Neder Tved (1664 Neder Tued); Vester Tved (1664 Offuer Tued); Isgård (1407 Eghxgardh); Kvelstrup (*1441 Quelstrup).
Listed prehistorics: two dolmen chambers, both with cover stone, at Kvelstrup and Torup, the last mentioned very pretty; it has hollows in the cover stone. Furthermore 7 hills, of which Leghøj at Igård and nearby Bræmhøj are large and high-placed. Two menhirs, possibly rests of a stone ship.
Demolished or destroyed: 3 dolmens and 10 hills.
Source: Trap Danmark, Randers amt, 1963.

photo Tved kirke 2003 & Torupdyssen 2006: grethe bachmann
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