The source material is from Trap Danmark in the 1960s. Changes after that time are usually not included. If the readers want up-dates, they must take this via information from the local parish or from the net. Each church/parish has a website with e-mail address and phone-number.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Hvirring church/Hvirring kirke, Nim herred, Skanderborg amt.
The large church in Hvirring has a Romanesque apse, choir and nave; it is built in granite ashlars. It has a Gothic western tower and a porch to the south from ab. 1600, both in monk bricks with use of granite ashlars in the bottom sections. The apse was in the Gothic period divided from the choir by a barrier wall with two doors, it has a bevel plinth - the halfcupola vault of the room has two ribs and was probably changed when the barrier wall was built. A Romanesque window to the east is preserved and - as an outside glare: an original circular window to the southeast. The choir has a plinth with a round-stick profile. In the northwall are both Romanesque windows preserved, to the south stands the western window as an outside glare. Here is also seen a small low-placed window (hagioskop), maybe used for the communion of the lepers. Under this window is an ashlar with a cup-shaped hollow. The broad Romanesque choir arch has a bevel plinth and kragbånd with animal- and plant windings in relief. The nave, which stands upon a bevel plinth, has from original details kept the four windows on the north side, but nr 1 and 3 window from west have been remade. The doors of the nave are also Romanesque, both with a tympanum. The tympanum of the south door is smooth, while the north door is decorated with a wooden relief and acanthus-windings. The late Gothic tower, which possibly has replaced an earlier, narrower tower, had originally a free-stair to the north up to a narrow door in the middle storey; now there is only access to the upper storeys through a trapdoor in the vault of the tower room. Wall-anchors form the initials TT-ET and the year 1778, which refer to a rebuild, and the upper section of the tower and its present low pyramid spire possibly derive from this. The tower room is connected to the nave in a round-arched arcade. In the choir is one, in the nave four bays cross-vaults of late Gothic type, according to tradition built by Claus Glambek of Rask, (+ 1591), who for this work probably used stones from the demolished Boring kirke. Large building works at the church is mentioned in Chancellery-letters 31/7 1590 and 7/6 1593.
The altar decoration is a large mural by Joakim Skovgaard from 1919. The communion table is decorated by J. Th. Skovgaard. A painting of Christ from the 1880s hangs in the nave. Upon the altar table stands a small crucifix with a leaden figure, possibly from the 1700s, upon a new wooden cross. The chalice with the year 1699 has earlier parts; in the cup is engraved the court of arms of Reventlow. A large cylindrical , Romanesque granite font with a simple round stick-decoration. Baptismal dish from 1918. Pulpit in early Renaissance-style from ab. 1600. Pews from restoration 1917-19. A church ship, a modern model of Chr. IV's ship "Enhjørningen" (the Unicorn). Bell from 1639, according to inscription recast at the request of Chrestofer Pacsk of Rask.
In the nave an epitaph with rich carvings in acanthus-Baroque for Movrids Hanssøn Højer of Rask (+ 1722), and wife Gjertrud Movridsdatter Borchast, (+ 1709). In the north wall of the choir is bricked a portrait-gravestone with the family-coat of arms of above mentioned Claus Glambek (+ 1591), his widow Berete Rosenkrantz and the daughters Mergrete and Kirstine, who are buried under the choir, where were found burial chambers in 1917 and 1940. In the floor of the nave a worn out priest-gravestone. Upon the church yard are several old gravestones from the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s.
Upon the socalled Kirkebakke (church hill) south of Boring village is the site of Boring kirke, it is now grassgrown and plant with large ashes. It was listed in 1949 and a memorial is raised. In the grass is seen the contours of choir and nave of a Romanesque plan-type, but a marl pit in the western part of the bank has swallowed the traces of a tower. The church is mentioned in 1524, but in 1548 "the desolate church" is mentioned at Navlhale (Rask mølle), and the church was said to be demolished by Claus Glambeck.
Rask belonged in 1492 to Las Grøn, in 1498 to the brothers Erik and Søren Gødesen, in 1532 still to Søren Gødesen, in 1543 and 1552 to his widow Karen, in 1552 and 1563 to the son Iver Sørensen Rask (Gødesen), in 1565 and 1577 to his widow Barbara Splidsdatter (Fasti), since they left no children the farm came to his sister Maren Sørensdatter (Gødesen)(+ 1600); widow after Niels Glambek, and her son Claus Glambek (+ 1591). His widow Birgitte Rosenkrantz is in 1592 and 1609 written of R., which the daughter Sophie Glambek (+ 1620) in 1609 brought to her husband Mogens Pax (+ 1642), who in 1634 conveyed half the farm to his son Christoffer Pax, who in 1650 was murdered at R. His widow Hilleborg Bille owned the farm still in 1661. Later it was owned by Mette Grubbe (+ 1683), widow after Ebbe Ulfeld of Urup, her brother Alexander Grubbe conveyed 1686 half of R. and some estate to Mourids Hansen Høyer (+ 1722), who in 1689 bought the other half and some estate from Mathias Frederik Lützow of Vedbygård, whose stepchildren (Sivert Grubbe's children) had inherited this part after their paternal aunt Mette Grubbe.
Later owners: Hans Marcussen, Laurids Amnitzbøll, Andreas Bjørn, H.G.Bechmann, Herman Christiansen from Flensborg, auction, Ebbe Sørensen Høllund, Skanderborg amts udstykningsforening (=outparcelling), In the 1920s the main building was bought by widow Dorph-Broager: rekonvalescenthjem (resting home) in 1964.
The present main building from 1700-1800s is built upon a very large rectangular castle bank, surrounded by water-filled moats. There are no specific informations, but Claus Glambek did probably build a great residence here at Rask in the late 1500s. The main building has a very idyllic location behind the vigorous tree growth of the castle banks.
Peder Rask conveyed in 1323 estate in Boring and Hvirring to hr. Niels Brok the Elder, who in 1324 also got estate in B. as a pawn from Palle Jensen from Støvring. His son's daughter Elne Pedersdatter Brok conveyed in 1365 her fourth of B. to Valdemar Atterdag. According to a judicial letter of 1396 the rest belonged to a peasant; Erik and Jens Iversen Lykke renounced in 1400 and Mogens Munk of Boller in 1406 their rights in B.
Boringsgård belonged in 1626 to Knud Galt (+ 1650); Boring Hovgård was under Rask in 1662 and was
copyhold by 2 peasants.
In a moor north of Boring cvillage lies a site of the manor Boringholm, which belongs to the National Museum, and which in the 1300s belonged to the noble family Brok, but it is not mentioned after 1400. Excavations in 1906-12 have shown that the farm was built out in the moor, several hundred oak poles have been driven in. Here was a four-winged main building (30x30 m) with front-castles east west, and with bridges to the land to the north and south. Besides a big amount of building material were found parts of waggons, clothes, ab. 300 pair of shoes ( many "nose"-shoes from 1350-1400), belts, weapons, harness, plates from armor, a large sword in scabbard, crossbows, seals, forks, wooden shovels, knives with scabbards, tools, barrels, pieces from Danish and foreign ceramics, gloves, checkers, and parts of a gameboard for Merrills. (Nine Man Morris). All the finds are from the 1300s and the small finds are now at the National Museum.
Rask mølle was earlier called Navlhale mølle after a nearby house (1683 Naufl hol husz, Nagelhaal, Nagellholldsschouffhuusz).
Listed prehistorics: the 65 m longhill Langbjerg which now lies in the middle of a large gravel pit west of the village and 14 hills, of which several are large: Grifshøj at Hvirring, somewhat remade into a garden hill, Gulbjerghøj and Grønhøj at Rask Gammelmark, Låddenhøj in Rask skov, 4 hills nortwest of Honum and two hills north of Trebjerg.
Demolished or destroyed: a long dolmen in Rask skov and 98 hills, of which a large part were in a belt, which went east-west through the parish from north of Trebjerg across Hvirring, Honum and Rask Gammelmark to the Gudenå river valley.
Names from the Middle Ages and 1600s: Hvirring (1323 Hwiruingh, 1492 Hwering); Honum (1447 Huorum, 1488 Hornum); Boring (1323 Borthingh); Kodallund (1348 Kodallund, 1511 Kodelundt mark); Trebjerg (1345 Thrybyærgh, 1492 Treberg (h)); Rask (1453 Rask); Kokborg (1664 Køcke Borg).
Source: Trap Danmark, Skanderborg amt, 1964.
photo 2003: grethe bachmann
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Føvling church/Føvling kirke, Tyrsting herred, Skanderborg amt.
The secluded church in Føvling parish has a choir and nave from Romanesque period with a late Gothic tower to the west and a porch to the south. The Romanesque building is in travertine, hardpan and raw granite boulder upon a vaguely marked plinth. The plan is strange, since the choir is only a little more narrow than the nave. Besides the smooth, round choir arch no Romanesque details are kept, since the building in the high Gothic period ab. 1400, was somewhat rebuilt. At this point the west gable was rebuilt in monk bricks and had a glare decoration with three round-arched high glares, while the choir gable had five point-arched high glares , now a little down-cut with smooth roof lines. Ab. 1475 was in the nave built two bays, and in the choir one bay octagonal cross vaults, and large point-arched windows were inserted to the south. A tower waas added to the west, which bottom room opens to the nave in a broad, vaugely pointed tower arch. A ladder at the north wall leads up to a flatcurved door in the middle storey. The upper section and most of the southside of the tower was rewalled in 1856, when it got smooth stepped gables north-south. It was earlier completed by a wooden spire of unknown age. The southside of the porch contains old, and probably late Gothic wallwork, but it was rebuilt in the 1800s with a new glare gable.At the choir gable is placed a couple of heavy supporting pillars. The roofworks are rebuilt, they contain much old timber.
The vaults of the nave and the choir have a light frescoe decoration from the building-start with trifoils and lilies. The altarpiece is a simple joinery in Renaissance from the beginning of the 1600s. Its colours have been etched off and the paintings from ab. 1950 are by Gudrun Lorenzen. On the back of the altarpiece are placed two older paintings, a crucifixion picture from the 1700s and Christ from 1873 by P.A.Lyders. Altar chalice from 1745, heavy neo Gothic candelabres. A Romanesque granite font with three lions of the Tamdrup-type and an angel. The pulpit is a simple joinery from the 1700s with winding pillars in the corners. Behind the communion table are rests of old pew-gables, dated 1571. The bell with the names of the Three Wise Men is carved ab. 1500 by Albertus Pauli.
gravehill near Føvling |
A main farm in Føvling belonged in 1432 to Terkel Pedersen (Væbner), in 1466-1504 to his son Peder Terkelsen (Væbner); in an exchange after him in 1510 his son Ove Pedersen (Væbner), got Søndergård in Føvling etc., while the main farm itself probably went to his brother Terkel Pedersen (Væbner), who in 1532-46 is written of Føvling; his son Peder Terkelsen (Væbner )(+ 1587) was the last male of the family, his widow Else Juul had the farm in 1592, and it was now called Væbnersholm. In 1612 V. belonged to Peder Terkelsens sister's daughter's son Jacob Krabbe of Damsgård, who in 1649 sold it to Elisabeth Daa. It was inherited by her son Cortfitz Ulfeld of Mattrup, whio in 1670 conveyed V. and some estate to his son Jakob Ulfeld of Kærgårdsholm as a payment for his maternal heritage. Jakob Ulfeldt was punished by the king for his treatment of his wife, and at his death in 1688 his estate among this V. went to the king. In 1694 V. was laid out as ryttergods (military) and was inhabited by 2 peasants. When the rytterdistricts in Skanderborg were abandoned in 1767, a main farm, Våbensholm, was established from V. , it was in 1768 sold together with Nedenskov-Vilholt, and it was in 1798 incorporated in the entailed estate Mattrup, but after the abolition of the entailed estate V. still followed Mattrup, but it was combined into one farm in 1856.
Jens Henriksen of Føvling is mentioned 1430 and 1449. Torlof Hval of Føvling in 1455.
The sacred spring Ingeborgs kilde was found at Helligkildegård.
Listed prehistorics: 11 hills, of which one of two Staghøje at Våbensholm, is large; along Gudenå river upon a low terrain lies a row of 9 hills and 10 demolished, mostly Stone Age single graves.
Demolished or destroyed: 24 hills.
Names from the Middle Ages and 1600s: Føvling (1432 Føyling, 1455 Føgligh); Hårup (1347 Haffuetorp, 1492 Haarup); Over- og Neder Åstrup (1489 Astropp); Våbensholm (1664 Webnerholmbs hovedgaard); Ståholm (1683 Staaholm); Bøgebjerg (1664 Bøgebierg gaard).
Source: Trap Danmark, Skanderborg amt, 1964.
photo 2009: grethe bachmann
Friday, March 23, 2012
Fruering church/Fruering kirke, Hjelmslev herred, Skanderborg amt.
The large whitewashed church, which lies upon a hill in the southern outskirts of the village Fruering, was in the Middle Ages consecrated to Vor Frue. The building has a Romanesque nave, a late Romanesque? choir and a late Gothic western tower and a porch to the south. The nave is built in travertine and raw granite boulder. From original details are inside to the south two small windows. There is no trace of the north door, while the south door is outside and appears with a flatcurved uncover. A more narrow choir was connected to the nave earlier, this was replaced by the present choir, which has the same broadth as the nave; it is built in raw granite boulder and monk bricks above a high plinth in granite ashlars with a bevel edge and corner heads, which - like a secondary placed monolit-lintel from a Romanesque window - might origin from the earlier choir. Two round arched doors in respectively the north and south wall close to the triumph arch stand now as inside glares. Two doors in that place is an unusual sight in the choir of a common parish church, and their placement might raise the question if the church in some way was connected to the klosters in Ring or at Kalvø in Skanderborg sø (lake). In the northern wall of the nave is a narrow and lowplaced, now glared, Gothic window with cross-cover and a pointed arch in the lighting. In the choir was in the 1500s built two bays of cross-vaults and four bays in the nave with halfstone-ribs; at the same time the choir arch was probably extended and changed into a point-arched shape. The tower is built in monk bricks and boulder, upon the gables and under the roof of the long-sides are circular glares. The tower room is now a store room, it has a flatcurved outside-door to the north and a broad round arched arcade towards the nave, which is now glared by a narrow barrier wall. The porch is built in monk bricks. From present time are the heavy supporting pillars along the walls of the church. The church has now neo-Romanesque windows.
A walled communion table, covered in a panel, which partly is from the 1700s. A stately Renaissance altarpiece from the beginning of the 1600s, probably carved by the joiner Oluf Olufsen, who lived in Hedemølle in the parish; in the big field a painting of the Holy Communion by Mogens Fogh in 1743, who also painted the crucifixion scene in the top piece; upon the back of the altarpiece hangs a free copy of Leonardo da Vinci's Holy Communion, made in 1862 by teacher Niels Jensen in Boes. Altar chalices from 1701 and 1934, the oldest remade by Martinus Trøner, who in 1701 also gave an oblate-box to the church. Altar candelabres from 1702, according to inscription given by parish priest Hans Lønborg and wife Inger Maria Trøner. The cup-shaped Romanesque granite font is decorated with arcades and animal reliefs. A baptismal dish from 1693, given by above mentioned Hans Lønborg as a memory of his first wife Maria Rosenmeyer, + 1689 in childbirth. A Renaissance pulpit from ab. 1600, according to inscription inserted by Morten Jørgensen in Rindelev; sounding board from 1648. New, closed pews. In the nave hangs a small crucifix, carved by Gunnar Hansen in 1948. Organ with neo-Baroque facade. A bell from 1698 with the crowned monogram and motto of Chr. V., carved by Peter Christoffer Geiger in Lübeck.
In the nave an epitaph for the priest Peder Nielsen Rønning, + 1682 and wife Maren Jensdatter. In the choir a sandstone epitaph for the priest Christian Ludvig Blok, + 1768 and wife Elisabeth Falk, + 179..; in the porch a gravestone for the priest Knud Iensøn + 16.., and wife Mare Bundisdatter, + 16... A newer gravestone was moved to the garden of Rathlousdal manor.
Upon Kirkebakken ( church hill) ab. 300 m west northwest of Sophienlund was once Rindelev kirke, which is not mentioned in medieval sources. Acc. to Pont. Atlas Torrild church is extended with material from Rindelev church. At an excavation, which the National Museum did in 1922, the foundations revealed a small Romanesque church which had a choir and nave, which all or partly was built in travertine. In the terasse at Sophienlund is in the wall inserted a travertine ashlar from the site and a fragment of a Romanesque gravestone in granite with a cross relief. - In Kejlstrup was also a church (1683 Kedelstrup kierk), which last wall-rests were carried away in 1871 and 1877. In Kejlstrups lade (barn) is inserted a small Romanesque gravestone with a cross-stick in sunken relief and a smooth granite stone with a faint edge-profile, found on the church site. Acc. to the legend Vitved church is built in stones from here. This cannot be true though.
The family house Herschendsgave was established in 1788 by Peter Herschend, + 1796. A small main building was built in 1769 upon the place, where the desolate burnt Gjesing mill stood. A new main building northeast of this was built in 1868. Among the foundation stones are Romanesque picture ashlars.
Owner in 1964: I Laursen.
Rindelevgård was in the 1600s under Skanderborg castle , from 1717 under Skanderborg rytterdistrikt.
Sold in 1767 to Dorothea Sophie Schack, widow after Chr. Rathlou; the farm got the name Sophienlund and was under Rathlousdal. Owner in 1964: H.C. Wiese.
The parish has got its name after Ringkloster which earlier belonged here. The reason for the division was said to be that the priest in Hylke parish during a "vacance" in Fruering pastorat (parish) complained to Chr. IV that his pastorat was too small, and his neighbours' too big, and the king took Ringkloster, Nissumgård and Tammestrup Øde from Fruering and added them to Hylke.
Vestermølle, which lies in a ravine, has often had floods, like in 1833 and 1881, but worst in 1909 when the mill-dam bursted and the water took the mill building, which was on fire after a lightning. In the 1700s was a fabrication of colours (yellow ochre). In Rødemølle was also a fabrication of colours from 1751, when the Crown established an ochre-fabric - and brown-red clays were made here. This stopped in the beginning of the 1800s.
At Vestermølle was a sacred spring Jernkilden; another spring is at Skårup upon the slope at Århus-Horsens landevej (country road).
Listed prehistorics: 3 hills, among those the large Storehøj at Hvolbæk.
Demolished or destroyed: 16 hills.
An important find from a settlement from early Roman Iron Age was made at Gjesing. From Hvolbæk origins a treasure-find from Germanic Iron Age with 6 gold rings and 3 bracteates.
Names from the Middle Ages and 1600s: Fruering (1520 Ringh, Ryngj, 1573 Ring, Ringbye, 1664 Fruering, Ring); Virring (1311 Werrigh); Svinsager (1319 Suinszagger marck); Hvolbæk (1573 Huolbeck); Skårup (1573 Skarup, Skarrup); Gjesing (1305 Gesing mark); Vestermølle (1573 Wester Mølle); Hedemølle (1573 Hie Mølle); Rødemølle (1573 Røe Mølle).
Source: Trap Danmark, Skanderborg amt, 1964.
photo 2004: grethe bachmann
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Dover church/ Dover kirke, Hjelmslev herred, Skanderborg amt.
The church in Dover is a large free-standing building, which possibly was a herredskirke, (district church). It has a Romanesque choir and nave with a western tower and a porch from the Middle Ages to the south. The Romanesque sections are characterized by being built in hardpan ashlars (Danish: jernal), a material, which appears here and there in the wallwork of Jutland churches, but it was only in exceptional cases used as a main building material in the churches. In the white-washed walls are seen no original details, and because of the uplift of the terrain around the church the plinth is not visible. The eastern gable of the choir was re-walled in 1863 and equipped with glares and a stepped gable. The unusually long nave is possibly built in two stages. The south door seems to have been flatly uncovered, but it is now round-arched. In the late Gothic period one bay crossvault was built in the choir and four bays in the nave with halfstone ribs. The church has now large round-arched windows to the south, but there are no openings in the other walls. The narrow tower in monk bricks and granite boulder and with stepped gables to the north and south, was originally open to the west under a high pointed arch (stilt); the arch is now bricked-up, and the tower is a storehouse. The simple porch is in monk bricks. New supporting pillars on choir, nave and tower.
A 1600s communion-table panel. The altarpiece is a copy after A. Dorph's painting Christ with Martha and Maria, made in 1878 by teacher Niels Jensen in Boes. In the frame are two pillars and diverse details from a Renaissance altarpiece; in the top piece are pietistic symbols from the 1700s. In the nave hangs a resurrection-painting upon canvas, which was earlier in the large field of the altarpiece. Altar chalice from 1889. Large ore candelabres, according to inscription given on Christmas Evening 1592 by Niels Jacobssen in Nygård, who was a castle-scribe at Skanderborg castle, and wife Margrete Christoffersdatter (Udsøn). In the south wall of the choir is immured a cupboard, which might be Gothic in its oldest sections. Upon the north wall hangs a small Gothic thurible. A large Romanesque granite font with double lions in a pretty relief. A baptismal dish, a Netherland work from ab. 1600 with relief. A pulpit in Renaissance from 1594 with naive Evangelist-reliefs and a crucifixion-scene. A contemporary sounding board. The decorations of the pulpit from 1643 was brought to light in the restoration in 1939. A parish clerk stool and pews from the 1700s. Organ upon a western gallery, which has paintings with Christ and the apostles, made by above mentioned Niels Jensen in 1888. A series pastorum below the gallery. The bell is cast in 1747 from an earlier bell from 1507 (Jacob Rendler in Århus). In the choir a pretty, small sandstone epitaph for the priest Anders Michelsøn (+ 1596) and wife, with sa secundary inscription for the priest Niels Andersøn (+ 16...), with two wives and several children. At the tower stands a large figure gravestone for above mentioned Niels Jacobssen and wife and a worn-out gravestone from the 1600s with Evangelist-medaillons in the corners. A large, dominating burial chapel at the entrance of the church yard.
In Illerup and Boes were churches in the Middle Ages. Illerup (Egeltorp) is also mentioned as a parish in 1317. The church was still in use in 1524, but was abandoned before 1552, and Illerup is mentioned the last time as a parish in 1573. The same year Illerup is mentioned in Dover parish. There was no trace of the church already in 1623, but upon Kirkebakken to the south of Illerup, west of the road to Skanderborg, were found skeletons, and in an examination in 1946 also pieces from medieval tile stones (Skanderborg museum). - The church or chapel in Boes is first time mentioned in written sources in a priest report in 1623, where "the old church yard" is mentioned, which could still be seen in the terrain. The church was possibly situated upon the hillside in the western outskirts of the village, where were found rests of skeletons and brickwork.
Niels Jonsen (Munk) got in 1343 a life's letter on Nygård from Øm kloster. After the reformation it was under Skanderborg castle, later under Skanderborg rytterdistrikt; it was inhabited by the jægermester ( chief hunter) in Nørrejylland Rehnert Gallichen de la Roche, who died here in 1712. In 1767 it was bought by Oluf Mandix of Bisgård in Tamdrup parish. He conveyed it together with other estate to Just Rasmussen in Vrold in 1775, but the next year the parish priest H.P.Lund sold it to ridefoged (bailiff) at Silkeborg Jens Grønbech, and after this it was split up in several farms.
At Dover was a sacred spring Hjelmslev kilde mentioned in 1623, at Ravnsø Karlskilden or Karlekilden.
Listed prehistorics: 32 hills, of which several are rather large: Vejhøj and Illeruphøj at Bjedstrup, Frederikshøj, which together with two other hills lie upon a hill at Karenslund, Maglehøj, Toskæphøj, Tippethøj and the two Alkenhøje around Siim. In Hemstok skov lies a close group of 7 lesser hills.
Demolished or destroyed: a polygonal dolmen chamber south of Bjedstrup and 132 hills, especially many hills were in a belt which from Illerup went through the eastern part of the parish to Hemstok and Nygårde, another big hillgroup stretched from Svejstrup to the northwest to Siim.
Settlements from the Gudenåkultur are known from Rye Møllesø, Siimholm and Birksø. From Svejstrup Damgård origins a settlement and an iron extraction place from Celtic Iron Age. From the same time are possibly also a number of skeletons and a wooden shield, which were found at Vædebro near Illerup Å's outlet in Mossø. A rich settlement from early Roman Iron Age is known from Moselund in Siim.
Names from the Middle Ages and 1600s: Dover kirke (1239 Dauer sogen, 1266 ecclesiam Dofræ); Bjedstrup (1554 Biestrup; (Illerup (1317 Egeltorp, 1554 Illerup); Siim (1338 Seen, 1575 Sim); Boes (1554 Buoes); Firgårde (1758 Firegaarde); Nygårde (1343 Nygaa(r)dt); Hemstok (1554 Hemstock); Brandstrupgård (1578 Brendstrup Hede, 1664 Brandstrup Schouff ,1683 Branstrup).
Source: Trap Danmark, Skanderborg amt, 1964.
photo 2007/2008: grethe bachmann
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Bryrup church / Bryrup kirke, Tyrsting herred, Skanderborg amt.
The small church in Bryrup has a Romanesque choir and nave, a late Gothic western extension and a porch to the south from the middle of the 1500s. The Romanesque building is mainly built in travertine upon a granite ashlar plinth. From original details are traces of one bricked-up round arch window in the north side of the nave. In the late Gothic period the nave was extended to the west, and the extension in monk bricks is connected to the nave in a broad round arch, and cross vaults were built in the whole building, cross vaults in the choir and in the western extension and two bays octagonal vaults in the nave. The choir arch was on that occassion extended and pointed. In the east gable of the choir are two heavy supporting pillars, and in the western extension's stepped gable is a cross shaped glare. Late - probably in the middle of the 1500s - the porch was built and the door of the nave was extended and was given a flat round arch.
The front of the communion table is Renaissance, from ab. 1625 with portal fields. The altarpiece is a joinery from the middle of the 1800s in a tenuous, rural, late Classicism with use of some sections from a Renaissance altarpiece. The simple painting is by Alexandersen in Horsens. An older painting, the Crucifixion, hangs in the church. Late Gothic gently profiled candelabres from ab. 1550. A Romanersque granite font in Horsens-type with lions upon the basin and a smooth foot. The pulpit is a very simple joinery, probably from the late 1500s. In one of the fields is uncovered an Evangelist picture from the 1700s. Typical pews from the middle of the 1800s. The same joiner made the series pastorum from 1841 with symbolic details. A newer threemaster church ship. A memorial for soldiers killed in 1864. The church belonged in the Middle Ages to Voer kloster.
Kongsø plantation. |
Hr. Axel Lagesen (Brock) had in 1484 a part of Bryrupgård. The later B. was 1889-1908 poorhouse and was later outparcelled.
Lystruphus might be the rest of a village Lystrup, possibly mentioned in 1587. The farm Slorup might be a witness of a disappeared village the by the same name.
Listed prehistorics: 23 hills, of which several are large: Bredhøj and the somewhat outdigged Harbohøj at Kolpengård, Vradshøj at Løve, 3 Klovenhøje north of Løve, Tavlhøj at Lykkensspil and a large well-preserved hill north of Velling.
Demolished or destroyed: 105 hills, many were singlegrave hills from Stone Age.
At Kolpengård was a sacrifice-find from Bronze Age with 4 arrowheads, a dagger, 3 celter (axes) etc. In a hill in Kongsø plantation was found a silver treasure, which probably was buried ab. 1040 A.C. The treasure contained a rosette-shaped silver brooch, some silver pieces and 666 coins, mainly German, English and Danish.
Names in the Middle Ages:
Bryrup (1416 Brythorp); Velling, (1400s Wællyng) ; Løve (1440 Løffue); Sejt (1505 Seyd, Seyed marck, 1573 Seiet); Kolpengård (1440 Kolben).
Source: Trap Danmark, Skanderborg amt, 1964.
photo 2003/ 2011:grethe bachmann
Adslev church / Adslev kirke, Hjelmslev herred, Skanderborg amt.
Adslev church lies freely upon a hillside south of the parish village - it has a Romanesque choir and nave,a porch to the south from the late 1800s, and a western tower from 1925. Choir and nave are built in granite ashlars upon a bevel plinth. From original details are preserved the straight-edged south door of the nave and a north window of the choir, which is extended in the glade; in the nave are rests of two Romanesque windows, one to the north and one to the south. In the late Middle Ages a cross vault was built with halfstone-ribs in the choir and three bays octagonal cross vault in the nave. At the same time the choir arch was changed into a pointed arch. The church has now neo- Romanesque windows. In the choir are inserted modern glass paintings by Fanny and Poul Sæbye. The tower is from 1925, in bricks above granite ashlars.It was built from funds, willed by frk. Mine Houman of Kollen. In the bottom of the tower is furnished a burial chapel with a port to the west. An earlier tower should have fallen ab. 1800.
in Jexendalen (valley) |
Jexen, farm |
The monks at Kalvø (later at Øm kloster) had in ab. 1170 by fru Margrethe robbed 4 mark gold of land in Kollens.
There are no listed prehistorics in the parish, but there were 12 hills, of which 7 were south of Jexen.
Names from the Middle Ages: Adslev (1409 Aisleff, 1544 Atzløff); Jeksen (1347 Exingheten ,1409 Exenn, 1573 Jexen); Kollens Møllegård (ab. 1170 Culsne, 1581 Kollendts Mølle).
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Auning church / Auning kirke, Sønderhald herred, Randers amt.
foto: stig bachmann nielsen, |
The church in Auning has a nave and a choir with an apse, a tower to the west, a porch to the south and a chapel to the north. The apse origins from the Romanesque period, it is in raw and cleaved granite boulder, from the Romanesque period are also the choir and the 2 eastern bays of the nave in granite ashlars, all built above a plinth with a bevel edge. The south door and several Romanesque windows, like a low placed round arched opening in the southside of the choir (leprosy window?) are kept as bricked-up. The choir arch is outside, the kragsten with rope windings from the original choir arch lie upon the church yard. The apse has an original halfcupola vault. In connection to an enheightening of the walls (red monk bricks) a cross vault was in the late Middle Ages built in the choir and two star vaults in the nave. In 1616 the nave was extended with one bay to the west (octagonal vault), and the tower was added, both sections are built in red monk bricks above some re-used ashlars. The tower has glare gables to the north and south. (the year 1616 is seen on the south side), and a round arch connects the vaulted tower room with the nave. The porch origins from the same time (at the south side of the western extension), and its architecture is similar to the towers'. The vaulted burial chapel is built ab.1700 by Jørgen Skeels widow Benedicte Margrethe Brockdorff (initials upon the gable) in small red and yellow bricks above a granite plinth. At the western side of the tower was in present time built a half roofed building in red bricks; it is now a store house. The apse and the south side of choir and nave are white-washed; apse, choir and nave are lead-roofed, the tower and porch tile-roofed and the burial chapel slate-roofed. Upon the vaults of the choir and the nave were biblical frescoes brought to light from 1562. painted by Rasmus Roter. Included in the paintings is a rib decoration from ab. 1500.
A walled communion table with an altar cloth from 1962. A richly carved altarpiece from ab. 1650 with the coat of arms of Christen Skeel den Rige (the Rich) and Birgitte Rosenkrantz. The altarpiece reminds about the altarpiece in Fausing churc, but it has a resurrection relief in the middle field. It was restored with gold and colours in 1932.
Altar candelabres from the second half of the 1600s in rich, cast silver with the city seal of Augsburg and a master brand, which probably can be ascribed to the silver smith Heinrich Mannlich. The altar chalice was given in 1673 by Christen Skeel and Birgitte Rosenkrantz. A carved wooden baptismal font with a sounding board from 1736; the font stands in the tower room and is encircled by an octagonal wooden work similar to the kneeling. A baptismal dish, south German, from the 1500s. A pulpit in late Renaissance style, richly carved with inscription "Niels Kock fecit 1636" (like Fausing church).The reliefs of the pulpit represent the crucifixion, the resurrection and the Evangelists, the decoration is from 1837. Pews from the 1700s, upon the upper sections of the pews are the coat of arms of the family Skeel and Winterfeldt and the year 1726. In the nave a large Baroque chandelier with coat of arms (Gyldenstierne and Friis).
In the burial chapel, divided from the church by an iron gate door, is a magnificent marble epitaph for Jørgen Skeel ( + 1695), made by the sculptor Th. Quellinus, and set up by the widow Benedicte Margrethe Brockdorff. In the chapel are furthermore 14 coffins (11 marble, 3 sandstone with marble tablets) with Jørgen Skeel, his son Christen Skeel (+ 1731) (several banners conquered by him once hang in the chapel), his wife Augusta Winterfeldt, (+ 1740), their son Jørgen Scheel (+ 1786), and his two wives, Lucia v Thienen, (+ 1743), and Charlotte Louise v. Plessen, (+ 1801), Russian minister Christen Scheel (+ 1771) and wife Eleonore v. Raben, (+ 1808) at Ulstrup, and their 5 children, among these kammerherre, oberstløjtnant Jørgen Scheel, (+ 1825) and his wife Mette Christiane Bille (+ 1844). In a burial vault under the nave were grev Christen Scheel (+ 1844) and wife Christiane, née Pind (+ 1855) , but they were later transferred to the family burial in Lunden. ( grove in the wood). In the floor of the nave is a gravestone from 1665 for bailiff at Estrup Martinus Seeman and wife and their two sons.
At the south east corner of the church yard lies the former hospital, established by Jørgen Skeel (+ 1631) and Jørgen Scheel (+ 1786) for 9 poor parishioners. The pretty white-washed monk brick building is possibly a rebuilt medieval church barn. After the abolition of the hospital it was used as a burial chapel.
Per Henriksen Prip is in 1438 written of Lille Tårup, his brother Jes Henriksen Prip is written to it from 1453 and together with his sons Henrik and Erik he exchanged it and 7 farms and 1 desolate building place in 1468 to Lave Brok of Estrup.
In 1956 a memorial was revealed for the "wise man" of the district, Laust Nielsen from Tversiggård.
Listed prehistorics: In Tårup skov a round dolmen with two partly destroyed chambers, and 8 hills of which 5 are in Tårup skov.
Demolished or destroyed: 5 long dolmens and 24 hills, one of the long dolmens was very large with 3 chambers.
A medieval road plan was found in a moor south of Auning in 1945.
Names in the Middle Ages: Auning (1450 Aningh); Tårup, (1438 Lille Tordrop, 1450 Tordrvp).
Monday, March 05, 2012
Villersø church / Villersø kirke, Djurs Nørre herred, Randers amt.
foto: stig bachmann nielsen, |
foto: stig bachmann nielsen, |
The small church in Villersø has a Romanesque choir and nave with Gothic additions, a tower to the west and a porch to the south. The Romanesque building is in granite ashlars upon a bevel plinth. The straight-edged north door is bricked-up with ashlars, while the south door probably is remade. Upon the northside of the choir and the nave is a round arched window. In the late Gothic period was built cross vaults, in the choir one, in the nave two, and the choir arch is re-walled with monk bricks. The slender tower, which has a point-arched opening to the west, is probably from the late Gothic period, but the upper section with pyramid spire is re-walled, probably in the 1800s. The porch has flank walls in granite boulder and monk bricks, probably from the reformation period, but without dated details. The gable wall was re-walled with small bricks in the 1800s. The building was repaired in 1943, when the south windows got fladbuestik in yellow bricks.
The communion table is covered in a panelwork with portalfields in Renaissance, from ab. 1625. The altarpiece, which is a work of rural Renaissance with a painted year 1642, has naive biblical paintings. A couple of wall blocks at the triumph wall were possibly used for sidealtars. A chalice from 1790, according to Latin inscription given by the priest and the church guardian as a replacement of a chalice, which was destroyed in a fire. Small, late Gothic ore candelabres. A Romanesque granite font in Djursland-type with double vine upon the basin and lion figures with corner heads upon the foot. The pulpit is a simple joinery in Renaissance ab. 1640. Pews from ab. 1700. Chandelier with initials: II SF MIDER and the year 1723.
In the porch painted grave plates for birkedommer Peder Bay, + 1787 and wife, Ane Holst, + 1779 ("hendes udgang ... forårsagedes af den bedrøvelige grasserende blodgang...") her death was caused by some kind of hemorrhage. In the dike of the churchyard to the west is a late Gothic portal with a round arched driving gate and a small gate.
fladbuestik in yellow bricks |
The væbner Niels Mikkelsen lived in 1481 in Dalstrup.
Listed prehistorics: 4 hills like the large Skelhøj, which belongs to the group Thorsø høje in Voldby parish.
Demolished or destroyed: 17 hills, almost all northeast of the village.
The Stone Age sacrifice-site in Veggerslev mose (moor) stretches into Villersø parish. From a hill are known 4 grave finds from early Bronze Age, one with a necklace, 4 bracelets etc. - At Dalstrup was found a gold bracelet, formed by two winding square bars.
Names in the Middle Ages: Villersø (1468 Villesø, Wildessøø, 1489 Villessiø); Dalstrup (1481 Dalstrvp).
Source: Trap Danmark, Randers amt, 1963.
photo 3. March 2012: grethe bachmann and stig bachmann nielsen,
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Nødager church / Nødager kirke, Djurs Sønder herred, Randers amt.
foto: stig bachmann nielsen, |
foto: stig bachmann nielsen, |
foto: stig bachmann Nielsen, |
Upon a walled communion table with a front panel from the 1600s stands a large altarpiece in Renaissance with later added sidewings in bruskbarok, dated 1647, the altarpiece has old paintings upon the footpiece, in the large field and in the top field, the earliest painting from the large field is now in Ebeltoft Museum. The altarpiece was restored with a remake of the old colours in 1952. A Romanesque granite font with rope windings, upon the baptismal dish are the coat of arms and of Urne and Ahlefeldt and the year 1579. A simple pulpit with sounding board in Renaissance from the beginning of the 1600s with arcade fields without pictures. At the pews in the upper section of the church are kept several panels from the 1600s with biblical quotes. In the tower a bell with inscription from 1515. In the tower room frescoes from the late Middle Ages, restored in 1913. The church was restored in 1952. Church ship a brig.
Stabrand was earlier a special parish with its own church, which stood in the middle of the village. The site was some years ago broken up, it was in raw granite boulder and showed that the church had a nave and a choir with a straight gable, a tower to the west and a porch to the south. The cemetery was still used in the 1600s. At Stabrand is a memorial with inscription: Here was Stabrand church ab. 1100-1650.
Two sacred springs are known from the parish, one at Pederstrup (perhaps the Sct Helene kilde, which is mentioned in 1743) and Højevad at Kelstrup. Kirsten's and Gertrud's springs at Pederstrup were seemingly not sacred.
East southeast of Stabrand was the settlement Tolstrup (1688 Tolstrup). In a ploughing they have found foundation stones and pavements, and the place is still called Tolstruptofter. A folksong about a herremand at Tolstrup ( lord of the manor), who in a hunt fought with another lord of the manor, is referred to this place, the legend is also connected to the tympanum at Nødager church and to the round dolmen Hunden og Haren at Stabrand.
Listed prehistorics: 11 round dolmens, 8 long dolmens, 2 dolmen chambers and 26 hills. From the dolmens is mentioned the round dolmen Mejkirke with a large cover stone above the chamber at Skeldrup; a round dolmen Hunden og Haren and the long dolmen Stenmanden at Stabrand; the three-chambered long dolmen Jyndovnen at Mårup and the two-chambered Kramkisten west of Skeldrup. Large hills are Stolshøj south of Nødager, Kejserhøj south of Pederstrup, another hill southeast of the same town and Store Sortehøj, 6 m high, north of Mårup.
Demolished or destroyed: 16 round dolmens, 9 long dolmens, 7 dolmen chambers, 12 indefinable stone graves and 115 hills, which mainly were in the middle section of the parish.
At Englund were found 33 Arabic coins and some silverpieces from the Viking period.
Names in the Middle Ages: Nødager (1342 Nutakær, 1441 Nøtagher); Kelstrup (1485 Kiilstrop); Pederstrup (1480 Pederstrop); Horstved (1441 Horsthwet); Stabrand (1387 Staabrund, 1416 Stabrun); Krarup (1458 Krarop; Mårup (1398 Morop); Skeldrup (1661 Schieldrup); Ildbjerg (1485 Eylbergh, 1610 Jlberigh); Skårupgård (1499 Skorop, Skordorp).
Source: Trap Danmark, Randers amt, 1963.
photo March 2012:grethe bachmann
Haldum church / Haldum kirke, Sabro herred, Århus amt.
The large church in Haldum has a Romanesque choir and nave and a late medieval western tower with a pyramid spire from the main restoration in 1865, when a porch was demolished. The original sections are in limestone- and travertine ashlars,decorated with corner pilasters and round arch friezes upon small consoles. To the north are three windows kept in the nave and one in the choir, while an eastern window is bricked-up. The choir arch is probably original; it has a bevel-edged kragbånd. The tower is built in monkbricks, mixed with a few granite ashlars in the bottom, but face-walled in 1865 , when the church had a concrete plinth and the longwallks were enheightened with a bricked cornice. Upon the eastern wall of the tower are traces from the nave's earlier roof. the original door of the tower is now bricked-up. The entrance is through the western tower door. Choir and nave have late Gothic vaults upon corner pillars. In the choir and nave are frescoe decorations, probably from the late 1800s, copies of the common type of the district, repainted 1937.
A large four-winged canopy altarpiece from 1599 with newer biblical paintings upon canvas, restored 1895 and 1937, when all inventory was painted. Altar chalice and dish with names and coat of arms of Chr. Friis and Øllegaard Gersdorff. A heavy altar candelabre in pewter, stamped A S H 1711 (?). A magnificent granite font, decorated with double lions with human heads in strong relief, similar to the font in Lyngå church. A baptismal dish ,south German from ab. 1550-75, stamped R S. A pulpit from 1615, with biblical reliefs in the big fields; and bad decorations from 1937. New pews, gallery and chandeliers. A bell without inscription from the 1300s. Upon the north wall of the choir a coffin plate for krigsråd Jacob Adler (+ 1756); a goldring found in his grave is placed above. In the tower room three worn-out gravestones: 1) a stone for a child 1638, Søren Rasmussen (+ 1637), 2 years. 2) 1633, for herredsfoged Rasmus Rasmusøn Balle (+ ?), and wife Mergret Sørensdatter (+ 16-). 3) 1700s, for Niels Jensen Skriver (+ 17-), and wife Anne Tommisdatter; upon the other side of the stone an earlier worn-out inscription for a man, residing in Sandby, a son of Jep Rasmussen and ? Sørensdatter, and his wife Karen. In the north door of the nave is inserted a gravestone for kancelliråd Niels Hansen (+ 16-), and wife Anna Elisabeth; in the south door of the nave is a stone for a married couple. Upon the church yard a stela for farmer Jørgen Rasmussen (+ 1843).
Upon Sandby mark was according to Pontoppidan's Atlas a manor Eggelund. This information is according to Trap Danmark probably not true.
The church in Haldum and the farm was by bishop Peder Vognsen transferred to Århus chapter.
From disappeared farms are mentioned Ellegården (1683 Ellj gaarden) in Hår; Gledensgård (1573 Gledensgrdt) and Lindgård (1573 Lindgrdt) in Haldum. The stationsbyen (=city with railway station) Hinnerup was earlier often called Hinnerup Broby after the old Hinnerup Brogård by a bridge across Lilleå.
Listed prehistorics: two hills, both in the Frijsenborg forests: the large Melhøj at Hinnerup railway station and a hill in Vesterskoven.
Demolished or destroyed: 22 hills, of which 9 were in a group southeast of Haldum.
At Sandby was examined a burial site with claypot graves from early Roman Iron Age.
Names from the Middle Ages: Haldum (1203 Hallum); Sandby (1432 Sandby); Hår (1499 Hare).
Source: Trap Danmark, Århus amt, 1963.
photo March 2012: grethe bachmann
bottom wall, tower |
Along the dike |
A large four-winged canopy altarpiece from 1599 with newer biblical paintings upon canvas, restored 1895 and 1937, when all inventory was painted. Altar chalice and dish with names and coat of arms of Chr. Friis and Øllegaard Gersdorff. A heavy altar candelabre in pewter, stamped A S H 1711 (?). A magnificent granite font, decorated with double lions with human heads in strong relief, similar to the font in Lyngå church. A baptismal dish ,south German from ab. 1550-75, stamped R S. A pulpit from 1615, with biblical reliefs in the big fields; and bad decorations from 1937. New pews, gallery and chandeliers. A bell without inscription from the 1300s. Upon the north wall of the choir a coffin plate for krigsråd Jacob Adler (+ 1756); a goldring found in his grave is placed above. In the tower room three worn-out gravestones: 1) a stone for a child 1638, Søren Rasmussen (+ 1637), 2 years. 2) 1633, for herredsfoged Rasmus Rasmusøn Balle (+ ?), and wife Mergret Sørensdatter (+ 16-). 3) 1700s, for Niels Jensen Skriver (+ 17-), and wife Anne Tommisdatter; upon the other side of the stone an earlier worn-out inscription for a man, residing in Sandby, a son of Jep Rasmussen and ? Sørensdatter, and his wife Karen. In the north door of the nave is inserted a gravestone for kancelliråd Niels Hansen (+ 16-), and wife Anna Elisabeth; in the south door of the nave is a stone for a married couple. Upon the church yard a stela for farmer Jørgen Rasmussen (+ 1843).
Upon Sandby mark was according to Pontoppidan's Atlas a manor Eggelund. This information is according to Trap Danmark probably not true.
The church in Haldum and the farm was by bishop Peder Vognsen transferred to Århus chapter.
From disappeared farms are mentioned Ellegården (1683 Ellj gaarden) in Hår; Gledensgård (1573 Gledensgrdt) and Lindgård (1573 Lindgrdt) in Haldum. The stationsbyen (=city with railway station) Hinnerup was earlier often called Hinnerup Broby after the old Hinnerup Brogård by a bridge across Lilleå.
Listed prehistorics: two hills, both in the Frijsenborg forests: the large Melhøj at Hinnerup railway station and a hill in Vesterskoven.
Demolished or destroyed: 22 hills, of which 9 were in a group southeast of Haldum.
At Sandby was examined a burial site with claypot graves from early Roman Iron Age.
Names from the Middle Ages: Haldum (1203 Hallum); Sandby (1432 Sandby); Hår (1499 Hare).
Source: Trap Danmark, Århus amt, 1963.
photo March 2012: grethe bachmann
Friday, March 02, 2012
Lading church / Lading kirke, Sabro herred, Århus amt.
foto: stig bachmann nielsen, |
The church is completely changed after a restoration in 1861. It was originally a church with Romanesque choir and nave with a late Romanesque western extension. In the restoration the choir was rebuilt and had a new vault, the longwalls of the nave were enheightened with a bricked cornice, windows were inserted and a high porch and a small narrow tower were built in red bricks. The Romanesque nave and the western extension are built in granite ashlars on a bevel plinth, the western gable of the nave in monk bricks and field stone is visible at the attic. To the north is the rectangular door and an original window kept as glares outside and inside. To the south are traces after two large round arched windows. The south door was destroyed in the built of the porch, and a tympanum from this has disappeared. The original choir arch is in granite ashlars upon a bevel plinth and with profiled kragbånd. A flatcurved door, now bricked-up, in the north wall of the western extension shows that above the western extension was once a tower. In the choir vault copies of the frescoes of the district.
lapidarium |
Altarpiece in Renaissance, with a canopy cornice, from ab. 1600, with three paintings upon canvas. Renaissance-decorated in 1909. Altar chalice, given in 1763 by farmer Johan Georg Wacker and wife, Anna Pedersdatter Hougaard, residing in Skjoldelev, made by Niels Christensen Brasch, Mariager. Renaissance altar candelabres. Romanesque granite font with a smooth basin and a small decoration. Brass baptismal dish 1887, stamped A. Wilson, Århus. A baptismal jar in pewter ab. 1850, not in use. A pulpit in rural late Renaissance, with female hermes upon the corners and with a contemporary sounding board, from 1650. Restored 1898, decorated 1909. Earlier was an entrance through the triumph wall. New pews. A series pastorum from 1925. Chandeliers from 1897; west gallery and organ given in 1898. A bell from 1898 cast by S. Frichs, Århus. The previous bell from 1864 by Stallknecht. In the north wall of the choir a large, worn-out gravestone from ab. 1630. Another 1600s stone with relief of a soap bubble blowing putto, inserted in the east wall of the porch.
Lyngballegård |
Lyngballegård was owned by the chapter in Århus, but in 1584 the Crown exchanged it to Hans Rostrup of Sjelleskovgård, who lived still in 1611. In 1613 it belonged to Laurids Friis (of Vadskærgård)( + 1619), whose widow Bodil Kruse probably sold it to Laurids Ebbesen (Udsen), who 1625 gave Otte Kruse a deed in Ristrup, L. and Perstrup, but who in 1627 pawned Ristrup and L. etc. to Christoffer Gersdorff and in 1632 conveyed both farms to grev Valdemar Christian; he endowed L. to the noble jomfru Alhed Pol (is mentioned in 1637 and 1641), and exchanged in 1646 both farms to the Crown, who in 1650 exchanged them to hofjægermester Caspar Christoffer Gersdorff (+ 1658), who in 1653 sold L. to hr. Oluf Parsberg of Jernit. In 1667 it was inhabited by løjtnant Mourids Ernst von Rønne. It was one of the farms from which Mogens Friis established the grevskabet Frijsenborg in 1672. After the grevskab was abandoned L.was sold in 1923 to løjtnant Troels Ravn, who in 1926 sold it to his brother-in-law J. Bech-Jensen (+ 1952), whose 4 children owned it in 1963.
The farm Hummelure was by Anna Stigsdatter (Stygge ?) conveyed in 1531 to hr. Mogens Gøye.
Skjoldelevgård, from ab. 1875, was in 1946 owned by A. Nielsen.
In Skjoldelev was a church mentioned in 1524, and "Skioldeløsse Sogenn" in Sabro is mentioned in 1531. Shortly after the church was probably demolished and the parish was added to Lading, which together with Sabro and Fårup parish did form a one pastorat, whose priest resided in Skjoldelev vicarage, which was used until 1910. In an excavation was the site of the church in 1926 located southwest of the earlier vicarage and north of the kirkeledshus (church barn). There is nothing to see in the terrain from the demolished church.
At the driving entrance of Lyngballegård stand two and on the road from Sæding to Lading Hede one vildtbanesten with inscription and the year 1756. (vildtbanesten were stones used as border marks in the king's hunt)
There are no listed prehistorics in the parish, but there were two hills, the large Skjoldhøj and a smaller hill, both at Skjoldelev.
Names in the Middle Ages: Lading (1301 Ladhinghmark, 1317 Ladhingh); Fajstrup (1327 Fadistorp, 1426 Faddistorp); Skjoldelev (1386 Skwldeløf, 1485 Skioldhersleff); Hummelure (1453 Hommelum, 1485 Homelwor); Lyngballegård (1323 Lywngbalugh).
Source: Trap Danmark, Århus amt, 1963.
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