The large church in Hvirring has a Romanesque apse, choir and nave; it is built in granite ashlars. It has a Gothic western tower and a porch to the south from ab. 1600, both in monk bricks with use of granite ashlars in the bottom sections. The apse was in the Gothic period divided from the choir by a barrier wall with two doors, it has a bevel plinth - the halfcupola vault of the room has two ribs and was probably changed when the barrier wall was built. A Romanesque window to the east is preserved and - as an outside glare: an original circular window to the southeast. The choir has a plinth with a round-stick profile. In the northwall are both Romanesque windows preserved, to the south stands the western window as an outside glare. Here is also seen a small low-placed window (hagioskop), maybe used for the communion of the lepers. Under this window is an ashlar with a cup-shaped hollow. The broad Romanesque choir arch has a bevel plinth and kragbånd with animal- and plant windings in relief. The nave, which stands upon a bevel plinth, has from original details kept the four windows on the north side, but nr 1 and 3 window from west have been remade. The doors of the nave are also Romanesque, both with a tympanum. The tympanum of the south door is smooth, while the north door is decorated with a wooden relief and acanthus-windings.

The altar decoration is a large mural by Joakim Skovgaard from 1919. The communion table is decorated by J. Th. Skovgaard. A painting of Christ from the 1880s hangs in the nave. Upon the altar table stands a small crucifix with a leaden figure, possibly from the 1700s, upon a new wooden cross. The chalice with the year 1699 has earlier parts; in the cup is engraved the court of arms of Reventlow. A large cylindrical , Romanesque granite font with a simple round stick-decoration. Baptismal dish from 1918. Pulpit in early Renaissance-style from ab. 1600. Pews from restoration 1917-19. A church ship, a modern model of Chr. IV's ship "Enhjørningen" (the Unicorn). Bell from 1639, according to inscription recast at the request of Chrestofer Pacsk of Rask.

In the nave an epitaph with rich carvings in acanthus-Baroque for Movrids Hanssøn Højer of Rask (+ 1722), and wife Gjertrud Movridsdatter Borchast, (+ 1709). In the north wall of the choir is bricked a portrait-gravestone with the family-coat of arms of above mentioned Claus Glambek (+ 1591), his widow Berete Rosenkrantz and the daughters Mergrete and Kirstine, who are buried under the choir, where were found burial chambers in 1917 and 1940. In the floor of the nave a worn out priest-gravestone. Upon the church yard are several old gravestones from the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s.
Upon the socalled Kirkebakke (church hill) south of Boring village is the site of Boring kirke, it is now grassgrown and plant with large ashes. It was listed in 1949 and a memorial is raised. In the grass is seen the contours of choir and nave of a Romanesque plan-type, but a marl pit in the western part of the bank has swallowed the traces of a tower. The church is mentioned in 1524, but in 1548 "the desolate church" is mentioned at Navlhale (Rask mølle), and the church was said to be demolished by Claus Glambeck.
Rask belonged in 1492 to Las Grøn, in 1498 to the brothers Erik and Søren Gødesen, in 1532 still to Søren Gødesen, in 1543 and 1552 to his widow Karen, in 1552 and 1563 to the son Iver Sørensen Rask (Gødesen), in 1565 and 1577 to his widow Barbara Splidsdatter (Fasti), since they left no children the farm came to his sister Maren Sørensdatter (Gødesen)(+ 1600); widow after Niels Glambek, and her son Claus Glambek (+ 1591). His widow Birgitte Rosenkrantz is in 1592 and 1609 written of R., which the daughter Sophie Glambek (+ 1620) in 1609 brought to her husband Mogens Pax (+ 1642), who in 1634 conveyed half the farm to his son Christoffer Pax, who in 1650 was murdered at R. His widow Hilleborg Bille owned the farm still in 1661. Later it was owned by Mette Grubbe (+ 1683), widow after Ebbe Ulfeld of Urup, her brother Alexander Grubbe conveyed 1686 half of R. and some estate to Mourids Hansen Høyer (+ 1722), who in 1689 bought the other half and some estate from Mathias Frederik Lützow of Vedbygård, whose stepchildren (Sivert Grubbe's children) had inherited this part after their paternal aunt Mette Grubbe.
Later owners: Hans Marcussen, Laurids Amnitzbøll, Andreas Bjørn, H.G.Bechmann, Herman Christiansen from Flensborg, auction, Ebbe Sørensen Høllund, Skanderborg amts udstykningsforening (=outparcelling), In the 1920s the main building was bought by widow Dorph-Broager: rekonvalescenthjem (resting home) in 1964.
The present main building from 1700-1800s is built upon a very large rectangular castle bank, surrounded by water-filled moats. There are no specific informations, but Claus Glambek did probably build a great residence here at Rask in the late 1500s. The main building has a very idyllic location behind the vigorous tree growth of the castle banks.
Peder Rask conveyed in 1323 estate in Boring and Hvirring to hr. Niels Brok the Elder, who in 1324 also got estate in B. as a pawn from Palle Jensen from Støvring. His son's daughter Elne Pedersdatter Brok conveyed in 1365 her fourth of B. to Valdemar Atterdag. According to a judicial letter of 1396 the rest belonged to a peasant; Erik and Jens Iversen Lykke renounced in 1400 and Mogens Munk of Boller in 1406 their rights in B.
Boringsgård belonged in 1626 to Knud Galt (+ 1650); Boring Hovgård was under Rask in 1662 and was
copyhold by 2 peasants.
In a moor north of Boring cvillage lies a site of the manor Boringholm, which belongs to the National Museum, and which in the 1300s belonged to the noble family Brok, but it is not mentioned after 1400. Excavations in 1906-12 have shown that the farm was built out in the moor, several hundred oak poles have been driven in. Here was a four-winged main building (30x30 m) with front-castles east west, and with bridges to the land to the north and south. Besides a big amount of building material were found parts of waggons, clothes, ab. 300 pair of shoes ( many "nose"-shoes from 1350-1400), belts, weapons, harness, plates from armor, a large sword in scabbard, crossbows, seals, forks, wooden shovels, knives with scabbards, tools, barrels, pieces from Danish and foreign ceramics, gloves, checkers, and parts of a gameboard for Merrills. (Nine Man Morris). All the finds are from the 1300s and the small finds are now at the National Museum.
Rask mølle was earlier called Navlhale mølle after a nearby house (1683 Naufl hol husz, Nagelhaal, Nagellholldsschouffhuusz).
Listed prehistorics: the 65 m longhill Langbjerg which now lies in the middle of a large gravel pit west of the village and 14 hills, of which several are large: Grifshøj at Hvirring, somewhat remade into a garden hill, Gulbjerghøj and Grønhøj at Rask Gammelmark, Låddenhøj in Rask skov, 4 hills nortwest of Honum and two hills north of Trebjerg.
Demolished or destroyed: a long dolmen in Rask skov and 98 hills, of which a large part were in a belt, which went east-west through the parish from north of Trebjerg across Hvirring, Honum and Rask Gammelmark to the Gudenå river valley.
Names from the Middle Ages and 1600s: Hvirring (1323 Hwiruingh, 1492 Hwering); Honum (1447 Huorum, 1488 Hornum); Boring (1323 Borthingh); Kodallund (1348 Kodallund, 1511 Kodelundt mark); Trebjerg (1345 Thrybyærgh, 1492 Treberg (h)); Rask (1453 Rask); Kokborg (1664 Køcke Borg).
Source: Trap Danmark, Skanderborg amt, 1964.
photo 2003: grethe bachmann