Lynderup Church, ab. 18 km north of Viborg
Lynderup sogn, Rinds herred, Viborg amt
The desolate, high-placed churh in Lynderup has a Romanesque choir and nave with a late Gothic west tower and a southern porch. The Romanesque section is built in granite ashlars and has kept its straight-edged doors, the north door walled, the south door in use.The choir and nave have beamed ceilings and the old choir arch is preserved. The late Gothic tower in re-used ashlars and monk bricks has a cross-vaulted bottom room, which opens to the nave in an arch. Its gables are half-timbered. The porch is in ashlars and monk bricks without any old details.
In the walled communion table is a cupboard with an iron-bound door. The altar piece is a pretty Renaissance work ab. 1600 with a painting from ab. 1850. A disappeared chalice was according to a report from 1777 given by queen Margrethe. Candelabres from 1585. A Romanesque granite font with a smooth basin upon a foot with bear-claws. Chandelier ab. 1750 given by Maria Cathrina Poulsen. Gravestone in the choir wall, a portrait stone over Stygge Rosenkrantz (+ 1571) and Marine Knob. In the tower room ,which is divided from the nave in a lattice gate, is placed an epitaph of H.H. Lichtenberg of Bidstrup over his bride Magdalene Cathrine Juulson, (+ 1760), and her parents Johs. Juulson of Lynderupgård, (+ 1755), and Maria Cathrina Poulsen.

Jep Kirt sold Lynderupgård in 1405 to bishop Lave of Viborg, but he announced already in 1404 that the bishop in Viborg had endowed him with the farm; he is still written to L. in 1418. In 1488 and 1500 it was endowed to Mogens Pedersen Glob, in 1503 to Jep Friis. Skipper Klement burnt it down in 1534, and at the reformation it came to the Crown, which in 1544 sold it with estate to Christoffer Rosenkrantz of Hevringholm (+ 1565); first in 1553 he got a deed on the farm. After him it was owned by his brother Stygge Rosenkrantz (+ 1571), his widow Marine Knob (+ 1581), and their daughter Kirsten, who in 1582 brought it to her husband Niels Skram (+1601). Their daughter Elsebe Skram, who was married to Eske Bille, dissipated her large properties and had in 1607 to sell L. to her stepmother's 2. husband Verner Parsberg(+ 1643), whose son Niels Parsberg 1662 sold L. with Åstrup, (Roum parish), and about 45 farms and bol (small farms) to Eggert Abildgård, whose wasteful wife Dorothea Lykke damaged the farm much. The rights to the estate came later to mayor i Viborg Claus Reenberg (+ 1671) . Various owners: Reenberg, Juulson, Friis, Lottrup, Brendstrup, Lund, Kjeldsen.
The main building is listed in class A. The three-winged half-timbered building is placed upon a large castle bank surrounded by waterfilled moats. In the middle of the yard is a small springbrønd (well) with an ore-cast fourfold Indianhead, where the water pours out through the mouth. A copy of this well is in "Den gamle By" in Århus.

Simested Aa
Names in the Middle Ages: Lynderup (* 1349 Lendrup, 1488 Lønnervp); Nr. Rind (* 1410 Rind, 1466 Ringh); Lynderupgård (* 1405 Lyndrupgaard); Nørreris (1542 Norris).
Listed prehistorics:13 hills, of which 3 Skovhøje southwest of Lynderupgård, two hills south of Nr. Rind and one northwest of the same village are rather large.
Demolished or destroyed: 45 hills. - From Lynderupgård came a sacricfice-finding from late Bronze Age with a hængekar (jewelry for the belt) , 4 necklaces, 2 bracelets and a clay pot.
Source: Trap Danmark, Viborg amt, 1962

photo Lynderup kirke/Lynderupgård/Simested 2003: grethe bachmann
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