Junget Church. ab. 22 km north of Skive
Junget sogn, Nørre herred, Viborg amt.

Old stoolpanel and Romanesque font
The nave and choir is only one section in Junget Church. The nave only is preserved from the original ashlar building with a two-pillars portal. A pillar base in the porch was once referred to the disappeared church in Grættrup, but might as well have belonged to the walled-in north door of Junget Church. In late Middle Ages the Romanesque choir was broken down and the nave extended. The old ashlars were re-used and supplemented with monk bricks - possibly also with ashlars from the demolished church in Grættrup. The slim tower in ashlars and monk bricks is also from the late Middle Ages. The tower room is vaulted and has a round-arched opening to the nave with profiled kragsten (oblong relief stones) which might origin from the original choir arch. The porch in red monk bricks is from 1871.
The altar piece is a painting from 1892; remains of a Renaissance altar piece is placed upon the church loft. The altar chalice from 1595, engraved with the year 1636 with the coat of arms of Hans Bille and Kirsten Lunge. The pulpit from 1595, given by Albert Skeel and Anne Kaas
"deres salige søn Bjørn S. til ihukommelse" (a memory of their son Bjørn Skeel). The couple's coat of arms is placed in the upper (new) stool gables. One stool gable in early Renaissance is placed in the wall. The Romanesque granite font has a smooth basin. The baptismal basin is of Nürnberg-type and has the coat of arms of Steen Bille and Mette Sehested from 1682 and the paternal and maternal coat of arms of Jacob Seefeld of Visborg and Sophie Bille.

Junget sogn, Nørre herred, Viborg amt.
Jungetgård is placed upon a flat terrain in the northeastern part of Salling close to Limfjorden upon a square motte, partly surrounded by moats. The main building is listed in class A. It is a Late Gothic L-shaped building, built by Herman Skeel in 1548. Best preserved is the south wing in one tall storey.
Jungetgård belonged to Albert Andersen Skeel of Hegnet (+ ab. 1500), who around 1470 had to give a farm in Junget to Peder Mogensen Glob (Due) of Toftum. Lars Albertsen Skeel owned Jungetgård in 1513, and his brother Anders Skeel of Hegnet inherited it in 1538; before his death he gave it to his son, landsdommer Herman Skeel (+1555). His son Albert Skeel was executed in 1609 for having affronted Tingfreden (the peace at the Thing). After some fight about the inheritance his three daughters Karen( or Katrine), Kirsten and Ingeborg most likely got parts in Jungetgård. Karen Skeel was married to Bendix Rantzau, who was considered unreliable and was forbidden by the king to sell some of his wife's estate. After her death in 1610 he had to account for all her property and give up Jungetgård. Kirsten Skeel was 1621 married to Peder Bille of Lindved, who in 1624 indicated that Jungetgård was his. Ingeborg was married 2) to Palle Rodsteen of Lundsgård, who in 1624 was considered one of the last lodsejere (site owners) of Jungetgård. Later J. belonged to Mogens Kaas (Sparre-K.) of Tidemandsholm, who in 1634 sold it to Hans Bille + 1672. Various owners: Bille, Hviid, Sehested etc.

Junget strand at Limfjorden
Names in the Middle Ages:
Junget (*1472 Jvnghet, 1532 Iungett); Grættrup (1497 Grætrop); Skove (1510-25 Skoffue); Brokholm (*1471 Brockholm); Jungetgård (1497 Jwnget gord); Skammergård (1501 Skamminggaard.
In Grættrup was a church, which Chr. III on July 22. 1552 commanded demolished, whereafter the parish people had to attend Junget Church, in which the stone, timber, bell etc. from Grættrup Church were re-used. In the second half of the 1700s there were still rests of the old church - and the church yard with dike was uncultivated until the late 1800s. An upper section of a baptismal font at Jungetgård might be from the demolished church.
At Skammergårds Mark by a brook was a now disappeared old fortification plan, Skansen. It was rectangular with moats and banks.
South of Hegelund were in the heath square enclosures, possibly prehistoric fields.
Listed prehistorics: 6 hills, of which two pretty hills: Urhøje upon a high bank at Bundgård and two rather large hills at Skove, the last of a group of 7 hills, Skovhøjene.
Demolished or destroyed: 21 hills.
In Gåsemose (a moor) at Grættrup were found two large uncut flint axes; a large amount of amber pearls from the same moor are lost.
Source: Trap Danmark, Viborg amt, 1962.

photo Junget kirke & Jungetgård 2004: grethe bachmann
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