Als Church, 10 km east of Hadsund
Als sogn, Hindsted herred, Aalborg amt.
The impressive Als Church is situated high upon a hill close to the coast of Kattegat. It has a late Romanesque apse, choir and nave with two late Gothic additions, a western tower and a southern porch. The Romanesque part is mainly built in monk bricks. Both round-arched doors are preserved, the south door is in use, the north door is walled. A walled round-arched priest's door is dimly seen on the south side of the choir. An original circular window is walled in the north side of the choir. The apse has inside a half-cupola vault. The late Romanesque building was built ab. 1250-75. In the late Gothic period a cross vault was built in the choir and the nave, and from the same period in ab. 1500 is the pointed choir-arch and the western tower. The cross-vaulted bottom room of the tower opens to the nave in a round arch. The tower room has to the south a high-placed rabbet point-arched window and one alike larger to the west. The porch has a beamed ceiling and the extended door is flanked by two walled funnel-shaped light-openings. The church was repaired in 1928.

Above the walled Communion table an epitaph functions as an altar piece. The epitaph is from ab. 1530 for two parish priests and their family. In the middle field is a painting of the Crucifixion from ab. 1700. Romanesque granite font with two protruding heads and a bell-shaped foot with corner-leaves. A south German baptismal bowl from ab. 1575. The pulpit from ab. 1660 is a simple joinery, resting upon an earlier foot-piece from ab. 1600. A very fine late Gothic crucifix with only the torso preserved is at the loft. In the porch is a parish clerk's stool from ab. 1600. Church bells from 1617 and 1750. The church ship is a full-rigged ship "Håbet."

Øster Hurup fishing harbour
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Als (* 1195 Alnest, *1259 Alnæs, 1436 Alnes, Alns, 1486 Als); Helberskov (* 1390 Ellwerskow, 1486 Hylleborskoff, 1512 Helberskow); Odde ( 1577 Aadegaard); Buddum (* 1466 Bwthom, 1473 Buum); Fruerlund (1531 Froerlund); Tofte ( Thofftegaardt, * 1514 Thoffte); Sellegårde
( *1415 Selytofft, * 1557 Sellegaardtz marck); Hedegårde (1536 Hyegaard, 1542 Hedegaard); Haslevgårde ( * 1473 Haslegaard, 1486 Haslegard); Langerim (1688 Lang Rendhuus); Bønderskov (1664 Bundtzschouff, 1688 Bønderschouf); Løkkegård (1546 Lyckegaard).
Haslevgård (1374 Hosløff) was in 1374 owned by the nobleman Johannes Pallesen ; possibly it belonged in 1478 and 1486 to the bishop in Viborg, but later it came to Glenstrup Kloster and was in 1514 added to Mariager Kloster. In 1536 it was a part of Overgård (Manor) and in 1565 it was from the Crown exchanged to Jørgen Lykke of Overgård. The family Lykke until 1660, after 1660 family Brockenhuus, Arenstorff etc. Outparcelling in 1898.
South of Haslevgård was a village Torup (*1483 Torup, 1512 Tordrop) where the Viborg-bishop had some estate. It is still mentioned in 1543. The village Kragelund (1551 Kraggelund) in Tofte Skov was destroyed in 1600 , partly by sand. Two farms still existed ab. 1900.

Als Hjemstavnsmuseum (homestead) is established in an old stable wing from Buddum which was being moved to Als in 1948, it opened in 1950 and is equipped as an old living house of a farm.
Als Præstegård (vicarage) old living house and højremsladen ( a special barn) is listed in class B.
There are no prehistorics in the parish, but there were found traces of an Iron Age settlement at Bjerget in Helberskov and in Tofte skov.

The coast along Kattegat from Tofte Skov to Als Odde is a fine bathing beach and a popular holiday resort during the season. There are fine holiday houses and apartments. Øster Hurup fishing harbour and the village Øster Hurup have good and special shops, cafés and restaurants.
Øster Hurup
Source: Trap Danmark, Aalborg amt, 1961.

photo Als kirke 2003: grethe bachmann
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