Bindslev Church, ab. 15 km northeast of Hjørring
Bindslev sogn, Horns herred, Hjørring amt
The large white-washed church in Bindslev is a late Romanesque tile-brick building from the 1200s with a broad nave and choir to the east, a new tower to the west and a porch to the north. The oldest sections are the choir and the eastern part of the nave. The wall in the oldest part is yellow monk bricks. Original details are best preserved on the north walls of the nave and the choir, there are also a few traces from bricked-up high-placed round arched windows. The north door has a thympanum field and is well-preserved inside, the south door is walled-in. The church was extended to the west late in the Middle Ages, and the thick walls were probably meant for supporting the tower, built in the present.The nave and choir have a flat beamed ceiling.
Madonna in Bindslev.
In 1888 was found a Romanesque frescoe from the 1200s of Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus, which was restored the same year. The Byzantinde-inspired, richly gilt frescoe looks like the front page of a medieval kloster-journal. This is Denmark's northernest Romanesque Madonna-picture. Other frescoes, which was brought to light in 1945 had to be washed over again.
The church got a new colourful altar piece in 1989 in connection to a restoration. A Romanesque granite font with line ornaments. A carved pulpit from the beginning of the 1600s; in the fields are paintings of the Evangelists. The church was restored in 1941-42, (and in 1989) a new tower was built, the porch was face-walled and the pulpit was moved to the south east corner of the nave, the old board ceiling in nave and choir was brought to light and new pews were bought. A church bell without inscription from early Middle Ages hangs in the tower.

Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Nr. Bindslev (1395 Binzløf, * 1510 Nørre Bindslev); Sønder Bindslev (1347 Sønderbinzlæf); Ågårde ( 1480 Agard(h)); Bragholt (1688 Bragholt); Tronsmark (* 1510 Tromsmarch, 1611 Trundsmarck); Åskov ( 1688 Aaschouf); Barkholt (1638 Barchholt); Egås (1487 Eygaas); Mogensbæk (1484 Mowensbæk); Stensbæk (1638 Steenszbech, 1662 Steensbech); Løkkegård
(1508 Lyckigardh); Søttrup (1486 Søttrop); Hedegård (1558 Hedegaard); Hesselbæk (1347 Hæsylbek).
Stensbæk was probably in the late Middle Ages a lesser noble farm belonging to members of the family Vognsen (of Stenshede). In 1557 it was owned - possibly only partly - by Anders Thomsen (Vognsen of Stenshede) (+ before 1568); his brother's son Jens Hansen (Vognsen of Stenshede) wrote himself to it in 1543 - 57, and his son Anders Jensen (Vognsen of Stenshede) (+ earliest 1566) was the owner in 1557. In 1568 the owner was ( the childless) Anders Thomsen's heirs. One of the heirs sold the farm to Ove Christoffersen Lunge (Dyre) of Odden
(+ 1601) or to his son rigsmarsk hr. Jørgen Ovesen Lunge (Dyre) of Odden etc. (+ 1619); his daughter Margrethe Lunge (Dyre) of Boddum Bisgård (Refs herred) was the owner in 1635 and in 1638 her mother fru Sophie Stensdatter Brahe (+ 1659). Various owners up til present.
The main building is a long half-timbered wing in one storey, built in 1744 by Hans Wissing.
Some doors in Regency from the building time are preserved and several wall panels, now put up in a room in the attic. In 1662 a thatched half-timbered house was at this place, but it burnt down in 1679.
Christiern Thorkildsen (or Therkelsen), (+ earliest 1450) of the family Due, lived in Bindslev in 1436.
Løkkegård was in the 1500s a noble farm. In 1508 was mentioned Nis Nielsen in Løkkegård, which in 1557 and 1568 was owned by Las Ovesen Rød (Lunov)(+ earliest 1586). In 1658 it was a farm under Stensbæk.
Fru Elsebe of Hesselbæk is mentioned in 1401. In 1406 Jens Hval conveyed a farm in Hesselbæk to queen Margrethe. Terkel Jensen, who is mentioned in Hesselbæk in 1436, was hardly a nobleman. Ab. 1600 Jesper Nielsen Basse of Bigum was said to be the owner of H. In 1683 were two farms (Øster- and Vester Hesselbæk).
Egås: Anders Eskildsen of Egås (+ 1620 at Eskær) , who was married to Maren Hansdatter Bild, sold in 1568 parts of Tågholt in Sindal parish to Ove Lunge of Odden (+ 1601). - In 1629 lived Chr. and Peder Paal of the family Paal at Egås. ( Egås was 2 farms in 1683).
Listed prehistorics: A lesser hill Terkelshøj, at Åsen.
Demolished or destroyed: 18 hills, mainly in the northwestern part of the parish. Considerable burial sites and settlements from early Roman period were found at Hellebjerg and Glarkrog, and at several other places in the parish were found stone-graves from the same period.
Source: Trap Danmark, Hjørring amt, 1960; Niels Peter Stilling: Danmarks kirker , 2000.

photo Bindslev kirke 2004: grethe bachmann
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