Grinderslev Church
Grinderslev sogn, Nørre herred, Viborg amt.
The stately church, which once was a section of Grinderslev Augustine-kloster, consists of a Romanesque nave and choir with apse, a late Gothic tower to the west and a side-nave and sacristy to the north - and from present a porch to the south. The Romanesque church is built in granite ashlars; the apse is decorated with a blind-gallery of five fields, partly supported by small half pillars, partly of human head-shaped consols. The priest-door in the south side of the choir is also in fine artistic quality; its framestones is a dragon and a lion, while the upper ashlar has a half circular thympanum field with a double rope-winding around a circular cross. The walls of the nave are strongly re-built. The tower in the same broadth as the nave is built partly in re-used ashlars from a demolished west gable, partly in monk bricks. In the north wall is a stairway to the upper storeys.
Inside is a very high apse arch with kragsten and a half cupola vault. The choir arch with profiled kragsten is heightened. The choir and nave have star vaults and octagonal rib-vaults. The tower room with a beamed ceiling opens to the nave in a large round arch. Several restorations have been made. In a restoration was in the choir vault found four lydpotter (sound-pots), of which one is at the National Museum. In 1885-86 a very thorough restoration was carried through, and in 1932 was the inventory restored - and the sacristy was changed into a burial chapel. In 1923 were a series of Renaissance frescoes restored on the north wall of the nave from ab. 1600 with biblical scenes and coat of arms of the Juels at Astrup. The frescoes were again restored in 1952 and a late Gothic Madonna-picture was brought to light under the tower arch, the painting is from ab. 1510-20, and it is due to the same painter, who decorated Torum church.
A walled and washed communion table. The table plate is granite with a reliquary, which was found under the floor of the porch in 1954. It is now placed upon a bricked-up plinth in the apse. Altar piece in Renissance from ab. 1600 with a painting and the coat of arms of Erik Lykke of Eskær and fru Dorthe Krabbe. A Romanesque granite font. A late Gothic crucifix-group from ab. 1450 placed upon the north wall. The pulpit from the same workshop as the altar piece has in the fields apostelfigures from a Gothic altar piece. The pulpit and the sounding board are connected by a back-panel, which serves as series pastorum. In the three upper pews are placed gables from 1478 with the name and coat of arms of Bertel Kaas.Upon the opposite gables in the northside are coat of arms referring to Kjeld Iversen Juel (+ 1536). In the side-nave hangs a halsjern (neck-iron) from a pillory. In the north side of the tower room is a very large sandstone epitaph put up by Erik Lykke of Eskær with his and his wife's kneeling figures besides two children and other figures. Several memorials in the church.

chessboard pattern.
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Grinderslev (*1176 Grindesle, *1216 Grindæslæf, 1390 Grindeslef, -leef); Breum (*1327 Breum); Mogenstrup (*1403 Mwnstrup, 1481 Moghenstrvp); Rærup (*1467 Rerup); Stouby (1498 Stoby, 1524 Stowby); Vejsmark (1498 Wess-, Wesse Mark, 1524 Weyssmarck); Grinderslevkloster (*1375 Grydersløff Kloster, 1469 Grænæsløwcloster); Eskær (*1328 Æskyær); Nørgård (*1420 Norgard, 1460 Nørregardh); Astrup (*1407 Alstrup, *1467 Astrop); Slejtrupgård (*1477 Slefftorp); Havgård (1664 Haugaard); Breum Fogedgård (1581 Breumfod, 1688 Breumfodgaard).

Grinderslevkloster was a monastery of the Augustine-order. It was the only kloster in Salling and it was established in the middle of the 1100s. In 1531 G. was by bishop Jørgen Friis af Haraldskær in Viborg endowed to Hans Pogwisch, who still was a vasal for the king after the reformation; in 1542 Grinderslevkloster was pawned to Niels Juel of Astrup. Fr. II exchanged in 1581 G. with Christoffer Lykke of Buderupholm, whose son Iver Lykke in 1611 sold the estate to Dorthea Krabbe (+ 1623), widow after a relative, Erik Lykke of Havnø. Various owners.
Nørgårds first known owner was hr. Stig Munk, who is mentioned in 1420, then his sister's daughter's son Bertel Kaas (Sparre-K.) who in 1468 achieved the farm via Chr. I by law and still is written to it in 1495. The next owners are his children Iver Kaas (1517) and Edel Kaas, married to Mogens Jensen (Harbou), whose son landsdommer Jens Mogensen Hvide (Harbou) of Sindinggård (+ 1549) sold N. to his sister's son Mogens Spend, who still owned the farm in 1592. After him his sister Inger Spend, married to Mads Pors (Skadeland) (+ ab. 1593); one of their children Anne Pors( Skadeland) owned it in 1599, Hans Pors (Skadeland) in 1622 and 1625; his widow Anne Florisdatter (Rønnow)(+ ab. 1640) owned it in 1638. After the son Erik Pors (Skadeland's) death in 1645 the widow Anne Skade married Folmer Rosenkrantz, who in 1654 out-bought his brother-in-law Frederik Skade and in 1655 sold N. to Valdemar Lykke of Grinderslevkloster (+ 1657), whose widow Sofie Reedtz in 1683 sold it with 4 farms to Anne Jensdatter (Erik Grubbe of Tjele's frillekone = illegal wife). She got a deed on N. in 1684 and transferred it in 1685 to her son-in-law Frederik Ulrik Ulfeld, but already in 1687 it belonged to dyer Erik Lauridsen Sterch of Holstebro, who in 1702 conveyed it to his sons. Various owners.
Astrup belonged in 1407 to Rigild Puge and came then in the ownership of the family Juel: about 1460 Iver Juel, the son Kjeld Iversen Juel (+ 1536), the brothers Niels Kjeldsen Juel (+ 1573) and Iver Kjeldsen Juel (+ 1556), his son Kjeld Iversen Juel (+ 1606) and then probably a son's son of Iver Kjeldsen's sister, Kjeld Brockenhuus (+ 1616), whose son Just Brockenhuus owned A. in 1619. Various owners. The main building is listed in class B.
Eskær Manor

Grinderslev sogn, Nørre herred, Viborg amt.
Eskær was in 1328 owned by hr. Jakob Nielsen (Gyldenstierne) and before 1407 by hr. Niels Jakobsen, undoubtedly his son. Eskær later came into the ownership of the family Banner; how early this happened is uncertain, since the information about the first generations of the family is meagre and unreliable. It is certain that the farm came to "de nye Høeger" (the new Høeg-family), a sideline of the family Banner. It was owned by the brothers hr. Eskild Nielsen (Høeg) (+ 1493 or 1494) and hr. Peder Høeg and likewise of their sons Jakob Eskildsen (Høeg) and hr. Niels Pedersen Høeg (+ 1524). With hr. Niels' daughter Anne Høeg E. came to her husband Niels Jensen Rotfeld (+ 1551) who before 1540 gave the farm to his son Jens Rotfeld, who died in 1558 as the last male member of his family, and then E. came to the sister Johanne Rotfeld (+ 1577); a widow after Hans Lykke of Havnø. The son Erik Lykke (+ 1602) took over E. in 1577 and extended the estate; but his son Iver Lykke had , caused by debts, to give E. to grev Christian Rantzau's heirs in 1664. Various owners. the main building is listed in class A.
Mogenstrup was in 1403 pawned by Jes Pape to hr. Johan Skarpenberg. In 1469 it was by Jep Pusil sold to bishop Knud in Viborg, who also bought parts in it from Jes, Christen and Nis Grøn. When Mogens Mogensen (Due, Glob) in 1418 exchanged property with members of the family Krabbe (of Østergård) Mogenstrup came to him on behalf of his wife Anne Mortensdatter Krabbe.


Jeppe Aakjær's grave
The farm Jenle was built in 1906-07. The owner was the author Jeppe Aakjær, who lived here and during some years held a large folks-meeting every summer. In a little forest at the land of Jenle is his grave .
Upon an islet in the dried-out Brokholm sø the National Museum examined in 1912 a fortificated medieval yard. There were a row of poles from a large half-timbered building. A curved dam went from the place to the land in north-northeast.
Listed prehistorics: 12 hills, of which several are rather large: Vihøj at Vihøjgård, Byhøj and Halehøj north of the church, 4 large hills, of which Hovmandshøj east of Breum and two larger hills north of Nørgård.
Demolished or destroyed: 77 hills, which mainly were in a stripe through the parish upon the high land passing Nørgård, Breum, Grinderslev and up to Rusted vandmølle. In one of the hills at Breum was found an early Bronze Age grave with a beautiful dagger with a gilt button and 2 goldspiralrings.
A kitchen midden is known from Astrup. At Nørgård was found a clay pot with 150 amber pearls. In the small Tranebærmose at Grinderslevkloster were found two necklaces from late Bronze Age.
Source: Trap Danmark, Viborg amt, 1962

photo Grinderslev, Eskær & Jenle in 2004: grethe bachmann
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