Hvam Church, 19 km east of Hobro.
Hvam sogn, Rinds herred, Viborg amt.
The church has a Romanesque choir and nave with a late Gothic tower to the west and a porch from the end of the 1800s to the south . The Romanesque building is in granite ashlars and has kept both the original doors, the south door is in use, while the walled-in north door has a relief-carved processions-cross on the cover stone. The choir arch has no kragsten, but it was probably extended. The choir and nave have beamed ceilings. The late Gothic tower is built in re-used ashlars and monk bricks and the porch in bricks . In a main-restoration 1934-35 were inserted new windows .
The altar piece is a painting by Niels Larsen-Stevns from 1920, given by direktør Aarup. The old Renaissance altar piece hangs upon the wall in the church. Late Gothic ore-candelabres upon little lion-figures. A small Romanesquq granite font, with a flat, smooth basin. A pulpit from the end of he 1800s. A church bell re-cast 1897 , repeating the insription from 1559. A church ship, 5 master bark, from 1928. Gravestone with portraits of Niels Harbou of Restrup, (+ 1560) and Birete Munck.

North door

Simested Å
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Hvam (1344 Hwamæ); Tulstrup (1478 Tvlstrop); Lille Restrup (* 1454 Restrup, 1460 Ræstrvpp); Kallestrup (1544 Kollestrop, 1664 Kallestrup).
There were once several farms in Restrup, and their ownerships are complicated and uncertain. A farm in Restrup belonged to Albert Skeel of Hegnet; he pawned it to væbner Niels Pedersen in Ågård , who in 1460 is written of Restrup, and still in 1484 lived on the farm. His daughter Johanne married Jens Nielsen Munk (Vinranke-M.), who took over the pawn and is written to R. in 1492-1504. In 1511 Albert Skeel's children sold R. etc. to landsdommer Niels Clemensen of Aunsbjerg.
Another farm in Restrup belonged in the middle of the 1400s to the brothers Niels and Las Skadeland. The last mentioned son's son Laurids Skadeland owned the farm later; his daughter married probably Jens Harbou, who in 1507 is written to R. ; and his widow Marine Nielsdatter sold together with her son Niels Skadeland in 1408 her part in R. to Niels Clemensen of Aunsbjerg. At his fall in in 1518 and following death R. went to the Crown.
In 1519 Chr. II gave a farm in Restrup and 16 other farms to Niels Clemensen's widow Anne Mikkelsdatter. The daughter Kirsten Nielsdatter brought before 1526 Restrup to her husband Christen Harbou (+ 1556). His son Niels Harbou died in 1560, but the widow married Iver Grøn, who in 1564 and 1587 is written to R. Another son Jørgen Harbou (+ after 1593), his son Otte Harbou and his son Niels Harbou (+ 1649) owned also R. The last mentioned sold in 1633 his part to Jesper Lunov. Various owners: Lunov, Juel, Sparre-Kaas, Bille etc. In the entrance-room in the main building is a stone with the coat of arms of Sparre-Kaas.
Kallestrup was in 1545 under Hald and was occupied by Las and Michel andersen, in 1603 by Poul Lauritzen; it was together with Hald in 1664 sold to the brothers de Lima.
Østergård (1664 Østergaaard) in Hvam was a nobleman's estate. It was probably owned by Jørgen Harbou of Restrup and was divided between his sons Otte and Niels Harbou. Christen Harbou is written to it in 1595; Otte Harbou's children Niels (+ 1649) and Christen (is mentioned in 1632 and 1654) had part in it, the first mentioned Niels Harbou's widow Mette Munk (Vinranke-M.) (+ 1672) still owned part in Ø. in 1671 , but her children Enevold, Peder and Christen Harbou had already got part in the farm at their father's death. Østergård's later name: Frydenlund.
Tulstrup was in 1502 by hr. Predbjørn Podebusk conveyed to Jens Harbou, who in 1505 sold it to bishop Niels Friis.
Listed prehistorics: At the vicarage's field a two-chambered long dolmen with twenty edge stones; furthermore 20 hills.
Demolished or destroyed: 3 long dolmens, to undefinable stone cists and 38 hills.
Source: Trap Danmark, Viborg amt, 1962.

photo Hvam kirke & Simested Å 2003/ 2008: grethe bachmann
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