Gerding Church, ab. 20 km south of Aalborg
Gerding sogn, Hellum herred, Aalborg amt.
The very small church in Gerding has a Romanesque choir and nave. The porch is from 1893. The Romanesque building is in granite ashlars. The north door is in use with a cover stone which has a strange frieze between trees - and on the ground by the church is a similar frieze which belonged to the south door. The church has flat ceilings and the Romanesque choir arch with profiled kragbånd (oblong relief stones) is preserved. The small ridge turret above the west end was placed in 1892. Upon the Communion table in granite ashlars is a wooden cross. The Romanesque granite font has a smooth basin. The pulpit is a simple cabinetmaking from 1700s. The church bell from 1883 is cast by Løw & Son.
Names in the Middle Ages:
Gerding (1390 Gærdyn, 1406 Gærende, 1462 Gerden, 1504 Gærding); Rise ( 1477 Riis).
Øksenvad Mølle (* 1404 Yxenvad Mølle) was in 1404 by Jep Kirt given to Viborg Bishopric. After ab. 1675 it is called Røde Mølle; since it was often destroyed at thaw it was abandoned in 1761.
By Lindenborg Å (river) west of the road dam is in the meadow a system of driven in poles. Here was probably in the Middle Ages a fortification by the ashlar built bridge which rests were discovered in the rebuild of Håls Bro in 1958.
Listed prehistorics: 8 grave hills, one rather large at Håls Bro.
Demolished or destroyed: 4 hills.
Source: Trap Danmark, Aalborg Amt, 1961

photo Gerding kirke 2003: grethe bachmann
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