Gundersted Church, 17 km southeast of Løgstør
Gundersted sogn, Slet herred, Aalborg amt.
The church in Gundersted has a choir, nave and tower to the west and a porch to the south. In the walls of the choir and nave are much granite ashlar-material from a Romanesque building, fx two monolite coverstones from round-arched windows. In its present form the two building sections must origin from a rebuild in the late Middle Ages or after 1589, when the church burnt down because of accidental fire ; from this rebuild origin the doors of the nave. The tower is built in ashlars and monk bricks and it is probably late medieval; it has a flat ceiling and opens into the nave in a round-arched archade. The church was restored in the second half of the 1800s, when it got a porch, a tiled roof and a grey-painted beamed ceiling.
Most of the inventory is rather new. The communion table with altarpiece in Renaissance-style was given 1912 by gårdejer Carl Chr. Jensen and wife Anne Kirstine, born Nielsen of Toftegård. Smooth granite font. Baptismal brass bowl from ab. 1700. New pulpit. Pews from 1936. New chandeliers and organ. Church bell from 1862.

Oudrup hede
Names in the Middle Ages:
Gundersted (* 1430 Gundested, 1474 Gwnderstet); Lille Ajstrup (1541 Astrop); Bjørnstrup
(1345 Byørnethorp, * 1497 Biornstrup); Gunderstedgård (*1461 Gundersted gard); Vormstrupgård (1541 Worumstrop); Brusgård ( 1541 Brwesgord).
Gunderstedgård is mentioned earliest in 1430 when it belonged to Malte Nielsen, who also owned Pandum (Hornum herred); his son (?) Las Malthesen had in 1461 legal authority on G., to which he is mentioned until 1462. In 1485-86 Mogens Mogensen (Glob Due) wrote himself of G.; but latest in 1493 it must have belonged to Niels Maltesen, who in 1499 conveyed it to Viborg bishopric. Mogens Stampe of Klarupgård and Kellingbjerg (+ earliest 1525) seems also to have had some rights in G. which he in 1507 exchanged with the bishopric. G. was by the bishopric transferred in 1516 to Malte Lauridsen (Viffert ) of Restrup (and later of Albæk,Hornum herred) (+ earliest 1542) had it possibly before this as a vasalry, since he already in 1509 wrote himself to the manor. In the last half of the 1500s G. was owned by Vincents Rosenkrantz (+ latest 1590), who in 1583 transferred it to Mourids Stygge of Holbækgård (+ 1604), whose brother Niels Stygge of Nøragergård and Søgård (Hind herred) (+ 1606) owned the manor in 1594. Since this it was owned by Niels Friis Manderup Due of Halkær etc. (+ 1660) whose widow Anne Skeel (+1662) in 1661 owned G. Various owners up til present, Due, Gøye, Marcussen,Leth,v. Bie etc.
Listed prehistorics: 39 hills, several large: Two Rosthøje at Bjørnstrup; 6 hills, among those Tinghøj; around Borup: Mellemhøj south of Brusgård, hills northeast of the church and at Gundersted hede. (heath)
Demolished or destroyed: A round dolmen and 36 hills. At Lille Ajstrup a large amber-finding, now at the museum in Års. At Gundersted hede was noted prehistoric fields.
Aars Museum
Trap Danmark, Aalborg amt, 1961

photo Gundersted kirke/Oudrup hede 2006/2008: grethe bachmann
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