Tise church , 10 km west of Brønderslev
Tise sogn, Børglum herred, Hjørring amt

The upside down relief
Thise church is placed upon a hillside with the 49 m high Gulbjerg as the highest point. The church lies in a desolate place close to the sacred springs of Vor Frue Kilde. It has a Romanesque choir and nave in granite ashlars and a Gothic west tower and porch in monk bricks at the north side. The Romanesque church was rebuilt in the Gothic period, the choir maybe from the foundation. In the south wall of the choir is put a window-monolit and a picture ashlar upside down, an image of the patron saint of animals, St. Antonius, hunting a pig with raised bristles, here a symbol of evil. At the north side a walled-in priest door. In the walls of the choir are bricked-up parts of Romanesque windows. The choir was extended to the east and two cross vaults were built in. The doors of the nave are re-built, the north door is still in use, while the south door inside is seen as a niche. The nave has Gothic star vaults like the porch and the low tower, which probably once was much higher.
Upon the communion table is a modern crucifix-group i Gothic style. The earlier altar piece is now placed in the tower room. The ore candelabres were given by in 1588 by Peder Munk and Karen Skeel. A Gotland limestone font from the 1200s. The pulpit is in rich Renaissance-style. It is one of few in the country which still stands as a gallery across the choir arch. It was given by Peder Munk and Karen Skeel. In the tower room is a Romanesque grave stone with a carved sword in high relief.

Landscape by Thise Church.
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Tise (1369 Thisæ); Filholm (* 1492 Filholm); Krogsgårde ( * 1427 Krogzgordt); Stavad ( 1501 Stavad, 1540 Stafvadt); Hammelmose ( * 1336 Hamolmosa, 1350 Hamblæmose); Havgård
(1688 Hau Gaard).
Hammelmose was already in the Middle Ages a noble farm, which in 1336 belonged to the væbner Sakse Pedersen. Since then it was owned by hr. Niels Iversen Rosenkrantz of Hevringholm (+ latest 1413), who in 1408 conveyed the farm to Børglum kloster, who owned it until 1536, when the kloster and all its estate came to the Crown.In 1541 Albert Andersen Skeel of Fussingø exchanged to H. from the Crown. At his death in 1568 the farm came to his son Christen Skeel of Fussingø (+ 1595) and daughter Karen Skeel, married to rigsadmiral Peder Munk (Lange) of Estvadgård etc. (+ 1623). The last mentioned lived for some years at Hammelmose, but after his wife's death at H. in 1601 without heirs he had to leave the farm to her brother's son Otte Christensen Skeel (+ 1634) from whom H. came to his son Christen Ottesen Skeel (+ 1670 unmarried). After this the farm was divided for a long time. Various owners Skeel, Reedtz, Rantzau, etc.
Listed prehistorics: At Filholm a passage grave,in which were found two flint daggers, a spear head and an amber pearl. At Tise Ladegård's area is a hill. In Vildmosen 11 small hills and a stone circle, origins from a late part of the Iron Age.
Demolished or destroyed: Upon the hilly land 7 hills; in Vildmosen 42 hills, mainly small.
At Stadsvold are noted settlements from Stone Age and Iron Age. Stone Age graves from Roman Iron Age found at Langbro and Tagmark.
West of the church was a sacred spring, Vor Frue Kilde or St. Maria Kilde, which was restored by Historisk Samfund for Hjørring amt.
Source: Trap Danmark, Hjørring amt, 1960. Niels Peter Stilling, Danmarks kirker, 2000.

photo Thise June 2003: grethe bachmann
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