Veggerby Church, 12 km south of Nibe
Veggerby sogn, Hornum herred, Aalborg amt

The high-placed church in Veggerby has a Romanesque nave, choir and apse, built in granite ashlars. To the north are two original windows preserved, one in the choir and one in the nave. A window cover stone with runes is kept at Års Museum. Both doors of the nave are walled, but in the choir is a priest-door with a half-circular thympanum with a cross-relief. The western tower is from the Gothic period, the bottom in granite ashlars, the top in monk bricks. The vaulted tower room is now a porch with a southern entrance. The ashlar walls of the church are blank, the top of the tower is white-washed and the roofs tiled.
The Communion table is granite and chalk ashlars. A Triptychon altar piece is from ab. 1590 with a painting from 1765 (Hartvig Ahlefeldt). In the foot piece are the coat of arms of Otto Henrik Juel and Sophie Dorothea Bille, (restored 1936). A painting upon the wall by A. Lund from 1900 was once in the altarpiece. Romanesque granite font with three lion figures. Baptismal basin of Nürnberg-type from the end of the 1500s. New pews and a western gallery with an organ.

Romanesque granite font with Christ and three lions.

Chessboard pattern.

A butterfly in the churchyard and ponies by the church

Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Veggerby (*1429 Wygherby, 1442 Vigerby); Kirketerp (1516 Kirkitorp); Bradsted (*1487 Brasted, 1507 Bradsted); Hjeds (*1424 Heisze, 1445 Hietze); Lyngsø (*1463 Liungszø, 1495 Lyøngsøø); Åstrup (1406 Asdorp); Torndal (*Tuoldall, 1516 Tooldall, 1610 Tornndall); Busted (1456 Budsted); Kalstrup (*1429 Kalstrop); Risgård (1664 Riszgaard); Højris (1610 Høffris).
Fru Elsif Christiernsdatter Vendelbo gave in 1442 her farm/manor Kalstrup and Kalstrup Mølle (Mill) to Helligåndshuset in Aalborg (= Kloster); in 1445 her son Jep Axelsen promised to let the Kloster have the estate without problems, but in 1537 the Kloster had to carry on a lawsuit with Gabriel Gyldenstierne of Restrup about Kalstrup and Kalstrup Mølle.
A farm/manor Torndal was among the estate which Jørgen Prip was endowed with by the Crown in 1551. After his death his widow took over the endowement; in 1662 it was sold together with Pandum (to which it probably belonged ) to Ove Juul.
Bustedgård was in 1563 pawned by the Crown to Albert Maltesen (Viffert) of Albæk.
In a sand bank in Veggerby was in 1885 found 224 coins from Christoffer II's ruling period.
Listed Prehistorics:
One long hill and 71 hills. An impressive group of 9 hills of which the long hill . The group is named Hjeds Sekshøje. Larger hills are fx Aalborghøjene, Store Tulshøj at Byrsted and a hill by Åstrupgårde. One of the hills contained a Stone Age chamber.
Demolished or destroyed: Several Stone Age graves and 78 hills. At Byrsted Hede were dike-banks and wells from Celtic Iron Age. From Byrsted is known a rich grave from early Roman Iron Age with 2 silver cups and a bronze vessel.
Source: Trap Danmark, Aalborg amt, 1961.

photo Veggerby kirke 2006: grethe bachmann
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