Valsgård Church, 5 km north of Hobro
Valsgård sogn, Hindsted herred, Aalborg amt.
The church has a Romanesque choir and nave, probably the tower is late Gothic and the porch is from the end of the 1800s. The Romanesque building is in granite ashlars. The walled-in north door has a cross-marked thympanum while the south door which is still in use has a smooth thympanum. The curved choir arch is preserved with various profiled kragsten - and both choir and nave has a beamed ceiling.The tower has gone through a thorough restoration and is now without old details. The bottom room is not opened to the nave. The porch is probably from the restoration of the tower, in 1885.
The altar piece is a modern oakwood triptychon with a painting by Rud-Petersen 1937-38: "Jesus heals the blind". Late Gothic ore candelabres with heavy ring decorated handles. The granite font is new or it is very strongly broken up. A fine late Gothic choir arch crucifix, closely related to the crucifix in Hørby Church west of Hobro. The pulpit is a simple joinery with curved corner pillars. Below the modern ornaments are vaguely seen paintings from the 1700s.
A single wooden relief from ab. 1600 of "Maria Magdalene at the Cross" is in the church wall. In the choir is a mighty gravestone with four parallel inscriptions for Peder Ollufsøn +1663; Maren Ibsdatter + 1664; Olluf Pedersøn + 16.. ; and Anne Nielsdatter, + 16.. . The stone is put up by Olluf Pedersøn. The church bell is from 1636.

Valsgård Bæk (Brook)
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Valsgård (1461 Walsgard); Redsø (1461 Ræsæ, Ræso Skøw); Ulstrup (1499 Wolstrop); Tofte
(1611 Tofft); Hjerritsdal (1611 Hieredzdall); Røkkendal (1480 Røkkendaal); Skovbo (*1482 Skaubo, 1487 Skowbo); Søndergårde (1611 Søndergaardtt); Staverslund (1611 Staffeslunndt); Frisdal (1478 Friisdaal); Nederkarls (1461 Karlæ skow, 1506 Nederkarllæ); Hjeds (1563 Hiedtz, 1688 Hiedtzegaard); Bramslev (1478 Bramsløff,-leff, Bremsløff); Nakkedal (1478 Nakkedaal); Lille Skovsgård (1611 Sckoffsgaardtt); Bodalskrog (1611 Boedelskrog).
A farm/manor Skovbo was since 1406 mostly in the Hørby family. In 1478 a farm/manor Nakkedal was inherited by Jens and Mogens Thomsen (Seefeld) from their father hr. Thomes Mogensen (Seefeld) of Dalsgård. A farm/manor Tofte was by Laurids Ebbesen (Udsen) exchanged in 1634 to grev Valdemar Christian. In Hjerritsdal is a water-mill (out of use). It is listed in class B.
At Valsgårds Bæk (Brook) west of Frisdal is a vague site of "Frisdal slot" , it is now a downploughed embankment with wall gravel and chalk. To the south are traces of a low bank the west rests of another bank. West of the brook are some rests of banks and mabybe house sites. 100 m west of the brook is a spidsgrav (special grave) crossing a steep hill. Here is a stone with an inscription upon ashlars . Excavations in 1946 by Hobro Museum.
Hobro Museum
A legend says that the sons of the owners of Frisdal slot once were robbed in the big forest surrounding the estate. When the 3 daughters from the castle were on their way to Oplev Church they were raped in Kirkedalen ( Church Valley) and killed by robbers - at the place sprung then three frøkenkilder (maiden's wells). When the robbers hide-out was discovered it showed that the main villain was a brother of the murdered girls. As propitiatory sacrifice the parents let build a church in Valsgård.
Listed prehistorics: 3 long barrows, one by Ulstrupgård has a cover stone above the chamber; a dolmen chamber at Frisdal is 4 carrier stones with one cover stone. It once belonged to a 70 m long barrow. Besides is a stone cist, a long hill and 41 grave hills of which several are large. Ved Krogen 5 hills; at Bramslev 2; at Røkkendal 3 (one is Vandhøj) and at Redsø 1. Especially along the fjord (Mariager Fjord)are many hills.
Demolished or destroyed: one round dolmen and 51 hills.
An Iron Age settlement noted at Tofte.
Source: Trap Danmark, Aalborg amt, 1961.

photo Valsgård kirke /Valsgård Bæk 2003 + 2005: grethe bachmann
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