Solbjerg Church, 10 km north of Hadsund
Solbjerg kirke, Hellum herred, Aalborg amt.
Solbjerg Church has a Romanesque choir and nave with a late Gothic western extension, all built in granite ashlars. The original north door is traceable, while the extended south door is in use. A round-arched window in the choir is walled. In the late Gothic period or shortly after was the nave extended about 4,7 m to the west in re-used ashlar material and monk bricks, and at the same time a star vault was built in the nave. Furthermore was the small narrow tower and the porch added. The church was restored in 1944.
The altar piece is finely carved high-Renaissance from ab. 1600 with a painting from 1724. Romanesque granite font with a smooth basin and a pyramid foot. Pulpit from the end of the 1700s or the beginning of the 1800s. Epitaph 1648 for Enevold Seefeld (+1643) and his wife. From a burial vault are coffin plates on the wall from the families Viffert, Urne, Harbo, Seefeld. A coffin crucifix is placed at the choir arch. Church bell from ab. 1200 with indistinct majuscel inscription. At the church yard close to the church is a large gravehill.

The gravehill close to the church
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Solbjerg (* 1418 Solbierig, 1471 Solbergh); Korup (1343 Karthorp); Viffertsholm ( 1578 Veffertzholm, 1664 Wiffertz Holm).
At Korup was probably once a church from which ashlar material was used in nearby buildings. One of the church dikes is traceable.
Viffertsholm was in 1578 owned by rigsråd Axel Viffert. After his death in 1580 his daughter Margrethe Viffert brought it first to Evald Sehested (+1589), later to Jørgen Urne (+1601). After Margrethe's death in 1622 her son Axel Urne inherited Viffertsholm. In 1634 it went to his sister Anne Urne , married to Enevold Seefeld (1643). After Anne's death in 1678 various owners up til present.
Korup was in Valdemar Atterdag's ruling period owned by Anders Pedersen of Granslev who pawned the estate to hr. Gregers Mogensen (later handed over to Jens Kaas (Sparre-Kaas) and Henneke Limbæk). In 1343 Anders Pedersen exchanged his rights to the former drost Peder Vendelbo who in vain offered tom pay the debts. Valdemar Atterdag judged the estate to Peder Vendelbo 4 times and at last he had to demand to impose Peder Vendelbo as the owner. In 1344 Peder Vendelbo was declared the owner of Korup, he once again offered to pay the debts, which then at last was done. After 1400 various owners, the families Lunge, Munk, Viffert etc. After 1576 belonged Korup to Viffertsholm.
In Sønderskov is a stretch of boggy land with a natural moat, Gårdsens Vold, an almost circular embankment, ab. 60 m diameter and in varied heights; some tile fragments are found , probably remains from the castle Trommelholt, which reminds about a castle-place of refuge from a much earlier period. Some nearby houses are still named Trommelholt.
The castle bank Korup Slot is situated 100 m out in flat meadow land which partly was under water still ab. 1900. The embankment is in west 5 m high and in east 4 m , the outer measure is 40 x 40 m with rounded corners. Tile-fragments are seen all over in the banks. In the western side is a tall rest of a tower, covered in wall-grovel and earth. The bank was cut through in the 1800s, where wall- and roof-fragments, glass pieces and charred woodwork were found. Surrrounding the bank is a 10-15 m broad grave and surrounding this a is a bank now 1 m high, disturbed by drainage.
Listed prehistorics: 4 longhills and 60 hills, several rather large fx Store Veddumhøj and Grønhøj in Viffertsholm Skov, two hills at Ny Viffertsholm and a hill north west of Solbjerg. In one of the hills was a stone cist, containing 7 flint daggers, 4 arrowheads and 3 claypots.
Demolished or destroyed: 32 hills.
Source: Trap Danmark, Aalborg amt, 1961.

photo Solbjerg kirke 2003: grethe bachmann
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