Sebber Church, 10 km west of Nibe
Sebber sogn, Slet herred, Aalborg amt.
Sebber Church is a longhouse with a three-sided east end, a tower to the west and a porch to the north. It is the only preserved wing of the medieval convent Sebberkloster. In its present form the longhouse and the additions seem to origin from the end of the Middle Ages, but it was heavily restored in the Renaissance-period, probably after 1636, when the building had to be repaired in order not to break down. The material are overall granite ashlars and monk bricks. The flatlofted longhouse is high and the various formed and placed windows are divided in two storeys, which is probably due to that there were - like in Dalum convent in Odense - galleries along the walls for the nuns. The tower has a point-arched (now walled in) archade to the nave and a later barrel-vaulted open burial.

All inventory has a now fainted grey paint with a little white and gold and some marble from the 1700s. The communion table is walled in monk bricks by the east wall. A large late Baroque altarpiece in pine from 1750. A Romanesque granite font, not originally from this church. South German baptismal bowl from ab. 1575. A small crucifix from ab. 1475 upon a contemporary cross. Pulpit in oak from Renaissance ab. 1600, a sounding board possibly from the end of the 1700s, stairs to pulpit from 1750. Two Renaissance "Lord of the Manor"-pews. Other pews from 1739 with narrow gables. A western gallery with "Lord of the Manor"- pews from 1773 with inscriptions. A medieval door-wing in the north door with a large wooden-box lock and inscription 1639. Iron bound money block from the 1600s with a taskelås (box-lock?). A Renaissance chandelier from ab. 1625. Two church ships 1845 and 1853. Church bell from 1640 given by fru Margrethe von der Lühe. (There has probably been a restoration of the inventory since Trap Danmark's edition 1961.)

reliefstone in church wall

Priest's door and lapidarium

farm buildings and smitty
Names in the Middle Ages :
Sebberkloster ( 1268 Sybørhu, 1485 Seberclosther); Sebbersund ( 1491 Søberswndh); Barmer (* 1250s Barnæmyræ, 1487 Barmer); Valsted ( ab. 1450 Waldstet).
Sebberkloster, also named Sebbergård was in the Middle Ages a convent, probably for Benedictine-nuns. Its year of foundation is unknown (earliest mentioned in 1268). The bishop in Viborg appointed the prior, who mostly was an aristocrat. He was the administrator, while the prioress was the leader of the daily life in the convent. (...) In 1520-21 the bishop in Viborg Jørgen Friis of Haraldskær contemplated moving the nuns from Vor Frue Kloster in Aalborg to Sebberkloster. (...) In 1528 he endowed Sebberkloster for life to his half brother magister Niels Friis of Haraldskær , + 1557. (...) In 1561, when Anne Albrechtsdatter Glob had the vasalry at Sebberkloster there were no nuns at S. anymore. During the 1600s the family Brockenhuus had S. In 1697 they sold it to citizen in Aalborg Anders Madsen Klæstrup, who sold it to the family Gleerup who was the owners during the 1700s, in 1810 it was sold to the family Svanholm, who did some outparcelling and later sold it. In 1959 it was sold to hofjægermester A.V.Tesdorpf, Gedsergård. (1961)
Sebberkloster is now a holiday resort with apartments and restaurant in connection to Sebber Kloster Golf Klub.
Sebberkloster Foto-gallery
At Sebberkloster was a sacred spring Skt. Povls kilde (Nicolaus' kilde or Dagmarskilde) and north of Valsted Thiiskilde.
At Skt. Nikolas Bjerg west of the road to Sebbersund was a church, which site was dug out in 1880, when the bridge was built. It had a 13,8 m long and 8,2 m broad nave and a 6,3 m long and 6 m broad choir.
Listed prehistorics: South of Barmer is Sebber Trehøje and 3 hills.
Demolished or destroyed: 3 hills, kitchen midden found at Sebber Skole and Valsted.
Source:Trap Danmark, Aalborg amt, 1961.

photo Sebber kirke/kloster 2006: grethe bachmann
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