Mosbjerg Church, ab. 12 km east of Hjørring
Mosbjerg sogn, Horns herred, Hjørring amt.


Runic inscription at choir wall: Kandelabru(m)

Romanesque font and thympanum with relief cross
Mosbjerg church is a Romanesque ashlar building . It has a choir and a long nave, which western end possibly was meant to be a front hall or to support a tower, and a late medieval porch at the north door. The Romanesque wall work is re-made in several places. Upon the north side are traces inside from round arched windows. Two Romanesque window cover stones are transferred to Vendsyssel historiske Museum. The entrance is through the still preserved north door. Above the inside of the door is a thympanum field with a cross, resting upon a later cover stone with the year 1893. A rune inscription with the word "Kandelabrum(m)" was brought to light in 1954 at the choir wall.
The church has a beamed ceiling , while the choir has a later built-in cross vault. The preserved choir arch is granite. Upon the walled communion table in granite ashlars stands an altar piece from ab. 1600 with a contemporary painting, the simple built altar has a high triangle gable, supported by smooth, Doric pillars. A late medieval chalice with a new cup. A Romanesque granite font. At the pulpit is carved the name and of a priest Niels Jensen and the year 1599, and a painted year 1608. The edges are covered in double pillars, in the fields are paintings of the four Evangelists. Upon the broad sounding board the same priest-name is carved and the year 1600. Walls, roof and floor were restored in 1954-55. Furthermore was some older inventory restored and the church got new pews and altar rails.
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Mosbjerg (1419 Musbergæ, 1484 Moseberg); Vogn (1355 Oorn, 1419 Worn, 1487 Vdherwotn); Mostrup (1419 Mustorp, * 1429 Mostrup); Blæsbjerg ( 1662 Blesberigh); Vestergårde (1662 Westergaard); Grårup (1419 Gradorp); Stendrup (1638 Stindrup, 1662 Stinderop); Bollehede
(1638 Bollehæde, 1662 Boolle Heede); Eskær (1540 Asker, 1662 Eskier); Storgård ( 1611 Stoergaardtt); Hvirp (1662 Huirp); Vien (* 1531 Wiffne, 1662 Wien).
Eskær (NB: there is also an Eskær in Salling, Viborg amt.) was in the beginning of the 1300s a noble farm, according to tradition belonging to Stig Pedersen (Skovgård) who earlier was said to be the owner of Villerup, Linderumgård, Egebjerg and Boller. In the first half of the 1500s Eskær is said to have belonged to Jep Eilersen Juel (Krabbe-J.) who is mentioned in 1515. Probaly is fru Anne, who owned the farm in 1553, his widow, since it came by inheritance to their son Iver Jepsen Juel (Krabbe-J.), married to Margrethe Stigsdatter Vesteni; their son Niels Iversen Juel (Krabbe-J.) of Ørklit (Vennebjerg herred ) owned E. in 1568; he is mentioned in 1580 together with his son Jørgen Nielsen Juel (Krabbe-J.) of Eskær (+ 1580). The last mentioned's daughter Karen Juel Jørgensdatter(+1556) was married to Christoffer Lunge (Dyre) of Odden (+ 1565); and their son Ove Christoffersen Lunge (Dyre) of Odden (+1601) inherited Eskær; his wife Anne Maltesdatter Sehested lived here as a widow and died here in 1621. Her daughter Sidsel Ovesdatter Lunge (Dyre), married to Laurids Lindenov(+1635) of Oregård, died here in 1614 in childbirth , while another daughter Karen Ovesdatter Lunge (Dyre) , married to Holger Ulfstand of Vosborg (+ 1617) wrote herself of Eskær and lived here until her death in 1626. Their brother rigsmarsk hr. Jørgen Lunge(Dyre) of Odden etc. (+ 1619) probably had a part in the farm, and he or his widow Sophie Stensdatter Brahe (+ 1659) must have bought out the heirs of the farm, which she owned in 1627. By marriage Eskær came to the family Rosenkrantz, later to Skeel etc. Various owners up til present.
Abildgård. Fru Karen Nielsdatter Banner of Kærsgård gave Abildgård to Aalborg Helligåndskloster. After the reformation hr. Ove Lunge of Tirsbæk bought the farm in 1537.
In Mosbjerg was in the late Middle Ages a small noble farm Mosbjerggård, which in 1475 was exchanged to the children after the Lolland nobleman Axel Budde (+ latest 1475, married 1) to a sister of Thomas Thordsen (Vognsen of Hørbylund); the children were Axel Budde (+ earliest 1480), Markvard Budde (+ earliest 1479) and Karine Axelsdatter Budde (+ earliest 1475). In 1481 væbner Jens (Johannes ) Nielsen (Sehested) wrote himself of Mosbjerg, his brother Thomas Nielsen (Sehested) wrote himself of M. in 1484 and 1488. In 1557 is mentioned Anders Thomsen of Mosbjerggård, which however belonged to fru Johanne in 1568, a widow after Knud Pedersen, and in 1580 to Peder Knudsen (Wunkesen) of Næsbygård) (+ earliest 1619), whose brother skibshøvedsmand and later lagmand in Skien (Norway) Knud Knudsen (Wunkesen)
(+ earliest 1630) also wrote himself of Mosbjerggård; in 1662 the farm was a copyhold farm with a mill and 3 houses under Eskær.
Listed prehistorics: At the farm Kabbelhede is a small dolmen chamber with a cover stone; here were found 7 thin-necked axes and 14 amber pearls; at the same farm is a very disturbed long dolmen with one chamber without cover stone. Furthermore in the parish 3 long hills and 35 hills, of which several are rather large; most of them are in the very hilly terrain between Vogn and Eskær. At Grårup is a stone grave from early Roman Iron Age.
Demolished or destroyed : a long dolmen, two long hills and 31 hills, mostly between Vogn and Eskær.
Vendsyssel historiske Museum and the National Museum have at Vogn examined a large burial side with urn graves and fire spots from late Celtic Iron Age. Skeleton graves from early Roman Iron Age were found at Mosbjerg, Mostrup, St. Våen and Krogskær.

photo Mosbjerg April 2004: grethe bachmann
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