Sæbygård, ab. 3 km west of Sæby
Volstrup sogn, Dronninglund herred, Hjørring amt

The three-winged Renaissance manor was built in the 1570s, but up through the centuries it was rebuilt several times. The best preserved section is the north wing with a gate tower and a stair tower at the castle yard. It was built in the period where it belonged to the bishopric in Børglum, but at the reformation it came to the Crown, which in 1537 endowed the manor to the last Børglum-bishop Stygge Krumpen's cousin, the former Køgemester (chief of the bishop's household) Christoffer Stygge Rosenkrantz, later of Lynderup gård (+ 1565), who from 1546 had Sæbygård as a pawn. In 1552 the Pommeranian nobleman Jørgen V. Raade achieved permission to redeem the vasalry and had it, until the king in 1560 exchanged Sæbygård with much estate to admiral Otte Knudsen Rud of Møgelkær, after whose death in Swedish imprisonment in 1565 his widow Pernille Oxe owned the manor and the estate until her death in 1576. She let build the present main building's northeast wing. After her death S. came to the son Knud Ottesen Rud, who died unmarried in 1589, and then it was sold to rigsadmiral, later rigsmarsk Peder Munk (Lange)( + 1623) of Estvadgård, whose wife Sophie Pedersdatter Brahe after their daughter Kirstine Munk's death in 1624 inherited the manor and estate. She let build the southeast wing. In her second marriage in 1627 she was married to Malte Sehested of Rydhave (+ 1661), ; but at her death in 1638 the manor (since their marriage was childless) went to her brother Otte Pedersen Brahe (+ 1642), m. to Mette Rosenkrantz (+ 1646 at Sæbygård), and the manor and estate came to their son Manderup Brahe, who died in 1666, after whom his widow Birgitte Trolle (+ 1687) in 1668 sold the estate to admiral Niels Juel (+ 1697). Various owners up til present: The families Juel, Ulfelt, Bille, Pachs, Arenfelt etc.
The building is placed upon a large square castle bank surrounded by broad water-filled moats on all four sides, fortificated to the south and west by a large voldanlæg (rampart-plan). The entrance to the castle is from the north via a stone bridge. The inauguration-tablet in the gate tower says: "Anno 1576 lod erlig oc wellbyrdige Frw Pernel Oxe, Otto Rudis Høstru, bygge dette Hus." (Fru Pernille Oxe, Otto Rud's wife, let build this house in 1576 ). The gate wing is built in red bricks and the gate has a heavy square gate-tower. The ashlar-walled octagonal stair tower in the castle yard is more interesting. The rustic-technique is known from some manors at Funen: Holckenhavn, Juulskov, Arreskov and Harritslevgård; it might origin from the same building master, the Italian architect Dominicus Badiaz, who worked in Denmark in the end of the 1500s. If so, Sæbygård is his first work in Denmark. According to a bricked-up tablet with the coat of arms of Anne Sophie Pachs the south wing was built in 1745. The low east- and south wing are in red bricks, while the western low spærremur (firewall) was built by Holger Pachs in 1688, a tablet upon the wall says that he and his wife let "denne Brantmur opbøge af nye." (let build this new firewall). Inside the old great hall is preserved with a massive beamed ceiling.
Sæbygård Kultunaut.
Sæbygård Museum
Sæbygård is today a Herregårdsmuseum under Sæby Museum.
Volstrup Church
The white-washed church without a tower has a choir and nave, possibly with a Romanesque core, but it was very rebuilt in the late Gothic period. A porch to the north. The choir and nave are in red monk bricks with some details in carved granite. The round arched north door might be late Romanesque, but there are no details wich tells more about the original building. In the late Gothic period were built two cross vaults in the nave and the choir was extended to almost the same length as the nave, also with two cross vaults.
The altar piece is placed upon a walled communion table; it has sections from a Renaissance triptychon with the coat of arms of Johan Rud and Anne Hardenberg. A magnificent late Gothic chalice with engravings. Heavy Baroque candelabres. Two Baroque candelabres from 1701 with the coat of arms of Holger Pachs and Lisbeth Bille are now in the National Museum. A small, rather re-caved Romanesque granite font. A south German baptismal bowl from ab. 1575. A late Gothic choir arch crucifix. The pulpit is a simple joinery from the 1700s with naive biblical paintings. A large square sounding board with Evangelist-paintings. Pews from Renaissance- period with triangle-gables and coat of arms , partly of Vogn Vognsen of Stenshede (1592-93), partly of Malte Sehested and Sophie Brahe (1627). In the west end a gallery from the beginning of the 1700s with the coat of arms of Pachs, Bille and Arenfelt. A church bell from 1701 by Luc. Rudolphsen Melchior with the coat of arms and names of Holger Pachs and Lisbeth Bille. Epitaphs and coffin plates from the 1600s in the church.

Water Mill in Sæby
Names from the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Volstrup (1408 Wormsstorp, 1500 Wolstrop); Sæbygård ( 1537 Sæby Gaard); Øksenhede
( 1408 Inxenhedhe, 1432 Junxenhedh, 1500 Øxenhedhe); Langtved (1465 Langetwedh); Knæverhede (* 1455 Kneffuerheede); Grønhede (* 1499 Grønheden); Birkmose (1638 Birckmosze); Solsbæk (1567 Sulsbæk) Uggerholt (1567 Vggelholdt); Stisholt ( 1664 Stidzholt); Rønholt (1662 Rennholt); Skovsgårde (1560 Skoufgaard); Kelstrup (1610 Kielstrup); Mamhave ( 1560 Menhof); Heden (1662 Heedegaard); Skølstrup ( 1432 Skiørstorp); Fuglsang (1560 Fugelsang); Haven ( 1610 Haeffuund, 1662 Hafuen); Bajensgård (1610 Baedensgrdt).
Ottestrup is an old noble farm, original name is Stenshede (1610 Stennhede) to which Vogn Mortensen (Vognsen of Stenshede) wrote himself in 1480; the manor was owned by the Vognsens of Stenshede until the middle of the 1600s where the owner was Preben Banner, later the families Rosenkrantz, Juel, Pachs, Arenfelt etc.
At Knæverhede was in the old days a water mill. A medieval grinding stone is now in Vendsyssels historiske museum.
Listed prehistorics: 24 hills, of which 9 are between Langtved and Øksenhede, where once were a very large group of hills, several are rather large, i.e. Langtved høj, Hestehøj, Torntvedens høje and a hill, which has contained a passage grave. 3 other large hills are in a row of hills stretching from southwest of Sæbygård to the south along the edge of the high land.
Demolished or destroyed: 83 hills, of which about half were in the mentioned group of hills between Langtved and Øksenhede, while 30 hills were in the row of hills to the south.
At Dyrhede were found 8 spiral rings in gold from Bronze Age.
Source: Trap Danmark, Hjørring amt, 1960; Niels Peter Stilling, Danmarks kirker, 2000

Photo Sæbygård June 2003: grethe bachmann
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