Dollerup church, 10 km south of Viborg
Dollerup sogn, Nørlyng herred, Viborg amt.


Late Gothic crucifix

The church yard

The church bell cast by Borchard Gellgieter 1601

Dollerup church upon the hill
Dollerup Church is high and lonely situated in a hilly area in the middle of the broad system of roads Hærvejen which runs through Jutland to the border. East of the church was earlier a square place surrrounded by earth banks where only one bank is preserved today, supposedly a fold for the cattle when resting.
Dollerups history dates back to the late Viking period, and the Romanesque building is from ab. 1200 in granite ashlars. Nave and chorus were extended later and a porch from the beginning af the 1600s was added to the gable where the church bell is placed high upon the wall. The church bell was cast by Borchard Gellgieter in 1601. A thympanum from an old portal is since 1876 walled-in on the south wall, and remains from another portal are now in the north side of the porch at the present entrance to the church. The church yard has heavy stone dikes, the earliest part is a half prehistoric field.
Inside are beamed ceilings. The altar piece and pulpit are Renaissance. A brickwork projection in the south east corner of the nave was possibly a side altar but is now supporting the pulpit. In the south wall of the chorus is a niche possibly once used for a relique or as an outlet for the holy water. A money chest is now placed in the niche. Upon the wall hangs a late Gothic crucifix. The church was renovated in 1958. The Romanesque granite font is marked by a bad cut up in 1879. It has a plain basin upon a profiled foot with male heads in four corners.
Dollerup church was once in danger of being demolished together with the church in Finderup. Godsejeren ( Lord of the Manor) upon Hald 'The Mad Schinkel' wanted to build a new church by his manor instead. He was then allowed to close down the two churches on condition that he built them again in a better state of repair. Luckily this did not happen. (Instead he extended Finderup church and gave it a tower. see Finderup church)

The fourth Hald, bishop Jørgen Friis' Hald
Dollerup sogn, Nørlyng herred, Viborg amt.
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Dollerup (1516-18 Doldrvp, Doldrop); Fallesgårde (1664 Fallinds Gaard, 1688 Falleds Gaard); Stanghede (1525 Stange Hee); Nonbo (1516-18 Noyndbo(o), 1538 Nundboo); Hald (* 1346 Hald); Non Mølle (1516-18 Noyndbo mølle), 1541 Nwnmølle); Dollerup Mølle( 1594 Dolerup Mølle).
Hald Manor, one of the Danish manors with a long and dramatic history. Hald was owned by hr. Ludwig Albertsen (Eberstein) (+1328), whose daughter Margrethe sold her part of Hald to her brother Peder Ludwigsen Eberstein. In 1345 Peder pawned his 2 parts of Hald to Ridder Niels Bugge (+1359) and Niels Bugge bought 1346 the whole estate. Valdemar Atterdag bought Hald from Niels Bugge's son-in-law Ridder Gottskalk Skarpenberg. Hald was pawned to Timme Limbek from whom Queen Margrethe redeemed it in 1387. She gave Hald Castle and Estate to the bishop in Viborg with the provision that the castle had to be demolished and the materials used for the cathedral in Viborg. Hald Castle was rebuilt by bishop Jørgen Friis. After the reformation Hald Castle and Estate went to the Crown and was a seat for the vassals on Hald. Today it is an international education center.
There are three important medieval castle banks at Hald.
1) The earliest, Brattingsborg is placed upon a slope field at the lake Hald sø. No ruins.
2) The second Hald, named Niels Bugge's Hald is placed by the coast of the lake south west of the present manor. No ruins.
3) The third Hald was built by bishop Jørgen Friis and is placed upon a foreland in the lake east of the present manor and below the first Hald. There is a tower and some ruins at Jørgen Friis' Hald.
In the garden south of the present main building were found rests of the fourth Hald built in the beginning of 1700 by Gregers Daa.
The fifth Hald, the present main building was built in 1789 in red bricks in a simple neo classic style.
Listed prehistorics: 37 hills of which several are rather large: a hill west of and two southwest of Stanghede and Oleshøj at Skelhøje, where were once a large group of 22 hills, now only two hills left.
Demolished or destroyed: A stone cist in Guldborgland Plantage, now moved to Viborg Museum, and 85 hills, of which a large part belonged to a row of hills from east of Fallesgård, passing Skelhøje down through Frederiks and Lysgård parish. Another row of hills goes through Viborg Hedeplantage and through Finderup and Ravnstrup parish and forms the beginning of the large prehistoric road which reaches the North Sea south of Bovbjerg.
Source: Trap Danmark, Viborg amt. 1962.

A view to the lake Hald Sø from Dollerup Bakker
Dollerup Bakker is a very popular recreation area with nature paths winding through hills and forests and with some magnificent view points. The whole area around Hald Sø is listed. Most of the Danish forest types are seen here, the special Hald Egeskov (oak) with crooked old trees and a beautiful old beech forest upon Inderøen, (the inner island) by the lake. The hills are grazed by cattle, horse and sheep. Hill, meadow, heather, forest, lake, river valley and lots of winding nature paths. At Hald Hovedgaard is in the big barn an exhibition showing the nature and culture of the area. The barn also functions as a resting place for hikers and there are possibilities for fishing at the lake. Opposite the second Hald, Niels Bugges Hald which is seen as a circular fortification system is Niels Bugges Kro (the Inn) with a good kitchen. (where they sell fishing cards for the lake). Close to the road between Hald and Dollerup village is the Ice House in the hills, where there's both food, drinks and ice etc. Have a nice trip!

photo Hald 1999 & Dollerup kirke May 2006: grethe bachmann
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