Kragelund church, 6 km northwest of Silkeborg
Kragelund sogn, Hids herred, Viborg amt.
The church has a Romanesque choir and nave in granite ashlars, a late Gothic west tower and a porch to the south. Original details are the east and north window of the choir, (bricked-up), two windows in the northwall of the nave and both portals. The south portal is richly worked out with half pillars flanked by tall picture ashlars, one with animal figures and a human couple (with haloes?), the other with two dragons biting a cross; above the pillars a thympanum with opposed lions and under is a carved rune-inscription "Æse bød, Vagn ristede" ("Æse ordered, Vagn carved", which probably refers to the building master and the stone mason. A door wing from 1689. The north portal has four half pillars and thympanum with a Christ-figure. Inside this portal has a broad, ashlar-built projection into the nave, which flat monolit cover stone is decorated with achantus and windings.
In the end of the middle ages was built an octagonal rib-vault in the choir. The slender white washed tower, which originally seems to have been opened to the west, is in the bottom built in granite ashlars, above in monk bricks. Only a small part of the granite ashlars of the tower origins from the west gable of the nave; the porch is almost fully built in granite ashlars ; supposedly the material was brought from the church in Engesvang which was abolished before the reformation. Fragments of a pillar portal in the west wall of the tower and three window cover stones in the east wall of the porch probably also origin from this.

The old beamed ceiling was brought to light in a present restoration and the church got a very modern altar piece, an iron founded sculpture (Holy Communion) by the sculptor Erik Heide.Ore candelabres, according to inscription given by Peder Nielsøn Skrifver of Staxheede in order to remember his ancestors' funeral. A Romanesque granite font in West Jutland type. A small late Gothic wooden figure representing God is after a restoration in 1920 placed above the north door. Pulpit in early Baroque, given 1645 by the priest Mads Andersen Bering, (+ 1607), and wife, whose two gravestones (portraits of both on both stones), is placed in the walled-in north door and the north wall of the choir. Two richly carved pew-gables in front of the pulpit with the same priest and his wife's initials and the year 1654. In the western section of the nave is a gallery with balusters and the year 1647. A small money box in copper from 1749 with inscription "Det er Kraglunds og Funder Sogns Fattiges Bøsse" (this is the money box for the poor people in Kragelund and Funder parish); maybe it was originally used for delivery in the two parishes. Series pastorum painted upon an epitaph from the middle of the 1600s. Church bell from 1902, re-cast from an earlier bell from 1827.

relief on the church wall and a hollowed stone outside the church
Names in the Middle Ages:
Kragelund (*1333 Kragelund); Refshale (*1459 Reffshale).
Refshale was in 1459 conveyed to Alling kloster by Laurids Pedersen Kruse. The king issued letters in 1578 under the huntings at Refshale.
Hr. Ebbe Galt owned in 1333 estate in Kragelund.
Listed prehistorics: 39 hills, most rather small, large is Store Grønhøj in Stenholt skov. Demolished or destroyed: 105 hills and a very large stenrøse (stone grave), which contained Bronze Age things, in Stenholt skov; thi unique memorial was sold 30-40 years ago as road material. Along Bølling sø are noted several settlements from Gudenå-culture and in the lake were found antler-axes and stone things, probably from the same culture. In a small coffin in a large stone heap at Stenholt were found 10 guldbrakteats, 5 pieces of ringguld (gold for rings), a silver bar and 18 glass-pearls.
Source: Trap Danmark, Viborg amt, 1962.

photo Kragelund kirke 2003: grethe bachmann
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