Buderup Church, ab. 15 km south of AalborgBuderup Sogn, Hornum herred, Aalborg amt.
The old Buderup Church, Buderup Ødekirke ,was in 1907 together with the inauguration of the new church in Støvring abandoned as a parish church and listed under the National Museum as its property. It consists of nave and choir, western tower and porch to the south and a chapel to the north. The nave and choir are Romanesque in granite ashlars. From one Romanesque window is only left a cover stone in the porch. The north door disappeared when the chapel was added.

The Romanesque choir arch is preserved with ornamental kragsten (obliong relief stones). The vaulted tower room is open to the nave with a pointed arch in the width of the room. The north chapel is Renaissance with flat ceiling, under the floor is a burial vault. The porch is mostly in small yellow bricks, the gable is newer and rebuilt. In the church were found rests of frescoes from the Renaissance period. The Communion table is walled and white-washed with a barrelvaulted niche in the south side. From the inventory is preserved only the Romanesque granite font (only the basin ) plus a new series pastorum.

From the other inventory are altarpiece, panel and pulpit in 1944 moved to Suldrup Church - an altarpiece from 1901, chalice, candelabres, baptismal bowl, chandelier and church bell moved to the church in Støvring (Aalborg) and in Aalborg Historiske Museum is a painting from 1787, probably an altarpiece - and also to the museum a priest- and bishop's table from about the same time and a painted table according to which the inventory in 1708 were restored, paid by Mikkel Suhr of Buderupholm and his wife Barbara Risler plus a small Rococo corner cabinet. Another table where a restoration in 1763 was paid by kancelliråd Bjørn is kept at Buderupholm. In the choir are a gravestone and a memory table. Upon the old church yard are gravestones from the 1700s and 1800s. The old church yard by Buderup Church is kept in repair by the parish.

Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Støvring (1268 Styfhring, 1453 Støffring); Mastrup (* 1516 Mastrum, 1664 Mastrup); Buderupholm ( 1552 Buderupholm); Søgård ( 1461 Siøgards mose); Buderup kirke (1268 Budorp)
In 1268 Buderupholm Manor was willed to Gunde Vind's daughter Bodil ,(married to Niels Krog) by her sister Gro, who was a widow after Esbern Vagnsen (Udsen). Exceptions in the will were two longhouses of which the nuns in Aalborg got the western, Hundslund Kloster got the eastern house. In 1445 and 1465 the owner is mentioned as Anders Nielsen of Buderupholm. During the centuries Buderupholm is owned by the families Lykke, Juel, Brockenhuus, Rosenkranz, Høeg etc. Several owners up til the present. The main building lies near Lindenborg Å (river) by the foot of a steep hill surrounded by the rests of a moat. It was built in 1731 by Tøger Benzon as a three winged plan. All three wings are halftimbered in one storey and were originally thatched. In the middle wing is a staircase and finely carved doors from the building time with the year 1731 in heavy brassplates.
Listed prehistorics: 19 hills, of which two north of Bundgårdsminde are rather large; at the same place a triangular piece of land with deep sunken roads is listed .
Demolished or destroyed: 49 hills. In Juelstrup vicarage's moor was found a drinking horn with bronze mounting from Iron Age.
Source: Trap Danmark, Aalborg amt, 1961

photo Buderup kirke 2003: grethe bachmann
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