Tversted Church

The low church without a steeple is an ashlar building from the Romanesque period, consisting of a long nave, a choir with a flat altar-wall and a newer porch to the north. The oldest parts are the choir and the eastern parts of the nave, but it is partly re-walled. In the east-wall of the choir is the cover stone from a Romanesque window. The old north door of the nave seems original, but somewhat extended, the south door is walled-in. The nave was in the late Middle Ages extended to the west, partly in tiles, partly in re-used ashlars from the broken down western gable. In the extended wall is an ashlar with an upside down animal head in relief.
The old choir arch with heavy kragsten is preserved. There is a board ceiling in nave and choir. The altar piece is a joinery from ab. 1600, divided in main- and top piece, the main piece with side wings is tripartite, in the middle field is a painting from 1884. A Romanesque granite font. A simple pulpit from the end of the 1600s has portrait paintings of the Evangelists. In the porch,built in 1890, is bricked-up portrait gravestones of priests from the parish and their wives etc. Northeast of the church is a bell frame with a bell from 1512 with an inscription in Renaissance majuskles.
Nørre Elkær - 2 1/2 km southeast of Tversted town - was in the Middle Ages a farm, which Anne Henriksdatter Friis (of Haraldskær) of Odden (+ 1542) brought via her marriage to hr. Ove Vincentsen Lunge (Dyre) of Tirsbæk and Kragerup (+ 1540).Their son Christoffer Ovesen Lunge (Dyre ) of Odden (+ 1565) undoubtedly owned the farm. His son Erik Christoffersen Lunge (Dyre ) of Stovgård ( + unmarried 1616) onwned E. in 1616, where it is described as a main farm. Later came Elkær to his brother's son's daughter fru Birgitte Lunge (Dyre) of Elkær, who died young in 1628, but was married to (later rigsråd) Henrik Ramel of Bäckaskog etc. (+ 1653). Their daughter Birgitte Ramel died an infant 1640, and Elkær was then inherited by her half sisters Anna Ramel of Osbygård (+ 1702), married 1) to Albert Skeel of Katholm and Hessel (+ 1667) and Margrethe Ramel (+ 1699),married to krigs-og landskommissær Erik Christensen Sehested of Lykkesholm (+ 1683), who is mentioned as the owner in 1662.Various owners up til present( families Rodsteen, Reedtz, Levetzow, Kjærulf, etc.
Slynge was in 1630 owned by jomfru Johanne Lykke, who in 1632 exchanged the property to Otte Lauridsen Lunov of Rekkergård (Bølling herred)(+ earliest 1660), who 1633-36 wrote himself of S., but in 1637 sold the farm to fru Sofie Brahe Stensdatter of Høgholt and Odden etc. (+ 1659), a widow after rigsmarsk hr. Jørgen Lunge (Dyre) (+ 1619).
There are no listed prehistorics in the parish, but there once were three hills which now are down-ploughed. At Østenkær were found two settlements from early Stone Age and several urn graves of uncertain age.
Source: Trap Danmark, Hjørring amt, 1960.
photo Tversted 2004: grethe bachmann
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