Aggersborg Church, 10 km south of FjerritslevAggersborg sogn, Øster Han herred, Hjørring amt.

Aggersborg church has a Romanesque choir and nave, a late Gothic western tower and a porch to the south from 1884. Nave and choir are built in granite ashlars. Curved ashlars from a broken down apse are bricked-up in the choir gable. The ashlars on the south side of the nave was repaired in 1926 , and at the same time re-opened the original north window of the choir. In the north side of the nave are preserved two Romanesque windows. An original round-arched door in the south side of the choir is preserved in its original shape. The tower is built in boulders and large yellow monk bricks, the vaulted bottom room is connected to the nave with a pointed arch. On the north side of the tower a free-standing stairway is leading up to the second storey. The porch in yellow bricks replaced an earlier porch at the same place. Choir and nave have blank walls, the tower is white-washed.

The walled communion table is covered in a panel. The altar piece (bought from Østerbølle church in 1934) is from 1598 with painting from 1703. The earlier altar piece is now placed upon the north wall of the nave. A Romanesque granite font. The pulpit is a simple joinery from the end of the 1500s, the contemporary sounding board is a richer joinery. It has parallels in Hjortdal and Kollerup church. A confessional from the end of the 1500s. Newer pews, chandeliers and church ship. The church bell was cast in 1605 by Adam Nielsen in Kolding for Preben Bille of Aggersborg. In the tower room some epitaphs. At the north door of the nave a granite grave stone, some grave stones are step-stones in front of the south door of the choir. At the church yard gravestones from the 1600s.

Names in the Middle Ages:
Aggersborg (* ab. 1100 Acresburh, * 1231 Akærsburgh); Aggersund (1505 Agersswndht); Ullerup (1462 Wellerrvp, 1469 Woldrop); Torup (1468 Torp); Krøldrup (1552 Krøldrup); Aggersborggård ( 1664 Aggersborig Gaard); Vestergård (* 1555 Westergaard); Mosegård (1638 Moesgaard); Nørgaard (1638 Nørgaardt).
Aggersborg, placed at one of the ferries across Limfjorden, was a king's castle in Knud (II) den Hellige's ruling period. The king's men - who in 1086 escorted him on his flight from the Vendelbos - went to Aggersborg , while Knud himself went to Bejstrup. The rebellious Vendelbos took Aggersborg by surprise, plundered the castle and killed or drove away the loyal men. Aggersborg is mentioned in Valdemars Jordebog. In 1272 and 1327 speciel licence were issued at Aggersborg. The castle was probably burnt down during the rebellion of the Jutland magnates against Valdemar (IV) Atterdag. Hr. Niels Eriksen (gyldenstierne) of Ågård (+latest 1388) had 9/3 1373 to commit himself to rebuild the castle Aggersborg exactly as it was before the fire during the following year. During the revolt of the peasants in 1441 against Christoffer of Bayern Aggersborg burnt down again and it seems that it was not rebuilt since.

The present Aggersborggård had various owners up til present. The families Bild, Kaas (Sparre-K.), Høg Banner, Arenfelt, etc. The main building from the 1700s is built upon old granite boulder foundations from a former four-winged building with a gate to the west. It is now a stately three-winged half-timbered(oak) building in one storey. In the cellar under the south wing is some brick-work from an earlier building and at the disappeared gate to the west are found monk brick floors. It is an ecological farming (sheep) with a farm boutique. During the year are shown alternate exhibitions of arts and crafts and a café is open in the summer season.
The ferry-transport across Aggersund was on the north side done by the residents of the 6-7 ferry houses until the end of the 1500s. The ferry houses belonged to Aggersborggård. In 1808 the ferry-transport was given up on the south side, but in the first half of the 1800s there was still a færgegård med kro (ferry-farm with inn). The transport was later taken over by the State. The bridge Aggersundbroen opened 18/6 1942.
Listed prehistorics: 4 hills on the hillside north of the church.
Demolished or destroyed: 22 hills
The Viking Borg/Fortification Aggersborg
Aggersborg was the biggest Viking site from the period of the important fortifications built around the 980s; it was four times larger than the Viking site Fyrkat. There are only vague traces of it now. The diameter of the site was 240 meter, inside were 48 completely identical houses placed in twelve blocks. The site was cut through by main streets north-south and east-west, which lead from the center to four symmetrically placed ports in the four points of the compass. Outside Aggersborg Church is a little museum showing the history of Aggersborg and some of the findings.
Source: Trap Danmark, Hjørring amt, 1960
Aggersborg Viking Borg

photo Aggersborg 2006 : grethe bachmann
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