Daugbjerg church, 18 km west of Viborg
Daugbjerg sogn, Fjends herred, Viborg amt.

Daugbjerg was in 1163 named Daggebierch and in 1464 Dawberig. The church in Daugbjerg has Romanesque nave and chorus, built in granite ashlars. The west tower is late Gothic and has a cross vault, and the porch is probably also late Gothic. The north side of the building is rather untouched with a straight edged door and several windows.
In a granite ashlar on the south wall is the relief of a standing lion with his head turning en face. Inside the nave and chorus have beamed ceilings. The Romanesque granite baptismal font has two jumping lions with trees and palm branches. The altar piece and pulpit with a square sounding-board are Renaissance.

Skaalsten/Hulsten in Daugbjerg Church dike. These stones are rather unique, there aren't many of them in Denmark. Interpreting the use of these ancient stones is difficult; it might have been used for religious ceremonies in heathen times. Archeaologists and historians have not yet found any valid explanations.
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Daugbjerg (* 1163 Daggebierch, * 1464 Dawberig); Søvsø ( ? Sovsøgaarde, * 1580 Søuszøe march); Knudsgård (1629 Knudtzgaard); Sejbæk (1578 Sebeck, 1579 Seybeck); Vedhoved
(*1362 Vedhuod); Søgård (1524 Siøgardt); Harrestruplund (1664 Harrestrup); Nygård (1544 Nygaardt); Daugbjerggård (1493 Daabiæregard).
Daugbjerggaard was in the 1400s owned by Ide Iversdatter Juul, married to Oluf Munk (Lange). Later her sone's daughter Kirsten Mogensdatter Munk (Lange) (+ 1579), married to hr. Wulf Pogwisch (+ 1554). At an axchagne in 1617 by Jørgen skeel it came to the Crown. It came under Hald estate in the 15600s. the family Munk (Lange), Pogwisch and Skeel. In 1617 it was owned by the Crown. In 1600s it came to Hald Manor ( by Viborg).
In the northern point of the parish by Harrestruplund is a fortification place named Drost Peders Høj. The legend says that Drost Peder Hoseøl had a castle here - which is not considered a fact. The place is a hill about 8 meters above the meadow - almost a circular embankment with steep sides and a flat top. On three sides surrounded by meadow and moor and on the fourth a natural gully divides the embankment from the higher land. The tall castle bank (a Motte) might suggest that the grounds origin from the early Middle Ages.
Listed prehistorics: 40 hills, of which several are rather large. Two east of Daugbjerg, where was a group of 8, one south of the village, one of two Skelhøje and the large Flintbjerghøj at Engedal. Demolished or destroyed: 77 hills.
In Søgård mose (moor) were found two bog bodies with cloth pieces.
Source: Trap Danmark, Viborg amt, 1962

From Daugbjerg Daas is a view to a cultivated landscape today, but in Blicher's time about 150-200 years ago more than one third of Jutland was one big heath, named Alheden.
Daugbjerg Daas is known from Danish litterature where the Danish classical authors Steen Steensen Blicher and Jeppe Aakjær wrote about this place in Jutland in their works. Daas is a Jutland word meaning høj (hill). The folklore connected as well trolls as treasures to Daugbjerg Daas; and in the imagination of the peasants it was a dangerous place swarming with elves and gnomes.
Blicher wrote about both Daugbjerg Daas and Daugbjerg Limestone Quarries where the famous Jens Langkniv (Longknife) and Long Margrethe were hiding in the mine galleries, living there together with robbers and gipsies and highwaymen. A rather cold place to choose for living; the temperature in the mine is all year 8 degrees Celsius.

photo Daugbjerg kirke /Daugbjerg Daas June 2004: grethe bachmann
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